Destruction of the Dao Fruit Tree

Kanli Shenzhen Emperor, Tiansen Shenzhen Emperor, and the God Alchemy Emperor all congratulated him.

The bald old man was naturally overjoyed, and took out the spirit tea, and the five of them chatted while drinking.

“Brother Yang, how did the aura in your body enter your body?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t understand that a god emperor was invaded by that huge aura. Didn’t he have defenses?

“Speaking of this, it’s all my fault for being too careless. I specialize in medicine, and I found a god fruit tree in a secret place. There were nine god fruits on the tree. I couldn’t find the purpose of this god fruit tree, so I took a god fruit tree. Guo, I was going to check the use of this divine fruit, but I didn’t expect that the appearance of this divine fruit was the same. Who knew that after taking it, a strong aura burst out suddenly, and I quickly suppressed it with the divine essence, and it became like this It’s gone.” After the bald old man finished speaking, there was still a lingering fear expression on his face, which showed that this divine fruit had left him an indelible memory.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and thought, after the aura of the divine fruit was assimilated, the aura emitted had a huge destructive aura. Although it was different from the great destruction I practiced, I guess it must be related to other supernatural powers.

“Can I take a look at this divine fruit tree when I go back? I want to study this divine fruit.” Gu Xiangfei thought of this, and made this request to the bald old man.

“What are you looking at? I’ll give it to you to study it slowly!” The bald old man waved his hand after finishing speaking, and a tree with eight god fruits appeared in mid-air. Taken from his world.

Gu Xiangfei scanned the cosmic treasure record in the star bead with his spiritual sense, and he was overjoyed, “Destroy the Dao Fruit Tree!” He almost cried out, and quickly bowed his hands to thank him, “Thank you, Brother Yang, I will tell you what it will do when I research it out!” .” He raised his hand and grabbed the Dao of Destruction fruit tree and transplanted it into the star bead.

“Okay, let me know when you research it, but you must not swallow it and study it.” After the bald old man handed over the destroyed Dao fruit tree to Gu Xiangfei, he let out a long sigh of relief. Obviously, he was overwhelmed by the Dao fruit tree. I was terrified and didn’t want to throw it away. Now that Gu Xiangfei proposed to study it, he naturally gave it to him without hesitation.

“Don’t worry! I won’t do that. It’s just that Brother Yang’s sea of ​​consciousness is a bit damaged. I have a elixir here. I hope it can restore your sea of ​​consciousness.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and took out one. The jade bottle was handed over to the bald old man, and a few re-knowledge pills were also regarded as repayment for the Dao of Destruction fruit tree given to him by the bald old man.

“Oh! Let me see that you still have the pill to restore the sea of ​​consciousness. I have never seen it before.” The bald old manHe took the jade bottle and poured out a pill.

“Special elixir?” The Alchemy Emperor next to him called out in surprise.

The bald old man swallowed the elixir without waiting for him to say anything. The elixir melted in his mouth, and a powerful cool breath rushed straight into his sea of ​​consciousness. After the breath rushed through, it was quickly repaired, and it was stronger than the previous Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Good pill! It’s really good pill! Thank you brother Gu for giving me the pill, haha…” After the bald old man felt that his sea of ​​consciousness had been restored, he kept praising him and bowed his hands to Gu Xiangfei to express his gratitude.

“Brother Yang doesn’t need to do this, I won’t be happy if you do this again.” Gu Xiangfei quickly returned his words.

“Haha… good! Brother Gu is my friend, but what kind of elixir is this elixir? It can repair the sea of ​​consciousness. I have never heard of it in the God Realm. Old Nie, you are the emperor of the elixir. Have you heard of it?” The bald old man finished speaking and looked at the God Alchemy Emperor.

“I really don’t know about the elixir for repairing the sea of ​​consciousness, and I haven’t heard of such an elixir. Please, brother Gu, explain it to us!” For God Alchemy Emperor did not know that there is a pill to repair the sea of ​​consciousness, and it really made him feel a little ignorant. After seeing Gu Xiangfei’s pill, he even started to call Gu Xiangfei his brother.

“This elixir is called Fushi Dan. I made it myself. I named the elixir.” Seeing that everyone was asking him, Gu Xiangfei had no choice but to tell the name and origin of the elixir. The few god emperors were not hostile to him, so they told them that his regular kung fu was working, so he naturally knew the aura emanating from them, otherwise he would not have said that if there was something wrong with his aura.

