Obtaining the Brahmin Spear

The first eighth-level god monster rushed into the void strangle formation, and the void formation pattern was stimulated to blast out tens of thousands of blades. Suddenly, the eighth-level god monster was cut into pieces, and the eighth-level monsters that followed followed it. The super-god monster beast didn’t have time to stop, and also rushed into the void strangle formation.

The last eighth-level god monster saw several other eighth-level god monsters being bombarded by the void blade, but it stopped, and did not enter the void strangle formation, but it felt as if its soul was being stabbed as soon as it stopped Almost pierced.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t wait for the eighth-level god monster to roar, and punched out with a punch, and the power of the big cutting technique was solidly blasted on the head of the god monster that just opened its mouth to roar.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, and before the eighth-level beast even roared, its head was shattered by the Daoyun of the Great Cutting Technique. Pit, mud, weeds, sand and stones splashed in all directions.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the body of the eighth-level god monster and threw it into the ring. This is a good material for refining weapons and cannot be discarded.

Looking back at the eighth-level gods and monsters in the void strangling formation, they were all strangled into pieces, and the void strangling formation also stopped. He raised his hand to shatter the void strangling formation, and took out the formation flag to break into the gap in the secret realm At the same time, the gap in the secret realm was expanded to about a hundred feet.

Emperor Kanli and several god emperors watched his series of extremely skillful movements. It was obvious that he often did this kind of thing, and he handled it methodically and neatly.

“Okay! Brother Gu has made another great contribution.” Emperor Kanli praised him.

The other magic formation masters in the Zhendao branch were all taken aback, “This is the void strangling formation!” No wonder Gu Xiangfei would get the attention of Emperor Kanli, and he could arrange a void strangling formation to strangle eighth-level gods and monsters. The emperor, even the dean of the college, will pay attention to it.

The god emperor who was familiar with Emperor Nie Dan was also taken aback. This Gu Xiangfei is really powerful, even stronger than what Emperor Nie Dan said. With several eighth-level gods and monsters, it would be difficult for even the god emperor to kill him. This Gu Xiangfei was killed after using only half a stick of incense.

“Since Brother Gu has opened the secret realm, according to the rules, you from the Formation Dao branch should go in first!” The god emperor who was familiar with Emperor Nie Dan immediately invited them in, and also called Brother Gu, obviously wanting to make friends he.

The other two god emperors also quickly said, “Yes, yes, yes, brother Gu, please come in! We will send a message to the academy, and the disciples can come out after they arrive.”

Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s ability, the two god emperors also want to befriend him. You must know that it takes at least five days to get from the academy to the secret realm, which is equivalent to giving Gu Xiangfei two more days to search. Obviously, they are selling favors to him.

“Thank you guys, just ask where Gu is useful in the future, we will go first.” Gu Xiangfei naturally understood what they meant, was overjoyed, made a promise to the god emperors, clasped his fists and turned around to be separated from the array Several of the array masters entered the secret realm together.

The three god emperors were also overjoyed to get Gu Xiangfei’s promise. Sitting with Kanli at the entrance of the secret realm, Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen took out god tea and drank tea while guarding here.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the secret realm, he was separated from several divine formation masters. His regular escape technique unfolded. After a few breaths, he came to this piece of eighth and ninth-level divine fruit trees. Whether he had these divine fruit trees or not, each choice One plant, transplanted into his own star beads, the time passed quickly here, and the fruit of the gods matured quickly.

With these god fruit trees, he doesn’t have to worry about not having any god fruit when he refines pills in the future.

After collecting the divine fruit trees, let go of your consciousness to check the secret realm. There are some high-grade ores, a large piece of divine grass, and some scattered eighth and ninth-level divine fruit trees.

Gu Xiangfei put away some high-grade ores, and put the scattered god fruit trees into the star beads. Suddenly, he felt bursts of space fluctuations in the distance, and the god spirit energy in the entire secret realm was gathering in one place. Generally, whistling and scraping.

He hastily launched the rule escapism technique, and within a few breaths he came to a large lake. In the center of the lake was a sharp spear, with a two-foot-long spear point protruding from the lake. There was also a withered flower on the lake next to it.The green lotus flowers are rippling slightly in the wind on the lake.

