Joining the Formation Branch

Gu Xiangfei didn’t see it in the assessment of talisman Tao. He had studied talisman Tao, but he felt that he didn’t have the talent for talisman Tao, so he gave up the deduction of talisman Tao.

After he and Emperor Kanli came to the platform, the talisman assessment was over, and a monk with number 250 won the first place. His talisman can refine seventh-level talismans, and his cultivation is only in the realm of the gods. , is also a Taoist talisman genius monk.

After seeing the end of the four assessments, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen stood up and announced, “Xuantian Academy has finished recruiting disciples this time, and the next recruitment will be held in a hundred years. I hope that the monks who failed the assessment this time will continue to work hard and strive for Pass the next test.”

Some of the monks on the square cheered, some were depressed, some cheered for their friends to join Xuantian Academy, and some regretted that their friends failed the examination. These monks left the Xuantian Academy square one after another.

After seeing Gu Xiangfei, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen was also overjoyed in his heart. He could recruit a genius like Gu Xiangfei in this assessment. He knew that the branch of Zhendao was about to rise.

After the monks who passed the assessment bid farewell to their friends or sects, they entered the academy with the God Formation Emperors of Xuantian Academy.

There is a tall archway at the gate of Xuantian Academy, and there are four ethereal characters written on it, “Xuantian Academy.” There are eight guarding disciples at the door, all of whom are monks in the realm of the gods.It can be seen that Xuantian Academy is powerful.

Entering Xuantian Academy, there is another big square. The ground is entirely paved with clean stones. This kind of stone can absorb dust and sand automatically.

There are nine forked roads in the square, leading to nine different places. A dozen god formation emperors arrived at the fork and bid farewell to each other, and left separately with the disciples who had passed the examination.

Gu Xiangfei followed Emperor Kanli, and there were three monks who passed the assessment with him. Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen went to the main hall of the college along the middle road, and handed over the list of monks for this assessment.

Emperor Kanli raised his hand to sacrifice the spaceship with a wave, beckoned them to board the spaceship, and galloped to the front.

Standing on the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei was also secretly surprised when he saw the area occupied by Xuantian Academy. It was more than a hundred times larger than the Holy Sword Sect, and the divine aura inside was even more intense.

After the spaceship galloped for a stick of incense, it landed on a large mountain peak. The peak was cut off and a hall was built, surrounded by countless caves. There was a square outside the hall. There were about tens of thousands of monks, dressed in There are mostly cyan costumes, occasionally some monks wearing gray costumes, and some monks wearing black costumes, mixed in.

Emperor Kanli put away the flying boat and brought them into the main hall. Seeing that Emperor Kanli was wearing purple clothes, these monks hurried out of the way to let them pass, and looked at Emperor Kanli With reverence.

There is a huge array screen in the main hall, on which various mission information is published. Countless monks are checking the mission information. There are many monks queuing up to receive the mission at the mission window.

Emperor Kanli came directly to the east side of the main hall. There was a window here, and only a few monks were handling something. In the entire task hall, only this place was very clean, in stark contrast to the noisy and lively task window.

“Old bald donkey, you have found a good job, which makes my brother envious!” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen came to this window, and Gu Xiangfei’s jaw almost dropped when he opened his mouth.

“Old miscellaneous hair, how many disciples have you recruited today? It seems that you are in a good mood. It must be very rewarding for you to come to me in person, otherwise you will not come to me if you have nothing to do.” There is a bald old man in the window, There are also a few monks who look like deacons, handling the old and new affairs for other monks.

“Haha…” The bald old man talked about Emperor Kanli’s Divine Formation, and he laughed heartily.

“It seems that there are good disciples in this assessment. Otherwise, you old bastard, you wouldn’t be so happy. Don’t forget my brother if you get benefits in the future.” The bald old man insulted him again.

“That’s right, this time our Zhendao branch should shine. You wait to congratulate me! Haha…” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen was not humble at all, it seemed that he was really happy this time.

