Open up the world

“Thank you, brother Kanli, I have the audacity to accept it, but can’t this pure lotus leaf be cultivated? If it can be cultivated in large quantities, this god tea will not be so rare.” Gu Xiangfei happily accepted the jade box, this time Drinking tea is much better than taking elixir, there is no erysipelas in drinking tea.

“It seems that Brother Gu doesn’t know much about Jingliankongye. Jingliankongye is a kind of plant that grows in the void. It cannot survive after leaving the void. Only void plants can purify the sea of ​​consciousness and soul.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen He didn’t mock Gu Xiangfei because he didn’t understand, but just introduced him the origin of Jinglian Kongye in detail.

Gu Xiangfei always blushed, feeling a little inferior because of his ignorance, and talked nonsense if he didn’t understand. Fortunately, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen didn’t laugh at him, otherwise where would he put his face!

“In our Zhendao branch, there are only two ninth-level divine formation emperors, Tiansen and I, and now you have three ninth-level divine formation emperors after you join the Zhendao branch. I guess we will come to the mission soon, Hope Valley My brother can show his skills and make great contributions to our Zhendao branch, which will impress other branches of the academy.” Emperor Kanli changed the subject and talked about the Zhendao branch with a serious expression.

“I don’t know what tasks our Zhendao branch is responsible for?” Gu Xiangfei has just joined the Zhendao branch, and he doesn’t know anything about the situation here. He wants to find out what the Zhendao branch is for. Emperor Kanli Shenzhen is the best introduction teacher.

“There are many secret realms under the jurisdiction of Xuantian Academy. Our formation branch is responsible for opening the defensive formations of these secret realms. The secret realms have their own spatial rules. Some secret realms are suitable for cultivators below the god-shaping realm to enter, and some secret realms are suitable for nurturing monks in the god realm. Once you enter, once you exceed this limit, the secret realm may collapse, and monks who enter the secret realm will be torn apart by the space.” Having said this, Emperor Kanli took a sip of tea from his teacup and continued.

“Our array branch is responsible for opening the formation of this secret realm, and the monks who know what kind of cultivation level is suitable for this secret realm enter, and then report the cultivation base suitable for entering the secret realm to the main courtyard, and then the general courtyard will arrange according to our report. The monks in the secret realm enter the secret realm to find resources.”

After listening to Emperor Kanli’s introduction, Gu Xiangfei realized that the Zhendao Branch was responsible for this task. From this, it can be seen that the Zhendao Branch plays a pivotal role in Xuantian College. He heard Qihe Shenwang said that the Zhendao Branch In a secret realm, the loss of several divine formation emperors was a great blow to Xuantian Academy.

“Brother Kanli, please don’t worry, I will do my best when I have a task, and strive to make meritorious service for our branch of the formation.” Gu Xiangfei stood up very solemnly and clasped his fists to Emperor Kanli, expressing his promise.

“Okay, we have another advantage. After opening the secret realm, the formation mages of our Dao branch can stay in the secret realm for three days as compensation for our branch.” After Emperor Kanli said the news , Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, there are many good things in the secret realm, especially this kind of secret realm that no one has ever entered, there must be a lot of rare items, this is simply great news for him.

“That’s great. It seems that the main hospital didn’t treat our Zhendao branch badly.” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help feeling relieved about the conditions of the main hospital, which obviously wanted to give benefits to the Zhendao branch.

“In the future, the more secret realms our Array Dao branch opens, the more benefits will naturally come. This jade card is for you. This is the fallen God Array Emperor’s Cave Mansion, which is just right for you to practice there, and strive to break through to the God King Realm as soon as possible.” Emperor Kanli smiled and took out a jade plaque and handed it to him, encouraging him again.

Gu Xiangfei thanked Emperor Kanli, left the branch hall, and found the cave according to the location on the jade plaque.

There is a small courtyard outside this cave, surrounded by defensive formations. There are several god-gathering trees in the small courtyard. Gather more.

Opening the gate of the cave, a powerful divine spirit gushed out from inside, almost choking him, such a strong divine spirit.

There are four rooms in the cave, one bedroom has nothing but a stone bed, one practice room has a futon, one animal pet room is empty, and one alchemy refining room has several rows of refining storage rooms. There are some medium and high-grade ores on the shelf, which may be used to refine the formation flag.

