The Shock of the God Emperors

“Super Star Emperor Pill, isn’t he going to be promoted to Pill Sage?” One of the other two god emperors said in surprise.

“What Pill Sage needs is the Dao Fruit, and I still can’t refine it. If I have the Dao Fruit, I think I can refine it sooner or later.” Gu Xiangfei is not humble either. Excessive modesty will make these old guys feel hypocritical. The guys are all old monsters who have lived for dozens of millions of years, so don’t play tricks in front of them, it’s easy to reveal your secrets.

“The Dao Fruit is not easy to find. We are still far behind the Dao Pill used by that person to break through to the Saint Realm. We will slowly encounter the Dao Fruit in the future. Let Brother Gu refine the Dao Pill for us!” Several god emperors Speaking of Dao Fruit, they are all very excited, but these old guys don’t have Dao Fruit either, so it can be seen that Dao Fruit is not so easy to find in the God Realm, it takes chance.

Two days later, more than a dozen large spaceships landed, and hundreds of thousands of disciples from Xuantian Academy got off the spaceships. Now they are waiting to enter the secret realm, all of them have excited expressions on their faces. After entering the secret realm, they will not get any resources. For some treasures, the academy will have major rewards.

“Hey! Why is Old Hei here?” One of the god emperors, seeing the head of the executive court coming here in person, thought that something important had happened to him.

“Preach the decree of the dean, Lin LishiHe is the elder of the college, and Tiansen is the vice president. “Chu Qiaotian, president of the executive court, took out two jade cards and handed them to Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen and the god emperor who Emperor Nie Dan knew well. It turned out that he was Lin Lishi.

“Old Hei, what happened to the academy? Why did you change two people at once?” God Emperor Lishi immediately asked after receiving the jade token. He had a good relationship with the president of the Law Enforcement Court, and his words were not so polite.

“Hehe, the old dean has left the seclusion. As soon as he came out, he killed the six elders and killed all the disciples arranged by the six elders. Now he has ordered Yang Gongyue to be the dean, and the original deputy dean Lu is the first elder. , I have also been promoted to elder, and several god emperors have also been promoted to elder.” Although Chu Qiaotian was smiling, he looked a little creepy. Famous, with an aura that makes people shudder.

“Ah! That’s great. I knew that the old dean would come out sooner or later. The academy they created was a mess. The old dean will definitely clean them up. I didn’t expect it to be so soon. The poisonous dean of Lu probably Is it just pretending?” One of the god emperors said something excitedly, and quickly guessed the poisonousness of Vice President Lu.

“This is all done by Vice President Lu and God Emperor Wu Shengke. They pretended to be poisoned and found out the information secretly, so they dealt with these disciples.” Chu Qiaotian told the results of the matter to the few people present. After saying it again, Gu Xiangfei didn’t shy away from listening to him.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen was very excited when he heard the result. When he came, he quarreled with several elders because of Gu Xiangfei. These people asked him to detain Gu Xiangfei and ask him about his origin. If you don’t say anything, you are ready to search for the soul.

Emperor Kanli had a big quarrel with several god emperor elders, saying that whoever dares to arrest Gu Xiangfei, be careful that his relatives will not recognize him.

Then he brought Gu Xiangfei out to crack the secret realm, also to protect him. Originally, he planned to let Gu Xiangfei experience outside for a period of time before going back.

Well now, the old bald donkey has become the dean, Gu Xiangfei must be fine, and Tiansen has been promoted to elder, so he feels relieved.

The disciples here are already preparing to enter the secret realm, and Emperor Kanli Shenzhen is also preparing to return to the academy. God Emperor Lishi and God Emperor Qiao Tian are also going back together.

On the way, Divine Emperor Qiao Tian saw Gu Xiangfei wearing purple clothes, and his cultivation was only at the level of a god, and he couldn’t help being surprised. He had never seen such a low-level Divine Array Emperor, so he asked about Divine Emperor Lishi.

“Brother Lishi, is this cultivator in the Divine Sovereign Realm also the Divine Formation Emperor?”

“Well, don’t look at his low cultivation base. If you are not careful, you may be strangled by him in the formation, no! No matter how careful you are, you will be strangled by him in the formation.” God Emperor Lishi has seen Gu Xiangfei In the Void Strangling Formation, several eighth-level gods and monsters were strangled for only half a stick of incense.

“Oh, could it be that I can’t see him setting up the formation? Besides, will I give him time to set up the formation?” Qiao Tian said a little unconvinced.

