Xuantian Academy Reorganization

In just one stick of incense, millions of disciples, deacons, elders, and deans of various branches gathered in the square of Xuantian Academy.

Everyone didn’t know what happened, but seeing that no one spoke, no one dared to whisper.

Just as everyone was wondering, a figure descended from the sky, “Vice President Lu!” The disciples and deacons and elders who knew him all exclaimed.

Isn’t Vice President Lu poisoned? Why is it better now? Some people started whispering and questioning each other.

“Where’s the president of the executive court?” Vice President Lu called out to the president of the executive court to let some disciples and deacons know that something big was about to happen.

The president of the executive court was a black-faced god emperor. He immediately flew to the platform of the square, and gave Vice President Lu a fistful salute.

“Is everyone here?” Vice President Lu asked.

“Only Daoist Kanli from the Zhendao Branch did not come to carry out the mission in the secret realm, and our law enforcement court has already arrested the others who did not come.” The president of the law enforcement court reported.

“Shoot those who are captured on the spot.” A voice came from the air, and another figure landed on the platform.

“Old dean!Meet the old dean! “All the deacons, elders and branch principals all bowed and saluted. As soon as the old principal came out, everyone knew that Xuantian Academy was going to be reorganized, and some old people in the academy were very excited.

“Follow the order!” The head of the law enforcement court excitedly watched the old head come back, and immediately shouted, waving to the deacons and elders of the law enforcement court.

The expressions of the disciples arrested by the Law Enforcement Court changed drastically. These disciples relied on the support of the Six Great Elders, and did not take the Law Enforcement Court seriously. They did not expect that this time, the old dean personally ordered it, and even the Six Great Elders also rescued them. not them.

Dozens of arrested disciples were smacked into blood mist by the elders of the law enforcement court, and even the primordial spirit was turned into nothingness in a flash of fire.

“Take this jade slip. According to the list on the jade slip, find these disciples and kill them.” The old dean threw a jade slip to the head of the executive court and issued an order at the same time.

The dean of the Law Enforcement Court took over the list and checked it carefully, and found that they were all disciples who had entered the academy without passing the assessment. He immediately asked the deacons and elders of the Law Enforcement Court to take action.

More than 3,000 disciples who did not pass the examination were quickly arrested. These disciples were all elite disciples of several major sects, and there were also some monks from the Yulin Merchant League and the Danshen League.

The president of the executive court personally struck out, and a big hand of Shenyuan spread out, and slapped the more than three thousand disciples into blood mist with a slap, and raised his hand to shoot out a flame, turning them into nothingness.

“Now I announce that Yang Gongyue will take over as the dean of Xuantian Academy, Lu Jianchuan will be the grand elder, Tiansen will be the vice-principal, Nie Jingshan will be the elder, Lin Lishi will be the elder, Chu Qiaotian will be the elder, Chen Tingshi will be the elder, Wu Shengke As elders, I hope you can work together to make Xuantian Academy great.” After the old dean finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dean’s order flew towards Yang Gongyue, and then disappeared in a flash.

“Follow the dean’s order!” The elders and disciples on and off the platform shouted in unison.

“President Yang, please come to the stage, and elders, please come to the stage.” Vice President Lu, no! Elder Lu shouted to the people below.

Soon the six figures landed on the platform, and Yang Gongyue was the bald old man, Yang Gongyue, who was known as the Emperor of Medicine in the God Realm.

“Elder Lu, fellow daoists, we are all acquaintances and there is no need to introduce more. Daoists who have been selected as elders now, please go back and arrange their successors, and then everyone will work together, fellow daoist Tiansen We can only talk about it when he comes back.” The bald dean’s words made everyone overjoyed, everyone has their own disciples and cronies, and the dean did not arrange a successor, this is to give them a benefit, everyone is naturally happy .

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others don’t know that the academy has undergone earth-shaking changes and is now flying to the secret realm.

There are many secret realms in the area managed by Xuantian Academy. Every time a secret realm is opened, the academy will send disciples in to search for the resources in the secret realm. It may take decades to search for a large secret realm, and several months for a small one.

There are relatively few disciples entering the small secret realm. After the search is over, it will continue to the next secret realm. There are many disciples entering the big secret realm. After the search is over, there will be a period of rest.