After the death of the Emperor of the Divine Formation, his cave was left unused, and only the Emperor of the Divine Formation could enter such a cave.

His current cultivation base is in the late stage of the cultivation of the gods, and the spirit here is so strong that it is unbelievable. If he does not practice, how can he live in this cave.

Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag, firstA nine-level defensive formation was arranged around the cave, and then they entered the cave to practice.

When the regular exercises started to work, a large amount of spiritual energy gathered, quickly enveloping him in it, forming a vortex of spiritual energy around him, which was continuously absorbed by him and refined into divine essence, increasing his cultivation base , and soon came to the peak of the late stage of the God-Cultivating Realm, and then reached the Great Perfection of the God-Cultivating Realm.

Gu Xiangfei practiced for another two months, and the divine essence in his body was being compressed and purified. Finally, one day, the divine essence could no longer be suppressed, so he left the cave to go outside to cross the catastrophe.

There is a special place in Xuantian Academy to cross the tribulation. In a corner of the college, there is a wilderness.

Gu Xiangfei checked the college’s map and jade slips, and knew that he was going to pass the tribulation here. When he came, there were no monks passing the tribulation.

He took out half of the middle-grade divine veins, sat cross-legged on it, and performed regular exercises. After a few breaths, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and thunder rumbled, quickly gathering above his head.

Thousands of miles away from the location of crossing the catastrophe, there are a few disciples of the academy who are driving the spaceship and galloping here. Suddenly, a disciple shouted, “Stop quickly, there are other disciples crossing the catastrophe, so we can’t go any further. Be careful not to be caught. Let the thunder lock lock, we are all finished.”

The disciples who were driving the spaceship stopped the spaceship immediately, even if they stopped the spaceship urgently, they were still only a thousand miles away from the crossing point, just outside the area of ​​thunder calamity, these disciples turned pale with fright, and exclaimed in unison, “It’s so dangerous! If there are a few more breaths that happen to enter the Thunder Tribulation area, they will definitely be locked by the Thunder Tribulation.”

“Boom!” Nine washbasin-thick black thunder arcs fell and hit Gu Xiangfei. This time he did not hit the barriers of the acupoints, but used the thunder to forge his body. There was a crackling sound in his body, and the thunder arc The breath continued to rage in his body, tempering his skeletal muscle meridians.

“My God! This disciple didn’t use a divine tool to resist the thunder tribulation, but used his body to resist the thunder tribulation arc. This is a body-refining cultivator. Judging by his thunder arc, he is probably a cultivator at the level of a god king.” A disciple on the spaceship was shocked. With a cry, the other disciples were also shocked.

“Forging the body with such a thick lightning tribulation arc, I think these body forging monks are desperate. I can’t do this kind of thing.” Another disciple stood on the spaceship and saw this scene, and sighed deeply. .

“Boom!” The second wave of thunder came down again as thick as nine washbasins.

“Crack! Crack!” There was a sound, and Gu Xiangfei absorbed all of the nine washbasin-thick lightning arcs. His Qianyuan Body Training Art suddenly broke through to the fifth level of the divine realm, and the bones, muscles, and meridians were reorganized. The breath emanates, and the physical body comes to another intensity.

“Boom!” The third wave of thunder came down and hit him, leaving a trace of red mark, but it disappeared after a few breaths, and his body returned to its original appearance.

Several gaps were broken through the gap in his Divine Sovereign Realm, and above the dantian in his body, a fuzzy world the size of a house appeared. He knew that this world was being formed now, and it was the world symbol of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

“Boom!” The fourth wave of lightning tribulation arc fell, and came from the body, “Crack!” With a soft sound, the gap between the gods and kings was broken, and a powerful breath emanated from his body. The originally blurred world, It suddenly became clear, and the world was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One mile, five mile, ten mile, hundred mile, thousand mile, until ten thousand miles before stopping.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He heard from the Divine King Qihe that the world opened up by monks in the Divine Sovereign Realm was only a hundred miles in the early stage, thousands of miles in the middle stage, and three thousand miles in the later stage.

God King Qihe’s world is only about ten thousand miles away, and he is already at the peak of the god king. Now his world is comparable to the area of ​​the peak of the god king, which shows how powerful his regular exercises are.

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