Rescue the Bald Old Man

After Kanli Shenzhen Emperor returned to the Zhendao branch, Tiansen Shenzhen Emperor followed him, and the two came to a quiet room.

“Now that there is Gu Xiangfei, the God Formation Emperor, shall we take him to that secret realm to see if we can open it?” After Tiansen God Formation Emperor sat down, he mentioned the matter of the secret realm.

“I also have the same idea, but this time to do all the preparations, we must first bring the God Alchemy Emperor, and then bring the King of Medicine, otherwise, if there is a casualty, we will have no way to treat it. Like that time, we missed three times in vain. The life of the God Formation Emperor.” Kanli God Formation Emperor also wanted to open the secret realm that cost them a lot, but he thought more about it.

“Okay, since you also have the same intention, I will go to the Emperor Shenzhen, and you will go to the King of Medicine. We will work together. As long as they agree, we will apply to the academy.” Emperor Shenzhen’s excited secret realm shows that either there is a big secret in this secret realm, or there is an unforgettable memory in this secret realm.

Gu Xiangfei went back to his cave and continued to practice. The divine aura here is extremely rich and cannot be wasted. The massive amount of divine aura enveloped him like rain and fog. He absorbed and refined it into a divine essence, and his cultivation base continued to accumulate and rise, and each acupoint was filled with divine essence and washed away.

Emperor Kanli came to the mission hall and found the bald old man, and said directly, “Old bald donkey, I’m here to ask you for help this time, and I’ll go with me to the poisonous secret place to the west.”

“What? Going to that secret place again? Are you ready?” The bald old man was startled, and jumped off the chair again.

“We just came back from a secret realm. I think we will definitely be able to open that secret realm this time. We just need your medical skills. If there is any poisonous thing that hurts someone, please treat it in time.” Emperor Kanli looked at it with confidence. Looking at the bald old man, it seemed that the secret realm had been opened.

“You’re full of confidence just after breaking through a secret realm? I advise you not to go, it’s not that I don’t want to help, I’m really worried that it will be too late to treat you, and it won’t be worthwhile to cause huge losses to your Zhendao branch.” The bald old man said In the eyes of Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, he thought he was a little arrogant.

“Let me tell you the truth! The secret realm we just broke through took only half a stick of incense. Do you think I have the confidence?” Emperor Kanli said arrogantly.

“The time for half a stick of incense? Are you kidding me? Then this secret realm is too simple!” the bald old man asked in disbelief.

“I know you don’t believe it, but the newly recruited Divine Formation Emperor of our Formation Dao branch did break through the secret realm with only half a stick of incense, so I have confidence that this brother Gu is my confidence.” Kan Emperor Lishenzhen proudly told the bald old man the news.

On the other side, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen told a white-haired God Alchemy about his intentions for coming.

“I can go, but after opening the secret realm, let the disciples of our alchemy branch enter the secret realm with the disciples of your formation branch, and let your formation take away all the benefits!” the white-haired alchemy emperor revealed With a harmless smile on his face, he proposed a condition.

“I knew you, a miser, would raise conditions. I agree, let’s go!” Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen nodded helplessly, who made Dan Dao his own shortcoming.

After two days of practice, Gu Xiangfei was awakened by the vibration of the communication beads again, and saw that it was Emperor Kanli who sent him a message to meet him in the main hall.

When I came outside the main hall, I saw that there were already four people here. He had seen the bald old man, the other two were Kanli God Formation Emperor and Tiansen God Formation Emperor, and the other white-haired old man had seen it when he was assessing alchemy. Standing next to a dozen god emperors, this is also a god emperor, and Gu Xiangfei has assimilated his regular aura.

“Brother Gu is here, let’s go!” Emperor Kanli saw Gu Xiang flying over and didn’t say much. He immediately sacrificed his spaceship and headed for the gate of the academy.

After leaving the gate of the academy, they boarded the spaceship again. The four of them were acquaintances, chatting while piloting the spaceship. Gu Xiangfei had nothing to do, and began to assimilate the regular aura of the bald old man. The regular aura of the bald old man was quickly assimilated by him.

