First place in the Dao assessment

The second assessment ended two hours later. Some of the god formation masters who participated in the assessment had just cracked the sixth-level defensive formation, and some had cracked the seventh-level defensive formation. When the time came, they were not allowed to continue to crack Formation method, I had to put the jade slip on the transmission array plate and send it to the formation method appraisal office.

After half a stick of incense, the formation screen began to display the assessment scores.

No. 524, cracked the fifth-level formation, scored 50 points, and was eliminated.

No. 126, cracked the fifth-level formation, scored 50 points, and was eliminated.

No. 434, cracked the fifth-level formation, scored 50 points, and was eliminated.


The eliminated magic array masters left the platform with unwavering expressions. Among the magic array masters with less than a hundred people, half of them were directly eliminated in the second assessment.

No. 34, cracked the fifth and sixth level formations, scored 60 points, and advanced.

No. 685, cracked the fifth, sixth, and seventh-level semi-array, scored 65 points, and advanced.

On the 12th, cracked the fifth, sixth, and seventh-level formations, scored 70 points, and advanced.

On the 69th, it took one stick of incense time to crack the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth-level formations, and scored 100 points to advance.

“Coax…” The monks below the square were in an uproar again, “Who is this No. 69? One stick of incense cracks four defensive formations in a short time, and the highest is the eighth-level defensive formation. If it attacks any sect, I will You can find a way to break the formation without thinking about half a stick of incense, the magic formation master is indeed powerful.”

These monks talked about it one after another. When some monks said to break the formation, many monks immediately felt that they were not safe in the sect.

“Quiet! The third assessment will be conducted next. Emperor Kanli Divine Formation is requested to arrange a six-level defensive formation. The divine formation masters participating in the assessment will open this defensive formation. The one with the shortest time will win.” Emperor Tiansen Divine Formation stopped shouting, The monks below were immediately speechless, listening to Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen announce the start of the third assessment.

Emperor Kanli took out the formation flag and arranged a six-level defensive formation in just a few breaths, and then the remaining thirty or so divine formation masters began to crack the formation according to the order of scoring from low to high.

No. 34, a sixth-level magician, was the first to crack this sixth-level defensive formation. It took an hour for the formation to shatter.

No. 685 was the second one to crack the six-level defensive formation. It also took an hour before the formation was broken.

Then there are several other magic formation masters, taking turns to go into battle, one is faster than the other, monk No. 12 is the penultimate one, this is a monk who is infinitely close to the seventh-level magic formation king, and it took a stick of incense time Break through this defensive formation.

In the end, there was only one magician left. Only then did the monks in the square know that Gu Xiangfei was the number 69 magician, and they all started cheering loudly, “No. 69, number 69…”

Gu Xiangfei walked outside the sixth-level defensive formation, raised his hand and slapped it, the sixth-level defensive formation, wow! It shattered.

“Coax…” The monks in the square cheered frantically. This No. 69 Divine Formation Master is definitely the Divine Formation King. It is estimated that the formation method will not take half a stick of incense.

Emperor Kanli saw that Gu Xiangfei slapped the formation he had set up with a slap, and instead of being angry, he became even happier. He needs such a king of the formation now to jointly crack the formation in the secret realm.

“Okay!” Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen couldn’t help shouting “Hello.”

“Now I announce the results of the third assessment. No. 69 won the first place, and No. 12 won the second place…” Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen announced the result of the formation assessment, and personally awarded Gu Xiangfei the Xuantian Academy assessment. Pass Jade.

“Next, the talisman test will be conducted. The monks who participate in the test are invited to enter the arena with the registration jade card. “Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen announced the start of the Talisman Dao assessment.

Soon the monks who participated in the Dao of Talisman assessment came to the platform. Gu Xiangfei took a look at the monks who participated in the assessment of Dao of Talisman. There were hundreds of monks who participated in the assessment of Dao of Talisman.

“Fellow Daoist, please take a step to talk.” Emperor Kanli came to Gu Xiangfei and invited him to talk behind the platform.

