: Mishap at Xuantian Academy

It may be that the two forces in the academy did not decide the winner, or it may be that Gu Xiangfei’s bad deeds were not found out, so this matter was delayed, and the academy did not do anything to Gu Xiangfei, but with this incident, the competition between the academy It’s even worse, almost anything, you agree and I oppose it, regardless of the right or wrong of the matter, this situation is getting more and more serious.

Gu Xiangfei was inside the star bead, working hard to improve his cultivation. He opened a hole in the star bead, and the rich spiritual energy poured in like a flood that broke a bank, and soon filled the entire star bead, and the spiritual energy in the cave was slightly thinner. stand up.

The few dao fruit trees in the star beads are becoming more and more vibrant, and some eighth and ninth-level god fruit trees are also growing rapidly.

Five years have passed outside, and more than a hundred years have passed inside the Star Bead. Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation has been promoted to the middle stage of the God King Realm. It is estimated that in another ten years outside, he will be able to overcome the Tribulation God King.


In the Qingjin God Realm in the Northern God Realm, there is the Qingshen Palace among the top ten sects in the God Realm. Below the top three Qingshen Palace among the ten sects, there are ten second-level sects, and there are countless third-level sects under the second-level sects. Level Zongmen.

The Holy Sword Sect belongs to a middle-level sect among the third-level sects. The suzerain Lin Moyu is a monk in the God King Realm, and he established the Holy Sword Sect in the fairy world.

It had been millions of years before he saw Wei Tianyun, the suzerain of the Holy Sword Sect from the Immortal Realm flying up to the God Realm, and quickly called Wei Tianyun to the Suzerain Hall.

“Wei Tianyun, the ninth patriarch of the Holy Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, has met the Patriarch.” After Wei Tianyun came to the main hall of the sect, he bowed and saluted himself to declare his family.

“You are already the ninth suzerain, what about the previous suzerains?” Moyu God King was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked why.

“If you go back to the patriarch, the previous suzerains are all dead. Because the thirty-six heavens of the fairyland were cut into the thirty-three heavens by Da Neng, they couldn’t fly up. Heavenly Realm is the only way to ascend to the God Realm.” Wei Tianyun told God King Black Feather in detail how the Immortal Realm could not ascend.

“It turned out to be like this. No wonder I didn’t see the monks from the fairy world ascending to the gods. You are now an inner disciple. Go to the cave management office of the sect, choose a big cave, and practice hard! There will be disciples of the Holy Sword Sect in the future.” After ascending to the God Realm, you will be in charge.” The Moyu God King sighed, and took out a jade card to Wei Tianyun. He still took good care of the Holy Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, after all, he had some feelings in it.

“Thank you Patriarch, I think there will be many disciples from the fairy world ascending to the God Realm soon, especially a disciple named Gu Xiangfei, please pay attention to his tracks, as long as he arrives at the Holy Sword Sect, I think our Holy Sword Sect will soon You will enter the second-level sect, and after a long time, you may be among the top ten sects.” Wei Tianyun knows Gu Xiangfei’s ability, as long as he ascends to the God Realm, the Holy Sword Sect will definitely rise soon.

“Oh! Alright, I’ve made a note, you go and choose the cave!” Moyu God King said to write it down, he didn’t care much about this disciple named Gu Xiangfei, genius disciples, only those who grow up are considered genius disciples , There are many disciples who are geniuses in the fairy world and mediocre in the god world, how can he remember these trivial things clearly.

Wei Tianyun saw the perfunctory attitude of King Moyu, and sighed in his heart. After all, this is not a sect where he has the final say. Only when he is strong can he have the right to speak. Go back and practice hard!


Gu Xiangfei practiced for another three years, and was awakened by the vibration of the communication beads. After reading the information, the Emperor Kanli was recruiting. It is estimated that there is a matter of cracking the secret formation.He likes to go to the secret formation, because it is another opportunity to make a fortune.

Arriving outside the main hall of the Zhendao branch, there are already a few masters from the Zhendao branch here, and several disciples who joined the Zhendao branch with him have not yet come.