“Of course you can’t see the formation he arranged, even I didn’t see the formation he arranged, because he arranged a void strangle formation, and I didn’t find a trace of spatial fluctuations, let alone a void formation pattern, his The formation is too scary, brother Kanli is not as good as him.”

“What? Void strangle formation? You can’t even see the spatial fluctuations, so the formation pattern is finished?” God Emperor Qiao Tian was shocked. If it was a void formation pattern, he would not be able to see it. It is really like what God Emperor Lishi said , if Gu Xiangfei wanted to kill him, he might be killed by the void strangling array.

“He is not only a god array emperor, but also a god alchemy emperor. Even Lao Nie admires his alchemy, because he has refined a special star emperor pill, and there are nine star emperor pills in a furnace, which can help people overcome the dangers of life. Star Emperor Pill of Pill Tribulation.” God Emperor Lishi told his friend God Emperor Qiao Tian all the details of Gu Xiangfei, so that he would not suffer in front of Gu Xiangfei in the future.

“My God! He’s so powerful. It seems that we have to make friends with him in advance. In the future, he will definitely be promoted to the alchemy sage and refine the dao elixir.” Although God Emperor Qiao Tian was the dean of the Law Enforcement Court and offended many people, But he is not a fool, he is very smart, and immediately thought of making friends with Gu Xiangfei.

“Brother Gu is very talkative. He is not the kind of person who thinks that alchemy and formation are at their peak, and he is superior. As long as you treat him well, he will definitely treat you well. The premise is that you don’t play tricks. None of the monks in this realm is a fool.” God Emperor Lishi heard Emperor Nie Dan talk about Gu Xiangfei’s character, so he naturally wanted to tell his old friend this.

“I just like to make friends with such people. No matter how powerful those superior people are, I will not make friends with them. It will damage my Dao heart.” After hearing about Gu Xiangfei’s situation, God Emperor Qiao Tian was very impressed with Gu Xiangfei’s character. It’s appreciation, he is a stern and selfless person, and he won’t let his avenue be damaged when dealing with people, otherwise he would rather not make friends.

“Brother Gu, I’m Chu Qiaotian. I used to be the dean of the Law Enforcement Court. Now I’ve been promoted by the old dean to be the elder of the college. If you have something to do in the future, send me a message. This is my communication bead.” God Emperor Qiao Tian turned his head and found Gu Xiangfei, introduce yourself first, and then take out the communication beads to him.

“Hello Elder Chu, thank you for your communication bead. I’ll send you a message if something happens.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted before putting away God Emperor Qiao Tian’s communication bead.

God Emperor Qiao Tian saw Gu Xiangfei salute first and then receive the communication beads, and he liked Gu Xiangfei’s deeds very much in his heart. He really wasn’t the kind of high-ranking monk.

“Brother Gu, I don’t need to address you as an elder unless you’re on a formal occasion. It seems unfamiliar.” God Emperor Qiao Tian knew him very well, so he gave Gu Xiangfei the address first..

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, “Strange? I’m not familiar with you in the first place, so why do you say that you are unfamiliar, but he won’t refuse if someone takes the initiative to make friends with you. Many friends have many paths. His son Gu Yunhao often says this.”

“Okay, then I’ll call Brother Qiao Tian from now on, I hope I don’t mind.”

“Okay, of course I don’t mind, hahaha…” God Emperor Qiao Tian laughed happily when he heard Gu Xiangfei call him Brother Qiao Tian.

The two chatted together. This God Emperor Qiao Tian really has an upright character. He can say whatever he wants and is not afraid of offending others. Gu Xiangfei also admires him very much. There are very few monks with his character in the God Realm. It is estimated that he must have offended many people in the academy.

The two chatted happily along the way, and they had a great intention of seeing each other later. After arriving at the academy, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen separated from them. Emperor Tiansen Shenzhen and Emperor Qiao Tian went to the hall of the academy to meet with Emperor Lishi The new dean, Gu Xiangfei bid farewell to them.

Going back to his cave, putting on the restriction, and checking all his harvest, twelve top-grade divine veins, dozens of eighth- and ninth-level divine fruit trees, and some high-grade ores, these are the items he needs, just to make up for it. his absence.

But this time he went to break through the secret realm, and his biggest gain was getting the Shashen Spear, which is an innate treasure. It seems that in the future, he will find the supernatural power of guns to practice.

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