He quickly took out the Cosmic Treasures Record to look at the cyan lotus. After comparing the pictures, he confirmed it again. He was overjoyed. This cyan lotus is the most valuable treasure in the secret realm.

“Creation Green Lotus!” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but exclaimed, and quickly raised his hand to put away the withered blue lotus. After careful inspection, he found that it was wrong with the record on the Cosmic Treasure Record.

This is just a seed of the Creation Green Lotus. I don’t know how it fell here. Innate treasures have their own hidden functions, forming a secret realm to protect themselves. Now that this lotus is mature, the secret realm will reveal its flaws , was discovered, or it may be that the spear transformed from the lotus flower was looking for its owner, and it was discovered on purpose.

Now I don’t know what the purpose of this lotus is. Put it away first. Anyway, it must be a treasure. Take out the jade box and put the blue lotus in the star bead.

Looking at this long spear again, the two-foot-long spear head is shining with a sharp cold light, and it is about a thousand feet away from the center of the lake. I feel that my spirit is a little unstable, as if it is about to be swept away by the spear light, and I quickly run the rules. Method, stabilize the soul, lock the spear with spiritual consciousness, and then raise the hand to grab the spear.

As soon as he got the spear, Gu Xiangfei felt that his soul was about to be sucked out. This is another treasure! He quickly spat out a mouthful of blood to refine the spear.

This long spear has one hundred and eight restrictions. It may be that the treasure has a spirit. He felt that Gu Xiangfei had Chaos Star Orb, Taiji Diagram, Qiankun Cauldron, Life and Death Bo and other open-sky treasures on Gu Xiangfei. One hundred and eight restrictions, but he refined them all in half a day.

The god-killing gun is the lotus stem of the green lotus of creation, combined with the evil spirit in the chaos, it is the first innate attack treasure, and it can kill saints.

After refining the long spear, Gu Xiangfei realized that it was the Brahman Spear. He heard his son Gu Yunjie talk about the things on the list of gods on earth, but he didn’t expect that this long spear was tied with Taiji Diagram, Qiankun Ding, Life and Death Innate treasure, and it is also an attack treasure. Are all the legends on the earth true? He got the nine supernatural power scrolls, and now he got some innate treasures.

One must know that he just lacks the divine weapon to attack, and this time he got the innate treasure of the Brahman Spear in the secret realm. Could it be that this was arranged by the Dao of Heaven somewhere?

After thinking wildly for a while, he didn’t know why, so he waved his hand, and he received the Braking Spear in the Purple Mansion to warm it up.

Opening the Eye of Illusion, one can see under the great lake that there are actually twelve supernatural veins to support the growth of this cyan lotus, but now these divine veins have been reduced to high-grade ones, apparently to support this cyan lotus, so that these supernatural veins can grow up. The spirit veins of the gods turned into top-grade spirit veins.

The top-grade divine veins are also treasures. He lacks cultivation resources right now, so he raised his hand to grab these divine veins, received them in his own world, and then left the great lake in a flash.

After searching the secret realm again, he left the secret realm. At the exit, he felt the rules of heaven and earth in the secret realm, and found that monks below the level of the gods could enter the secret realm, and only then did he leave the secret realm.

Emperor Kanli was chatting with several god emperors, and saw that he came out of the secret realm in less than three days, and they were all very satisfied with his actions. If others say five days, you can search inside for five days, good things After the search is over, what should the disciples who enter later do?

“Brother Gu, come and sit here.” Several god emperors were also very satisfied with Gu Xiangfei’s actions, and it wasn’t because they said they would stay in the secret realm for five days, that Gu Xiangfei could be content, so he seemed not greedy and worth making friends with.

“Thank you guys, I got a few god fruit trees in it, and I can refine some pills. Unfortunately, these god fruits are not mature now, otherwise I can refine a few pills, thank you guys for your care.” Gu Xiangfei Sit down while talking.

“Oh…brother Gu can still refine elixirs? I don’t know how many grades of alchemists?” One god emperor was surprised. According to his guess, it would be good if Gu Xiangfei could refine 3 to 4 grades of elixirs. Even some god emperors can only refine some low-level pills.

“Brother Tianren, you’ve missed your mark this time. Brother Gu is the Ninth Rank God Alchemy Emperor. I have seen the Star Emperor Pill he refined, and it is a super star emperor pill.”

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