These array masters now know the level of Gu Xiangfei’s formation. When they saw him coming, they all clasped their fists and saluted. Before, they thought that Gu Xiangfei had just arrived, but he was just a disciple of the underhand. They didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei’s formation to be better than Kanli The emperors are all powerful, they immediately changed their minds and respected him very much.

Gu Xiangfei returned a salute and asked, “I don’t know where I’m going this time? Can all fellow Taoists know?”

“I don’t know. The sub-principal summoned us to come here and wait here.” A magician quickly answered his question.

“Brother Gu is here.” Gu Xiangfei knew from the sound that it was Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen who had come.

“I’ve just come here too, so I don’t know where I’m going this time? Does Brother Tiansen know?” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists to salute him, and asked by the way.

“I don’t know. When Fellow Daoist Kanli comes over, he will naturally know where he is going.” Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen returned a salute, expressing that he did not know either.

Brother Gu, don’t ask about such things in the future, you will know when you get there. Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen sent a voice transmission to him again, telling him that this is a taboo of the Zhendao branch.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, and quickly sent a voice transmission, I didn’t know there was such a taboo, thank you brother for reminding me.

Emperor Kanli quickly came out of the hall, as if he had just received some news, his face was a little unswerving, and he didn’t say much after he came out. He sacrificed the spaceship and greeted everyone to get on the spaceship, and headed for the gate of the academy.

After exiting the gate of the academy, they took out the spaceship and galloped all the way to the east.

In the main hall of Xuantian Academy, six elders were discussing matters. One of the elders’ communication beads lit up. After reading the message, he said, “Fellow Daoist Kanli has gone to the east. Do you want to send someone to intercept them?”

“Why do you want to stop them? Could it be that the academy can’t accommodate a cultivator at the Divine Sovereign Realm? And this disciple didn’t do anything detrimental to the academy. I don’t agree.” An elder immediately objected.

“Catch him first and then talk about it! This person has a mysterious origin, and for the sake of the academy, all crises must be killed in the bud.” Another elder immediately agreed to stop them. It sounded like it was for the sake of the academy, but it was actually a game between two forces.

“Hey! I never thought that I have been in retreat for less than a million years, and the academy let you do this. Is this the original academy? All monks of my generation are fighting for the Dao, and these struggles for power in the secular world have appeared in the gods of the gods. In the hands of the emperor, it seems that none of you are suitable to be elders, so go back?” There was a sudden sigh from the hall, followed by a huge breath, and the six god emperor elders suddenly exclaimed, “Old dean!”

With a sound of “Boom!”, the six elders were directly crushed by the huge aura and turned into a blood mist. A white-haired old man suddenly appeared in the hall, raised his hand to grab the blood mist, and condensed into a walnut It is a large round ball, and it is obvious that six panicked souls are squeezed together inside.

“Brother Lu, come out! I don’t know how long you want to pretend? Your heart is a bit too kind. It seems that you are not suitable to be the vice president, but be an elder!” The white-haired old man held a walnut-sized ball Crushed to pieces and turned into nothingness, there are no more six elders in Xuantian Academy.

An old man with the same white hair appeared in the main hall, bowed to the old man and said, “I am indecisive. I have failed the dean’s expectations. Please forgive me.”

“Forget it, let’s be your elder! But brother Lu, you need to change your personality, or you will suffer a lot after entering the holy world.” The old dean comforted him with earnest words.

“I saw two big forces slowly forming in the college, and I wanted to see what they were going to do. I found the Emperor of Poison God and asked him to pretend to be poisoned for me. I was secretly observing, and now I have found some inside information. , there are shadows of the Yulin Merchant League and the Danshen League, but these two are not the most important. There are also several sects in the top ten sects who secretly support them. They entered the academy as disciples without passing the assessment , this is their list.” After speaking, Vice President Lu took out a jade slip and handed it to the old president.

“Messaging! All the disciples, deacons, elders, and deans of the college gather in the square of the college. Those who don’t come without reason will be expelled from the college immediately.” The old dean works vigorously and prefers to use strong methods. This is what Xuantian College can do. The reason for standing in the God Realm.

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