The last highly poisonous secret realm belonged to a medium secret realm. It also took a few years to search for it, and it took a period of rest before continuing to explore the next secret realm. Gu Xiangfei and the others also started to carry out the mission.

The spaceship flew for five days, and Emperor Kanli put away the spaceship. There were already three god emperors waiting for their arrival.

Xuantian Academy attaches great importance to secret realms. Every time a secret realm is opened, it will send god emperors to guard it. There are also many god emperors in Xuantian Academy. After the general sect discovers a secret realm, there are so many god emperors to guard it. It is very difficult for the gods to guard, unless it is a very large secret realm, there will be several sects united to open the secret realm and share resources.

“Fellow Daoist Kanli, you’ve worked hard.” The three god emperors valued the Emperor Kanli very much, and they all clasped their fists in salute.

Emperor Kanli also clasped his fists in return, “Everyone is the one who has worked hard. After we open the secret realm, we still need everyone to guard us. Otherwise, wouldn’t we be making wedding dresses for others?”

Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen also came over to exchange pleasantries with the three god emperors, and then the god emperors led them to the outside of the secret realm.

“Brother Gu, come on! We are old, it’s time to take a break.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen is now only responsible for leading the way, and Gu Xiangfei is responsible for cracking the secret realm.

Gu Xiangfei was secretly grateful for the words of Emperor Kanli God Formation. He knew that this was the benefit given to him by Emperor Kanli God Formation. After breaking through the secret realm, he could enter the secret realm first. If there are any good things, they will naturally belong to him. .

One of the three god emperors of Xuantian Academy has a good relationship with Emperor Nie Dan. After the opening of the poisonous secret realm last time, he asked Emperor Nie Dan in detail. He knew that Gu Xiangfei was not only a god array emperor, but also a god alchemy emperor. The first time I just heard about it, but now I finally see that Gu Xiangfei is going to make a move, and I am very looking forward to it.

Gu Xiangfei came outside the secret realm, opened his illusory eyes, passed through the secret realm, and was overjoyed. This is a huge secret realm. He saw that there were as many as one hundred eighth and ninth-level god fruit trees, and there were Some low-level gods and monsters are guarding these god fruit trees.

These low-level gods and monsters may not have natural enemies to hunt and kill them. They are all very ostentatious. They are still killing each other and vying for the ownership of the god fruit tree.

Take out the formation flag and enter the node of the formation. When the last formation flag was about to enter, Gu Xiangfei stopped. He felt that he was a little careless. There are so many god fruit trees, it is impossible that there are no eighth or ninth-level gods and monsters. Guardian, the fighting of these low-level gods and monsters is just a superficial phenomenon. Those high-level gods and monsters don’t bother to deal with these low-level gods and monsters, so they let them wreak havoc here.Super god monsters, casually revealing some of their own breath can overwhelm these low-level god monsters.

The illusory eyes checked again, this time they did not look at the god fruit tree, but looked at a few small mounds next to the god fruit tree, and found a few eighth-level gods and monsters. These eighth-level gods and monsters were hidden very calmly, His own aura has been restrained, no wonder these low-level gods and monsters dare to wreak havoc here.

After discovering these hidden gods and monsters, Gu Xiangfei began to draw patterns of strangulation in the void. He wanted to draw these eighth-level gods and monsters out to strangle them.

After a stick of incense, take out the formation flag and hit it on the last node, click! With a soft sound, a hole was opened in this secret realm, and the formation flag was taken out to expand the gap to about ten feet, and then pierced with the divine sense, aiming at the head of the hidden eighth-level god monster.

“Wow…” This eighth-level god monster was hiding very well. After seeing Gu Xiangfei opened the secret realm, he was about to attack him suddenly. Jumping out of the small hill, the aura from their bodies exploded, and those low-level gods and monsters who were fighting exploded to death one after another, turning into a blood mist.

The roar of this eighth-level god monster led several other eighth-level god monsters to rush out of the hill, thinking that something had invaded their territory, and the god monster whose soul was stabbed by the divine sense With a roar, it rushed towards the gap in the secret realm, and several other eighth-level gods and monsters followed it.

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