Life and Death

As the date for Xuantian Academy to recruit disciples is getting closer, more and more monks are coming to Chaotian City. When there are more people, there will be more things. There are monks fighting almost every day, and the law enforcement team in the city is busy. It’s hard work, and you have to deal with these things every day.

In Chaotian City’s City Lord’s Mansion, several deacons are reporting recent events in Chaotian City to City Lord Ji Wen Shenzun.

“City Lord, I think we can open the platform of life and death now. There are too many monks of various races in the city, and our law enforcement team is simply too busy. Why not let them go to the platform of life and death to resolve their personal grievances.” A deacon said to the city lord Ji Wenshen Zun clasped his fists in salute and offered his own suggestion.

Several other deacons also seconded the proposal at the same time, agreeing to open the stage of life and death, so that they can manage the security issues in the city, anyway, they are not the ones who died.

“Quite.” Ji Wen, the city lord, thought for a while. Now there are tens of millions of monks from all races, gathered in Chaotian City. Although they have brought prosperity to Chaotian City, they have also brought disasters. The cultivator was rebellious and caused troubles. He would fight and destroy many buildings in the city. Although compensation was paid afterwards, hundreds of such incidents happened in a day, which made the law enforcement team very busy. It’s unspeakable, and we can’t kill these foreign monks who are causing trouble, for fear of causing a race war.

After the life and death platform was opened, monks were killed and injured every day. The human monks were smart and avoided these right and wrong places. Other races had enmity with each other. resentment.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know that the city was in chaos now, he was cultivating in the divine aura package, and the aura in this cave was already very strong, and he took out more than half of the middle-grade divine aura that was not used up when he crossed the catastrophe, and sat cross-legged on the futon , The regular kung fu began to work, and a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed by him and refined into divine essence, which improved his cultivation.

Four years passed in a flash, and in the third year, he broke through to the middle stage of cultivating the gods. In the remaining year, he entered the star bead and practiced his nine great magical powers. All the nine great magical powers in the fairy world were transformed. For the supernatural powers of the gods.

Although the great karma technique has not been cultivated to the entry level, all the other eight supernatural powers have been cultivated to the entry level of the gods, which are far more than a hundred times stronger than the fairy world.

One year outside, and ten years have passed inside the star beads. He refined the Thunder Yuanzhu, and his Great Thunder Art has entered the realm of Xiaocheng.If he can’t kill the god-level cultivator, he is finished. After all, he is only in the middle stage of cultivating the god-level, and he is a few big realms behind the god-level.

Although he is confident that he can deal with the cultivators of the Divine Prestige, for his own safety, he should try not to provoke the cultivators of the Divine Prestige. Who knows if these cultivators of the Divine Prestige have any magic weapon that can block his Great Thunder Spell.

He is currently interpreting the cultivation method of the great karma technique. The clear and turbid qi are constantly flowing, including many wonderful human figures, people who cultivate the truth, and countless dense silk threads. They use a wonderful power to connect all kinds of things in series. Every movement of living beings evolves various karma and retribution.

Is there any connection between clear and turbid Qi and the Taiji diagram? Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei took out the Tai Chi Diagram to refer to the Yin-Yang-Yin-Yi Qi, integrated it into the Great Karma Art, and remembered the origin of Dao. They are all a living being, evolving karma and retribution.

It suddenly dawned on him that this was the beginning of the great karma technique, and the rules of the art began to work. The great karma technique reached the entry level, and then progressed to the small completion level. He completely forgot the time in the epiphany, and his cultivation was even more slow. rise.

“Boom…” His cave restriction was touched. Gu Xiangfei woke up with a start, and quickly took out the star beads to open the cave restriction.

“The time for your cave mansion is up, do you want to renew the lease?” The monk at the cave mansion management office saw that his cave mansion lease had expired, and asked him by ringing the restraint.