“Brother Gu is still a divine alchemist? What grade?” The other god emperors were taken aback. Lao Nie didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei could compose the alchemy formula and refine the re-knowledge pill by himself. Before the other god emperors could speak, he Hastily asked.

Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and handed it to Lao Nie and said, “This is the elixir I refined, and I don’t know the specific grades.”

Lao Nie took the jade bottle and poured out a Zunhuang Pill with a halo, “Superior Zunhuang Pill? You… are you a Ninth Grade Divine Pill Emperor?”

“What? It’s really a special Zunhuang Pill, and there are nine special Zunhuang Pills. You…why don’t you participate in the alchemy assessment?” The first few sentences were said by Emperor Kanli and Tiansen Shenzhen, and the latter sentence The stammering words were asked by Lao Nie.

“What’s the use of participating in alchemy? It’s better to be in the formation. Brother Gu’s choice is too right, haha…” Emperor Kanli’s expression sank when he heard Lao Nie’s words, he first complained about the alchemy, and then praised Gu Xiangfei Thinking of the wise choice, he laughed out loud.

“I still can’t refine the Ninth Grade Star Emperor Pill. The main reason is that I don’t have the Ninth Grade Spiritual Fruit. It took me years of savings to exchange for the eighth grade Spiritual Fruit.” Gu Xiangfei exchanged himself. The difficulty of the eighth-level god fruit is said again.

When the other god emperors heard what he said, they all knew that it was really not easy for a cultivator in the cultivating realm to change to the eighth-level divine fruit. They couldn’t help admiring him. This is what a monk should pursue for the Dao.

Lao Nie raised his hand and took out a ring, handed it to him and said, “Here are some furnaces of the god fruit of the Star Emperor Pill, give it to Brother Gu to refine the Star Emperor Pill! I hope you can advance to the God of God Pill as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, Brother Nie, I will be promoted to Emperor God Alchemy soon.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. The Emperor God Alchemy always called him brother, but he was not polite, and directly called Brother Nie.

Old Nie was also overjoyed when he heard Gu Xiangfei calling Brother Nie. This Gu Xiangfei’s alchemy will definitely not be bad in the future. He also cherishes Gu Xiangfei’s alchemy talent, so he decided to help him and make a good relationship for himself.

“I’ll talk about alchemy later. We’ve arrived now.” After the spaceship flew for four days, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen saw that he had arrived at the secret realm, landed on the spaceship and put it away.

The surroundings of this secret realm are bare, and you can’t even see a single weed. Gu Xiangfei opened the Eye of Illusion to look outside the secret realm, and suddenly felt a strong poisonous aura, and the aura extending from the Eye of Illusion was immediately eroded by the poisonous aura. He was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his illusory eyes.

The bald old man quickly took out a jade bottle and poured out a few elixir, and handed one to each person, “This is an antidote elixir, take it quickly, although it can’t cure the poison, it can resist being eroded by the poison for an hour. ”

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others quickly swallowed the detoxification pill, used their kung fu to refine the detoxification pill, and resisted the poisonous erosion.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t take the detoxification pill, his regular skills started to work, and he began to assimilate the highly poisonous regular breath. Fortunately, he had assimilated some highly poisonous breaths, and he had assimilated the regular breath of the god emperor who practiced the way of poison. The poisonous breath could not poison him.

Every time before assimilating the unfamiliar regular aura, he assimilates a little bit, and then according to the amount of assimilated aura, he will carry out a large amount of assimilation.

As he assimilated more and more poisonous auras, he assimilated them faster and faster, but within half a day, all the highly toxic auras here were assimilated by him.

Gu Xiangfei walked slowly to the front of the big formation of this secret realm, and let go of his spiritual sense to check the nodes of the big formation of this secret realm, but he found the node of this big formation within half a stick of incense.

“Stay far away, everyone. I will open this large formation first to prevent the poison from invading.” Gu Xiangfei turned around and gave a few words to the other god emperors.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others flew away immediately, and the bald old man also instructed Gu Xiangfei, “Brother Gu, if you find that you can’t do anything, leave immediately, lest you lose your life in vain.”. “

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