Special Class Elixir Overcoming Tribulation

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and there were no colorful spiritual clouds falling down. It was as if nothing had happened.

Emperor Nie Dan came to Gu Xiangfei’s dilapidated cave, and saw nine special star emperor pills with a halo on the jade plate.

“Special Star Emperor Pellet? No wonder there will be thunder disasters falling, brother Gu, you are really a genius.” After speaking, he stretched out his thumb, and he admired Gu Xiangfei’s alchemy all over the body. In just a few days, he refined a special star Emperor Dan, and it has been baptized by Lei Jie.

“Then these nine Star Emperor Pills will be given to Brother Nie. I also refined them with Brother Nie’s Spiritual Fruit.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved the jade plate to fly towards Emperor Nie.

“Thank you, Brother Gu, then I’ll be more polite, haha…” Even if he got nine special Star Emperor Pills for nothing, he couldn’t refine nine special Star Emperor Pills, and a maximum of two special Star Emperor Pills could appear in one furnace. For the best, Dan.

“Congratulations to Brother Gu for being promoted to the Ninth Rank Divine Alchemy Emperor, please accept a little thing.” The bald old man took out a ring and handed it to Gu Xiangfei. When the other god emperors saw this scene, they secretly thought, this guy really knows how to behave what!

“Brother Gu, this is my congratulatory gift, please accept it.”

“Brother Gu, please don’t be disgusted with it. It’s a little trick.”

The other three quickly took out a ring and handed it to Gu Xiangfei to congratulate him.

Gu Xiangfei took the ring and checked it over. He was overjoyed. They gave him a hundred pieces of ninth-level divine fruit and some high-level ores for him to refine the formation flag.

“Thank you guys for your kindness, I also have some gifts for you guys in return.” Gu Xiangfei is a person who respects me a foot, and I respect others a foot, and each gave a bottle of Fushi Dan and a head-sized gangster.

“Brother Gu is too polite, such a big boulder is rare! Thank you so much, brother Gu.” Although the four of them are all in the realm of god emperors, they don’t need boulders now, but they all have relatives and disciples. Such a big gangster stone is worth at least tens of millions of high-grade god stones.

While everyone was congratulating each other, large spaceships kept falling, and soon tens of thousands of disciples came down. These disciples’ cultivation bases were basically in the realm of nurturing gods, and there were also some monks in the realm of gods, led by several god emperors. Come down to the entrance to the secret realm.

“Brother Kanli, brother Tiansen, thank you very much.” Several god emperors clasped their fists together and thanked them both.

“Ai! I don’t know the true god!” The bald old man sighed and ignored the god emperors.

“You…you are Brother Yang. You have recovered? It’s great.” Among the god emperors, one god emperor asked in surprise when he saw that the bald old man’s body had returned to normal. happy for him.

“It was Brother Gu who opened the secret realm. Brother Gu is the God Array Emperor of our Array Dao branch. He broke this secret realm by himself.It’s open. “Kanli Shenzhen Emperor and several god emperors finished their ceremony, and then pointed to Gu Xiangfei to introduce them.

“It turned out that Fellow Daoist Gu opened the secret realm. Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu. We misunderstood.” Several god emperors immediately expressed their gratitude to Gu Xiang for flying the ceremony.

Gu Xiangfei hurriedly replied, “Fellow daoists, you are being polite. It was our Zhendao branch that opened the secret realm. It doesn’t matter who it is.”

When Emperor Kanli and Emperor Tiansen heard what Gu Xiangfei said, they were even more satisfied with him. There were smiles on their faces. The bald old man thought, this Gu Xiangfei is too good at talking.

After handing over the matter of the secret realm, Emperor Kanli sacrificed the spaceship to take the bald old man, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen, and Gu Xiangfei to leave this secret realm. Emperor Nie Dan did not leave. There are disciples from their alchemy branch here. The safety of these disciples.

After seeing Emperor Kanli and the others leave, a god emperor who has a good relationship with Emperor Nie Dan came over and asked, “Did fellow Daoist Gu open this secret realm?”

Emperor Nie Dan nodded and said, “Brother Gu’s formation is stronger than Brother Kanli’s. He can set up a void strangling formation, and I saw with my own eyes that he only used half a stick of incense to set up a nine-point formation.” Super void strangle formation, strangled a giant centipede comparable to a god emperor.”

