Breaking the formation for the first time

“Boom!” The fifth wave of Thunder Tribulation Arc fell. Gu Xiangfei absorbed the breath of Thunder Tribulation Arc and stabilized his world. To stabilize his world, he took out a Boundary Consolidation Pill and swallowed it.

The originally somewhat unstable world, as the medicinal power of the elixir melted, quickly stabilized, and his cultivation realm also quickly stabilized. Half of the middle-grade divine spirit veins were absorbed and refined by him like rain and fog. Shenyuan.

The Divine Sovereign Realm is six or nine thunder calamities. After six waves of thunder calamity, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and a colorful spiritual cloud fell. The rich and pure divine aura made Gu Xiangfei feel as comfortable as a wild animal, leaving a trace of these colorful spiritual clouds. Absorb and refine all of them into divine essence, increasing one’s own cultivation base.

With a wave of his hand, he put away more than half of the used divine veins. It is estimated that the divine veins will be used up next time he crosses the catastrophe.

Played a clear water formula, washed the body once, took out the purple clothes of the Zhendao Branch and changed into them, raised his hand and shot a fireball, turning the old clothes into ashes.

On the spaceship in the distance, several disciples saw this scene and exclaimed, “So it’s the Emperor of the Divine Formation, no wonder he’s so powerful.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know these disciples, and he didn’t have the intention to get to know them. The rules of escapism unfolded and disappeared in a flash, which surprised the disciples again, “What a powerful escapism!”

Back in his own cave, Gu Xiangfei refined those ores into array flags and array disks, then sorted out his belongings, and then checked the newly created world.

This world belongs to just origin, there is nothing in it, and there are bare flats everywhere. Thinking of the rules and exercises I practiced, and injecting all the rules of assimilation into my world, this world is immediately full of rules of various attributes. .

He raised his hand and grabbed a high-grade spirit vein, put it in his world, and moved some spirit grass into the worldface, and then check the status of these god grasses.

This world belongs to my own origin world. Once I fall, this world will disappear, until one day there is no supply of divine energy, this world will collapse, and everything in it will be turned into nothingness.

The spirit grass is growing well here, and he began to transplant the spirit fruit trees again, and continued to observe. His idea was to transplant all the Dao fruit trees in the star beads into his own world, but there are too few spirit veins now, and there will be more spirit veins in the future , I will definitely transplant all these rare Dao fruit trees, even if I fall in the future, I can’t make others cheaper.

After five days of busy work, his communication beads turned on, and Emperor Kanli Shenzhen sent him a message to come to the main hall of the Zhendao branch to discuss important matters.

When Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall, he saw that there were already more than a dozen monks in the main hall, including the Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen, and the three newly recruited disciples were standing on both sides of the main hall.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming in wearing purple clothes, Kanli Shenzhen Emperor scanned his consciousness and found that he had already advanced to the Shenjun Realm. Breakthrough to the realm of the gods.

“Everyone is here, let’s go.” Kanli Divine Formation Emperor walked out of the main hall first after sweeping through the crowd, and everyone followed to the outside of the main hall. and go.

Arriving at the gate square, land the spaceship, and walk out of the gate of the college from the square. The college has regulations that no spaceship can enter or leave the gate of the college, and can only walk through the gate.

Going out of the gate of the academy, Emperor Kanli took out the spaceship and galloped towards the south.

The secret place I went to this time is about 2.2 million miles away from Xuantian Academy. Kanli’s spaceship is a top-grade artifact, and it took almost a day and a half to get there.

The Emperor Kanli put away the spaceship, and there were already several god emperors waiting for their arrival. Seeing the Emperor Kanli hurriedly gave a monk ceremony, one of the brown-haired old men said, “Fellow Daoist Kanli is here, we Then you can wait to enter the secret realm with peace of mind.”

“Don’t worry! After we open the secret realm, everyone will benefit. Please lead the way.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen greeted them and laughed.

The god emperors were not polite, and immediately turned around and flew forward. In less than half a stick of incense, they came to a secret boundary. Outside this secret boundary was a natural formation. I don’t know how they discovered it.

Emperor Kanli saw all the magic formation masters from the formation branch coming over, and said, “Brother Gu, go and see this big formation, can you open it?”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that Emperor Kanli would be the first to call him out, and then he understood what he meant. It was to let himself break through the formation and block other people’s mouths. Some people must have doubts about his level of formation. , What did you say to Emperor Kanli Shenzhen.

Several other god emperors saw that Gu Xiangfei, a cultivator in the realm of gods, was wearing purple clothes. Is this the clothes of a god emperor? Could this be another God Formation Emperor? Although they were all a little surprised, no one said a word. These people are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Naturally, they know that some things can be said casually, and some things cannot be said.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Xiangfei immediately came to the large natural formation outside the secret realm, opened his false eye, and quickly found the node of this natural formation, his false eye passed through the large formation and saw that there was nothing good in this secret realm. There are no super god fruit trees, and I can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

It turns out that not every secret realm has good things. After checking the secret realm, I found that there is really nothing worth entering in the secret realm. Gu Xiangfei took out the array flag and drove it into the ground, but after a few breaths, click! There was a gap in this large natural formation, and then several formation flags fell down, the opening of this large natural formation became bigger and bigger, and soon reached a hundred feet wide.

“Okay!” Emperor Kanli couldn’t help shouting “Hello” when he saw that Gu Xiangfei broke through the natural formation in less than half a stick of incense.

The other divine formation masters and divine emperors were also taken aback. They estimated that it would take a few days to open this natural formation. They didn’t expect that the divine formation emperor would open a 100-foot-wide opening in less than half a stick of incense. The entrance is still solid.

Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen looked at Gu Xiangfei in surprise, and thought in his heart, evildoer! What a monstrosity, he also used his spiritual sense to check this natural formation just now, but he hasn’t found the node of this large formation, they have already broken through this large formation.

The three newly recruited disciples were a little dissatisfied with Gu Xiangfei at first, but now they are all convinced. They didn’t even see what kind of big formation this big formation is. They have already broken through this big formation. This person is really a genius , How can they compare with him.

According to the usual practice, the Divine Formation Master should first enter the secret realm for three days, and then they send their disciples to enter.

“Brother Kanli, I’ve already checked this secret realm. It’s a poor place. There isn’t even a seventh-level god fruit tree. We don’t need to go in.” Gu Xiangfei sent him a voice transmission and explained the situation in the secret realm.

Emperor Kanli was taken aback for a moment, and then said to the god emperors calmly, “We won’t go in this time, you can send your disciples in directly! Monks below the cultivation level can enter.”

The god emperors were overjoyed, and they quickly cupped their hands to thank them, and then sent out a message. Soon one after another, large spaceships galloped over, and tens of thousands of disciples in blue costumes swarmed into the secret realm.

Emperor Kanli was shocked again. It seemed that these god emperors didn’t feel that Gu Xiangfei was transmitting the sound to him. Judging from their expressions, they didn’t seem to feel any spatial fluctuations. This Gu XiangfeiGu Xiangfei’s sound transmission was able to avoid the God Emperor, and even the Tiansen God Formation Emperor next to him didn’t feel any space fluctuations. This Gu Xiangfei’s understanding of space is simply too deep.

After seeing these disciples enter the secret realm, Emperor Kanli said goodbye to several god emperors, and left the secret realm with the divine formation masters from the Zhendao branch.

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