“Okay, tell them their names, and register them! There must be other people coming over in a while, I’m so busy every day, alas…” The bald old man was obviously sitting on a chair drinking tea, and no one looked at him. Seeing what he was busy with, he sighed after finishing speaking.

“Old bald donkey, are you trying to anger me on purpose? You wait for me.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen was made very uncomfortable by the bald old man’s words, so he had no choice but to threaten him.

“Name, which God Realm are you from? Which sect is the sect?” Soon a deacon came to the window and asked them about the origins of these newly joined disciples.

“Mo Wuyi, from the Valley of Ten Thousand Spears in the Western Divine Realm, rank six.” The monk who passed the assessment with Gu Xiangfei reported his background.

“Heng Tianyu, from Tai’an City, the Eastern God Realm, Heng’s family, rank six.”

“Lin Ren, from the Lonely Palace of the Zhongtian God Realm, has a level six array.”

“Gu Xiangfei, from the Dry God Realm of the Southern God Realm, casual cultivator, rank nine in the Dao of Formation.”

“Loose cultivator? Level nine?” The bald old man jumped off the chair, and the aura came out from his body. He was a god emperor again, but he was too short, so he could only jump off the chair .

“Haha…how is it, old bald donkey? We have another Shenzhen emperor in our Zhendao branch.” Seeing the surprised expression of the bald old man, Kanli Shenzhen burst into laughter again. He was also overjoyed. Originally, he It is estimated that Gu Xiangfei is the Emperor of the Divine Array, and now that Gu Xiangfei personally reported that he is the Emperor of the ninth-level Divine Array, he secretly thought that his guess was indeed correct.

The other monks who had just joined the Array Dao branch were also taken aback. They thought that Gu Xiangfei was at best an eighth-level god formation king, but they didn’t expect to be a ninth-level god formation emperor.

I definitely don’t dare to talk about my level here. Once my level is different from the level I reported, I will definitely be killed by the academy.

“Okay, okay, okay! Old Miscellaneous Mao has satisfied you this time.” The bald old man was also happy for his old friend when he heard what Emperor Kanli said. Although the two talked nonsense, the hundreds of thousands of years Friendship can be regarded as knowing oneself and the enemy, and of course one knows how Emperor Kanli Shenzhen lived in Xuantian Academy.

According to their formation level, the management hall of Xuantian Academy registered their respective information and gave each of them a ring.

After Gu Xiangfei scanned with his spiritual sense, he saw that there were two sets of purple clothes in the ring, an identity jade badge, a hundred thousand top-grade divine stones, and a jade slip of the map of Xuantian Academy. He was overjoyed. His disciples actually gave one hundred thousand high-grade divine stones. It seems that joining Xuantian Academy is really the wisest choice.

Emperor Kanli said a few more words to the bald old man, and left the mission hall with a smile on his face.

“This is our array branch.You can find an empty cave at will, and use it as your future cave, Brother Gu, come with me. “After Kanli Shenzhen Emperor sent Mo Wuyi and the others away, he brought Gu Xiangfei to the Dao Dao Hall.

After the two sat down, Emperor Kanli took out the divine tea and poured Gu Xiangfei a cup of divine tea. The divine tea exuded an ethereal aura, and he felt like he was purifying his sea of ​​consciousness after taking a sip.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but took a sip of the spirit tea, feeling that the Sea of ​​Consciousness and the Zifu had been purified by ethereal aura, and some of the mottled aura had been purified, he couldn’t help but praise, “Good tea, this is the best spirit tea I’ve ever had .”

“Haha…” Emperor Kanli saw Gu Xiangfei praising his god tea, laughed happily, and said, “I don’t have much of this kind of god tea made from pure lotus leaves, so I will give this box away Here you go.”

When Gu Xiangfei saw a fist-sized jade box taken out by Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, he knew how precious the god tea made from Jinglian Kongye was. Not even a god emperor had much, which showed its rarity.

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