After he assimilated the aura of the bald old man, he felt that he was suppressed by a powerful aura, which made his stature shorter and shorter. The bald old man’s spirit had been fighting against that aura, and it was obvious that his spirit was fighting However, that huge aura is gradually being invaded by that huge aura. It is estimated that in another thousand years, it will be suppressed into a ball by that huge aura.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei suddenly came up with an idea, assimilating the huge aura in the bald old man’s body, how powerful it must be to suppress the aura of the god emperor.

When the regular kungfu started to work, he first drew out a huge breath to assimilate. After this breath entered his body, it directly wreaked havoc in his body, and the meridians were continuously torn apart, scaring him to swallow a few panlin pills in a hurry. , and even more crazy operation rules to forcibly assimilate that breath.

The bald-headed old man suddenly felt his whole body relax after being drawn out by him. He immediately sat cross-legged on the spaceship, operated his own skills, and fought against the huge aura.

Kanli Shenzhen Emperor and Tiansen ShenBoth the Emperor Zhen and the Alchemy Emperor knew about his situation, and immediately stood around him without saying a word, protecting him in case of accidents. No one paid attention to Gu Xiangfei’s movements.

After Gu Xiangfei forcibly assimilated that gigantic aura, his body training formula actually broke through to the sixth level of the divine realm. He was overjoyed and thought to himself that this gigantic aura was so powerful, no wonder the god emperor couldn’t suppress it.

After drawing out a trace of huge breath for assimilation, he drew out another trace of huge breath for assimilation. With the experience from last time, he assimilated this time and directly forcibly operated the regular exercises to assimilate that trace of huge breath.

The bald-headed old man felt that the huge aura in his body had decreased by a little. He was overjoyed in his heart, and even frantically operated his exercises to repel that huge aura bit by bit.

As Gu Xiangfei continued to assimilate the huge aura in the bald old man’s body, the bald old man felt more and more relaxed. The aura that had already occupied most of his body, receded a little bit, and now occupied a small half of his body.

Seeing the relaxed expression on the bald old man’s face, several other people were relieved, and they also relaxed for him, with relaxed smiles on their faces.

After the spaceship flew for three days, the bald old man jumped up, “haha…” he laughed loudly, his body was no different from a normal person, but his clothes were shorter, showing half of his thigh and half of his arm, which looked ridiculous, But the other god emperors didn’t laugh at him, they were all happy for him.

The bald old man came to Gu Xiangfei and bowed his hands, “Brother Gu, thank you for saving your life. Brother Gu has something to do in the future, but please tell me.”

The other god emperors were stunned for a moment, and then they all realized that it was Gu Xiangfei who dissolved the huge aura in his body, and they couldn’t help being surprised. This guy, who is only in the realm of a god, can actually dissolve that huge aura. I can’t figure it out!

Gu Xiangfei stood up and hurriedly cupped his hands in return and said, “I inadvertently felt the aura of senior. I tried to dispel it, but I didn’t expect it to succeed. Please don’t take it to heart about some trivial matters.”

Naturally, Gu Xiangfei would not call a god emperor brother or brother. Although the bald old man called him brother, he still saluted according to the etiquette of juniors. He would not be proud of his merits. He was very clear about this.

When the bald old man was fighting against the huge aura, he found that Gu Xiangfei was extracting the aura from his body. At first he was a little puzzled, but after more and more aura was extracted, he naturally found that the aura was taken away by Gu Xiangfei , the other god emperors couldn’t see it, but the person involved could see it clearly. He was very grateful in his heart, but at that time he was only focused on fighting against that huge aura, so he didn’t have time to thank him until Gu Xiangfei exhausted all the huge aura in his body. Finally, I stood up to thank you.

“My surname is Yang. Brother Gu will call me Lao Yang from now on, and I won’t agree to call me senior again, hahaha…” The bald old man’s face darkened on purpose, and then he laughed again, with a sense of release in his laughter. The tone that came out, once the hidden dangers of many years are removed, the bald old man will naturally release the depression.

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