“Oh! Now that the lease is up, I’m leaving too. I’m giving you this elixir.” Gu Xiangfei’s Great Karma Technique immediately stepped into the realm of Xiaocheng, and in a good mood, he rewarded this cultivator of the God-shaping Realm with one Yu Shen Dan.

“Thank you for the reward, Fellow Daoist.” The cultivator in the Sculpture Realm took the jade bottle and thanked him. After seeing Gu Xiangfei going away, he opened the jade bottle and exclaimed, “Special Nursing God Pill!”

Gu Xiangfei’s current cultivation base has broken through to the late stage of God Cultivation Realm. When he came to the street of Chaotian City, he saw that there were so many monks added here. Although he knew that Xuantian Academy would recruit disciples, there might be many monks, but he didn’t expect that There will be so many, tens of millions more monks than when he first came.

The Xuantian Academy recruits disciples, and the assessment venue is at the Xuantian Academy Square in the Xuantian Divine Realm. It is only half a day away from Chaotian City, and the assessment will take place after two months, so many monks are stranded in Chaotian City.

Gu Xiangfei followed the flow of people to the outside of the city. There were more monks here, and the sky was densely packed with spaceships. Spaceships took off and landed from time to time, and some spaceships collided with each other before they could stop in time.

These monks are all brave and ruthless people, and they bombarded each other with a few words. The surrounding monks opened up the stage, sacrificed their shields, and cheered while booing. The outside of the city was more lively than the inside.

Seeing monks fighting, Gu Xiangfei immediately stayed away from here. He didn’t have the heart to watch these mid-level monks fight, so he hurried to the square of Xuantian Academy. It is probably difficult for these monks to tell the winner, but it was just a waste of his divine energy.

Far away from Chaotian City, the spaceship was sacrificed to go to Xuantian Academy. Many monks were rushing to Xuantian Academy on the way, so the speed naturally couldn’t be increased.

The cultivators participating in the assessment are all between the God-shaping Realm and the Divine Sovereign Realm. If it is too low, Xuantian Academy will not recruit them. They are too lazy to spend a lot of resources to cultivate a genius who has not yet grown up.

It took half a day to get there, but it took a day to get there. There were too many monks on the road. Some monks were not in a hurry, and they drove the spaceship to fly slowly, blocking the path of the monks behind. When the spaceship collided, the two sides They bombarded each other, some monks from other spaceships who liked to watch the excitement, stopped the spaceship to observe the combat experience, some monks didn’t want to be implicated, bypassed the fighting scene, and continued to go to Xuantian Academy.

The square of Xuantian College covers an area of ​​thousands of miles. There are already tens of millions of monks gathered in the square. Some monks came to watch the excitement, some monks accompanied their friends to participate in the assessment, and some monks came here as sect disciples. Participate in the assessment.

A square city has spontaneously formed in the square, no monks dare to fight here, even if two monks have a dispute, they will be killed by the law enforcement team on the square of Xuantian Academy, regardless of injustice, that’s how Xuantian Academy is. Domineering, after the monks of other races entered the square, they were more cute than kittens. Even if there were many monks colliding with each other, they didn’t dare to argue. They just glared and left quickly.

Gu Xiangfei found an open space, sacrificed his cave, and set up a protective formation. This place is his, and he is going to put it away after the assessment. Soon other monks sacrificed around his cave to occupy it.

After setting up the cave, he came to Fangshi and started to look around. The monks here placed a variety of items, such as various god fruits, god grass, ores of different attributes, and jade slips of various exercises.

Walking down the stalls one by one, the monks who set up the stalls are not only monks of the race, but also monks of other races. They take out the materials of their respective races and exchange them for pills, talismans, and artifacts. Almost all of their stalls are surrounded by many monks of the race. Pick and choose at the booth to find the materials you need.

Gu Xiangfei strolled to a booth, suddenly his eyes lit up, and his heart became excited. A book was written in characters on the earth, and it was placed in a corner of the booth. There were three large characters on the book, life and death!

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