Gu Xiangfei sensed his aura. This is a divine emperor who invited him to talk about something. He immediately felt overwhelmed and quickly followed Emperor Kanli to the back of the platform.

“What instructions does God Emperor have?” Gu Xiangfei came to the back of the platform and saluted with fists clasped.

“My title is Kanli, you and I are equals. I feel that your formation is not inferior to mine, and even stronger than mine.” Kanli God Formation Emperor did not have a trace of arrogance, and returned the salute to Gu Xiangfei very humbly.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei. How can my level of formation be compared with that of the God Emperor? You really flatter me.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t dare to argue with a God Emperor who was several realms older than him. When meeting him once, it’s better for him to remain humble.

“Hmm! What I said is true. No matter how humble you are, I won’t be happy. When I make friends, I don’t look at cultivation, I only look at the way of formation. As long as the way of formation is stronger than mine, I never look at the way of cultivation.” Kan Lishen Emperor Zhen’s face darkened, deliberately showing an unhappy expression, he spoke very straightforwardly, and it was obvious that I just fell in love with your formation, and other cultivation bases are not important.

“Okay, I’ll call you Brother Kanli, and you can call me whatever you want.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He had a God King Qihe as his friend, and now he had another God Emperor as a friend. Sky Academy can walk sideways.

“Haha…Okay! I’ll call you Brother Gu, I think your formation level is already that of the God Formation Emperor! In the late stage of the God-Cultivating Realm, you have actually cultivated the formation way to the God Formation Emperor, which is not the same as your cultivation level. There are some inconsistencies.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen spoke very directly, saying what he had.

“My cultivation base is low, and I can only rely on formations when facing the enemy, so I have been working hard to improve my formation, but my cultivation has fallen.” Gu Xiangfei has only been in the God Realm for a long time. If other monks know, he It’s been less than a thousand years since entering the God Realm, but he has cultivated to the God Cultivation Realm, and he has been promoted to the Emperor of the God Array, and he will definitely be called a monster.

“So that’s the case, but now that you have passed the assessment, your cultivation level will be improved soon. I can guarantee this. After this assessment is over, you will join the formation branch of Xuantian Academy. Now the academy lacks the magic formation.” Emperor.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen was very optimistic about Gu Xiangfei’s formation, and immediately asked him to join the formation branch of Xuantian Academy.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard the words. He had just joined Xuantian Academy, and was recruited to the Zhendao branch by Emperor Kanli Shenzhen. He was very lucky.

“Okay, I’ll ask Brother Kanli to take care of you in the future.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted, thanking Emperor Kanli.

“You’re welcome. In the past, I was the only one in Xuantian Academy’s Zhendao Branch. Later, Tiansen was promoted to Shenzhen Emperor, and I was a little more relaxed. Now that Brother Gu has joined us, our Zhendao Branch has become even more powerful. The rise of Xuantian Academy.” Emperor Kanli was overjoyed when he saw that Gu Xiangfei agreed to join the branch of the formation.

Ever since the loss of three Divine Formation Emperors in the secret realm, the Formation Dao Branch has been unable to afford it, and its status in Xuantian Academy has fallen rapidly, even inferior to the Qi Dao Branch. Emperor Kanli had no choice but to accept fact.

Every time Xuantian Academy recruits disciples, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen will follow to see if there are any monks who are talented in the Dao of Formation, and he returns disappointed every time.

This time Xuantian Academy was recruiting disciples, and Emperor Kanli followed him to the recruitment site again. He had a deep feeling that this time there would be a group of genius monks appearing.

So after the formation test began, he observed the monks participating in the formation test, and he found out that Gu Xiangfei was different. He used ore with a big head to refine nine formation flags, and he also refined the nine-nine-eight Eleven formation flags are exactly the same as the number in the rules of heaven and earth. He was overjoyed in his heart, and later found that Gu Xiangfei’s formation method was inferior to him in many places, so he immediately decided to let him join the formation formation branch.

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