Nine-Rank Field Boundary Pill

One by one, he threw the nine-level divine fruit into the Qiankun cauldron to melt, purify, throw away slag, fuse, infuse spirits, divide pills, and pull pills.

This time, it took three hours to refine the realm pill. This time he used the Qiankun cauldron, constantly modifying his alchemy steps, and gave the most perfect alchemy formula.

“When…” Nine clear and pleasant voices came, and nine super realm pills appeared on the jade plate, and the pills lingered non-stop on the pills.

Gu Xiangfei originally thought that there would be Dan Jie, but he didn’t expect that the sky was cloudless, and he didn’t see a single dark cloud.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why there was no Pill Tribulation. In the rules of heaven and earth, Yujie Dan belonged to the Xiaodao, and was not recognized by the Dao of Heaven at all.

As his cultivation became higher and higher, his understanding of the way of heaven became more and more profound. Thinking of the few great supernatural powers he cultivated, they are nothing in the world of gods, not even entry-level, but understanding Well, unless there is the cooperation of the Dao fruit breath from the Dao fruit tree, it can be regarded as cultivation to the beginning, small success, great success, and consummation. Otherwise, I really think that these destructive supernatural powers are so easy to cultivate.

“What kind of elixir did Brother Gu refine?” The bald old man also smelled the realm elixir while driving the spaceship.

Now that his body has fully recovered, he is the God of Medicine himself, so he doesn’t need to go to other people for what his body needs to recover.

Now he has made another set of clothes and put them on. He no longer wears short clothes like a clown. He smelled the field pill, and he felt that his cultivation had improved slightly, so he quickly asked.

Gu Xiangfei has a good sense of this bald old man, knowing that he is a monk with a true temperament. Although he accidentally saved him, he got more benefits. , and gave him a lot of ninth-level god fruit and high-level ore.

“Brother Yang, this is a domain pill for you. It can raise a small realm, but I don’t have many gods, otherwise I will refine a few more furnaces and give you a furnace.” After speaking, he took out a domain pill. Jie Dan handed it to the bald old man.

The bald old man took the Yujie Pill without hesitation, and swallowed the Yujie Pill in one gulp, which shows how much he believes in Gu Xiangfei.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and he felt that his cultivation was improving quickly, so he quickly sat cross-legged on the spaceship, and practiced his exercises to practice.

Seeing that he didn’t even care about the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei hurried over to take over the spaceship, took control of the spaceship and continued to fly.

An hour later, the bald old man let out a long cry, jumped up from the ground, and saluted Gu Xiangfei, “Thank you brother Gu for the elixir, I didn’t expect there to be such an elixir, it’s really comparable to a holy elixir! Haha… ”

“Brother Yang, you are being polite. I happened to gather enough pills for a furnace of realm pills, so I tried to refine them. I don’t know how the effect will be. I would like to thank you for trying the pills.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists in return, explaining Let’s take a look at the domain pill.

“This Domain Pill must not be passed on. Although you and I are both members of Xuantian Academy, there are fierce infighting in the academy. The old dean is devoted to cultivation and wants to break through the realm of saints. He has no time to manage the academy. Be low-key in your affairs, so as not to be used by others. You are still low-level now, so be careful in everything, and send me a message if you have something to do, and don’t do tasks alone.” Gu Xiangfei was secretly grateful for the words of the bald old man. Only when you are one of your own will you talk about the secrets of the academy, otherwise you would not dare to talk about such things casually.

“Thank you for reminding me, brother, I will pay attention.” Gu Xiangfei saluted and thanked the bald old man after finishing speaking.

“You and I don’t want to do these empty rituals in the future. There are only a few people you can trust in the academy. Kanli and Tiansen, these two old bastards, will definitely not harm you. Even Emperor Nie Dan has to be on guard.” Point, even though he is a god emperor, he still has the thoughts of a mortal.” The bald old man told him again, the meaning is obvious, he is not very optimistic about Emperor Nie Dan, don’t look at the brothers now, in the face of huge interests, anyone can betray, The person you believe in the most is yourself.

Gu Xiangfei was startled. He originally thought that after cultivating to the God Emperor, there would be something that could make people fall in love. Now that the bald old man said this, he knew that he was a little too big, and he shouldn’t give Nie Dan a stone. After the word spread, someone would come to his door soon and ask him to exchange or ask for it.

The two chatted while piloting the spaceship. The bald old man had rich experience and knew many things about the God Realm clearly, and told him in great detail, which benefited him a lot.

After flying for another two days, they returned to Xuantian Academy. Everyone said goodbye to each other and returned to their own caves. As for the academy’s rewards, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen was in charge.

Gu Xiangfei went out this time, and gained a lot. He got two top-level Dao fruit trees, and also got three top-grade god spirit veins, and was promoted to ninth-grade god alchemy emperor. In addition, he also had a lot of god spirit fruits and high-grade ores.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training room again, he began to practice the regular exercises, and the rain-like divine spirit enveloped him again.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen came to the main hall of the college and reported the result of this secret realm.

Now there is no specific person in charge of the academy. After Vice President Lu was poisoned, the current Xuantian Academy has six elders who are in charge of the academy’s affairs. After opening the secret realm, what rewards should there be before, and what they are now , There are no such small things that are deducted. After all, Kanli is also a god emperor, and he is also in charge of the Zhendao branch. No one dares to underestimate him. A few elders who want to compete for the vice president are still wooing him.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen has no competitionThe dean meant that he didn’t bother to care about their intrigue, and left the college hall after receiving the reward.

“This time, the branch of the formation path can open this highly poisonous secret realm. I heard that it was opened by the newly recruited disciple Gu Xiangfei. This newly recruited disciple turned out to be a ninth-level god formation emperor, the formation path of fellow Taoist Bikanli. It is even stronger, but his origin is unknown, our people did not find any trace of him in the Dry God Realm, but I heard that he had contact with the Dan Shenmeng, and our people are investigating.” One of the six elders said The matter of Gu Xiangfei.

“As long as he is a human monk, it doesn’t matter what his previous background is. Now that he joined Xuantian College, he is a member of the college and can be used by the college. Others are not important.” An elder obviously didn’t like what the elder said just now, and his origin was unknown ,is that useful? So far, Gu Xiangfei has still opened up the secret realm, and has not done anything harmful to the academy. Why bother to investigate so clearly, is there so many god emperors in the academy who are still afraid of a god emperor?

“I suggest that it’s better to find out. The academy cannot recruit students with unknown origins.”

“I think since they are all in the God Realm, there is no such thing as an unknown origin. Besides, if you can’t find out his origin, will you be expelled from the academy? Or do you have an opinion on him and target him alone? You know a ninth-level god formation How important is the emperor to the academy?”

The elders were obviously divided into two forces, and they used Gu Xiangfei’s unknown origin as an excuse. Obviously, they wanted to decide the winner in this incident, and force the other side to facilitate their actions in the future.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that when he came out from the Dry God Realm with a different name and appearance, something of unknown origin would appear, but he still didn’t know that the two sides were making a fuss about him, even if he knew, it didn’t matter. At the God King Realm, he is sure to escape from the God Emperor’s pursuit.

In the God Realm, he has two enemies, one is the Danshen League, and the other is the Yulin Business League.

The Pill God League wanted to arrest him to go back to alchemy, and the Yulin Merchant League wanted to arrest him for revealing the secrets of the scrolls. Either of these two things is a major event that will kill him, and he will naturally not let it go easily when he becomes stronger.

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