“So powerful? Then the Zhendao branch will rise in the future. Opening this secret realm this time will make the academy look differently against the Dao branch. However, the Zhendao branch still cannot do without the elixir of your Alchemy branch. In the future, it will definitely be with the old It’s a win-win cooperation.” The god emperor was surprised, and gave Emperor Nie Dan another hand.

“Oh… Brother Kuang Zhan, look at this pill.” Emperor Nie Dan took out a Star Emperor Pill and handed it to the God Emperor called Kuang Zhan.

“Special Star Emperor Pill? Brother Nie’s alchemy level is becoming more and more admirable.”

“I didn’t refine this. Although I can also refine super star emperor pills, I still can’t refine nine super star emperor pills in one furnace.”

“Oh! Who refined this?” The God Emperor Berserk couldn’t help asking.

“This is what Brother Gu, the Divine Formation Emperor, refined. He is not only the Divine Formation Emperor, but also a Divine Pill Emperor, and he has refined a batch of Star Emperor Pills, nine special Star Emperor Pills, and survived the pill calamity.” , you said that the Zhendao branch will still need our Dandao branch in the future?”

“Ah!” The God Emperor Kuangzhan was taken aback. The disciple recruited by the Zhendao branch this time is simply too heaven-defying! Being both the Emperor of Shenzhen and the Emperor of Shendan, it is amazing to be proficient in one skill, but now he is proficient in two skills.

On the spaceship, the bald old man drives the spaceship, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen and Gu Xiangfei sit on the futon, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen takes out the god tea made from Jinglian Kongye, and the three drink and communicate array road.

“Brother Gu’s void formation pattern, I saw it in a classic book. Now the God Realm has been lost. I didn’t expect Brother Gu to be able to arrange a nine-level void strangle formation. It really opened our eyes.” Ever since Emperor Kanli learned that Gu Xiangfei could arrange the Void Strangling Formation, he has been obsessed with it and wanted to learn the Void Formation Pattern.

The Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen is also greedy for the void formation pattern, this is the void formation pattern! Being able to arrange this kind of large formation makes people hard to guard against. Drilling into the void strangling formation, unless you have a deep understanding of space, you can see the existence of the void formation, otherwise you will enter his void strangling formation in all likelihood .

Gu Xiangfei didn’t speak, took out two jade slips and handed them to Emperor Kanli and Tiansen Shenzhen and said, “This is the illustration of the void pattern that I accidentally got in a market in the cultivation world, and I’m giving it to you two. Brother, let’s do some research!”

“Thank you brother Gu for your generosity, thank you brother Gu.” Emperor Kanli and Emperor Tiansen took over the jade slip with the illustration of the void pattern in ecstasy, and immediately checked it with their spiritual sense, and quickly sank into it .

Gu Xiangfei knows how to draw void formations, but without a strong spiritual sense, it is impossible to learn it. He estimates that Kanli and Tiansen can draw void formations to level six, which is considered good, and they can’t even draw level six. A person can have his sea of ​​consciousness like the starry sky.

Seeing that they were studying the void pattern, Gu Xiangfei came to the room on the spaceship. Now that there are so many ninth-level god fruits, he wants to deduce the refining method of the realm pill.

After entering Star Bead, he began to deduce Yujie Pill, Yujie Pill is a ninth-level elixir, the elixir used by the god emperor to break through the small realm, he communicated with Emperor Nie Dan, and found that the God Realm did not have this kind of elixir, even Emperor Nie Dan had never heard of Yujie Pill, so it was probably lost.

Just like the Emperor Lan Dan he refined in the fairy world, there is no such pill in the fairy world.

He obtained the pill formula of Yujie Pill in the ancient ruins, and he had long remembered that it was ripe, but there was no way for him to refine it without the ninth-level divine fruit, and even if there was a ninth-level divine fruit at that time, he still could It can’t be controlled, after all, the cultivation level is too low, and it needs a huge spiritual infusion, so he is also powerless.

He found out the regular breath of each divine fruit, and began to form pill formulas. He deduced the order of the domain pills, which one had the best effect. Both are the best ratios, but his regular exercises can modify the formula to the extreme.

Four days have passed outside, and four months have passed inside the star beads. Gu Xiangfei has deduced the most perfect pill formula, and then the star beads are released, ready to refine the realm pill.

One hundred and eight divine spirit fruits are needed to refine the realm pill. This is the top pill in the divine world, and the ninth-level divine fruit is also the most required. He just changed the melting order of the ninth-level divine fruit. There is no need to increase or decrease at all, this is the pill that I don’t know how many seniors and how much painstaking effort it took to accumulate.Fang is definitely the most perfect.

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