The Outbreak of the Space War

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen came to the main hall of the college and saw that the bald old man was really sitting in the position of the dean, and he was also happy for his old friend.

“Kanli has met the dean, and the task of the secret realm has been completed.” On formal occasions, Emperor Kanli bowed to the bald old man in accordance with the rules of the academy.

“Hehe, Fellow Daoist Kanli, you’ve worked hard. According to the rules of the academy, the rewards that should be given will be distributed to your Zhendao branch after the end of the secret realm. Please sit down!” Emperor Lishenzhen drank tea.

“The change of the college this time is unexpected. I didn’t expect the old dean to leave the customs, and the vice dean Lu is also tolerant enough. He has pretended for so many years and has not been discovered.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen After taking a sip of tea, he sighed.

“The old dean couldn’t bear to see what they did, so he left the customs for rectification.” The bald old man was just about to pick up the god tea after speaking, when a communication talisman came to him abruptly.

“Report to the dean that a large number of monks from other lands have appeared in the Western God Territory, and they have now fought against the Lintian God Realm in the Western God Territory. The dean decides.” After the bald old man shattered the messenger talisman, a deep voice came, reporting the situation in the Western God Territory.

“The visitors this time are not kind! I have long said that these foreign monks should be kicked out, but the elders have no time to manage the affairs of the Western God Realm in order to fight for power and profit. Now that things have gotten worse, those bastards are also dead. “Emperor Kanli Shenzhen cursed angrily when he heard the voice of the communication talisman.

“What’s the use of saying this now, call all the elders to discuss immediately! Hey! Don’t go!” The bald old man had just said this, and found that Emperor Kanli was about to leave.

“It’s nothing to do with me. I’ll just wait for your notice.” Emperor Kanli said and disappeared in a flash.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know these things, and he doesn’t want to know these things. Now that he is cultivating in the star bead, with so many divine veins, it is important to improve his cultivation base. Only when his cultivation base is improved can he display his supernatural powers. Otherwise it’s a decoration.

After coming to the God Realm for so many years, he also knows a lot about the God Realm. After asking many people, he realized that there are not many monks who have ascended from the Immortal Realm, and they don’t know where they went after they ascended from the Immortal Realm. Ascension hall, no one knows exactly where the ascension will take place.

Although Gu Xiangfei wanted to find Yan Yixue, he had no choice but to work hard to improve his cultivation. After he was promoted to God King, he decided to look for Yan Yixue, or find his uncle Wei Tianyun who ascended from the fairy world, and ask him After ascending to the God Realm, where are they?

As for the matter of the academy, he doesn’t have time to stay here all the time. He was in the academy in the early days just to cultivate resources. Now that the resources are available, his alchemy array has also been upgraded to the peak. He is going to go out to find Yan Yi Snow and the family.

After the war broke out in the Western God Realm, Xuantian Academy quickly made a decision. The monks from the five major God Realms began to enter the Western God Realm. No matter what alliance or race, they would send disciples or monks to Lintian God Realm.

The Divine Realm where Xuantian Academy is located belongs to the Five Elements Universe, and the monks who come from other regions belong to the Brahma Universe. These two universes are relatively close. After passing through the vast void, they can enter the Five Elements Universe.

In the war between universes, no one is right and who is wrong. After some low-level universes are discovered by the medium universe, they are either enslaved or destroyed, or they are refined and become other people’s worlds. The law of the jungle is vividly displayed in the universe.

Among the many universes, the Five Elements universe belongs to the medium universe, and the Brahma universe also belongs to the medium universe. Each universe has many god realms, each god realm has many fairy realms, and each fairy realm has countless cultivation planets and mortal planets.

The Xuantian God Realm is the most powerful God Realm in the Five Elements Universe. There are many God Realms around it, but they are not as powerful as the Xuantian God Realm, but they should not be underestimated. Each God Realm has its own experts.

The five-element universe and the Brahma universe have different rules of heaven and earth, and the cultivation methods are also different, but the resources are the same.Stones, spirit veins, spirit grass and fruit are all the cultivation resources these monks need.

After the outbreak of the war, it quickly became intense. The Brahma Universe invaded the Five Elements Universe this time. There were tens of millions of monks. Moreover, after the war started here, the Brahma Universe suddenly attacked and occupied most of the area of ​​​​the Lintian God Realm, and used it as their temporary residence. , to meet the monks from the Brahma universe, with the intention of occupying the Five Elements universe.

Xuantian Academy first sent 100,000 disciples, led by ten god emperors, to contact the Brahma Universe once. Of the ten god emperors, three fell, and the hundred thousand disciples lost 20,000. The other party lost two god emperors and three god emperors. His body was smashed to pieces, his primordial spirit escaped with serious injuries, and his disciple lost 30,000 yuan, which is still a miserable victory for the Five Elements Universe.

After learning about the situation, Xuantian Academy sent another 200,000 disciples and ten god emperors. This time, three of the god array kings from the Zhendao branch school went.

The monks in the Brahma Universe, seeing that the Five Elements Universe is not a soft persimmon, wanted to evacuate the Five Elements Universe. They came to rob the resources. If the loss is too large, they can’t afford it.

And now the Five Elements Universe is ready to counterattack. Once they evacuate, they may be chased by the Five Elements Universe to the Brahma Universe, bringing a devastating disaster to the Brahma Universe. Only by continuing to recruit disciples to the Five Elements Universe, the two sides will be in a stalemate in the Lintian God Realm. .

After four years had passed outside, and a hundred years had passed inside the Star Bead, Gu Xiangfei stood up, ready to cross the Tribulation God King Realm.

As soon as he left the cave, he saw the deacon of the Zhendao branch came to him, clasped his fists and said, “Fellow Daoist Gu, the head of the branch asked you to go to the main hall of the college after leaving the customs, and we have important matters to discuss.”

“Thank you, I’ll go now.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he clasped his fists in return, and walked outside the main hall of the college.

“Brother Gu is here, please come in!” A familiar voice came from the hall. It turned out that the bald old man saw him coming.

It was the first time for Gu Xiangfei to come to the main hall of the academy. This hall is several times larger than the main hall of the Holy Saber Sect, and the square outside the hall is also large, surrounded by god-gathering trees, which looks very spiritual.

“I’ve met the dean.” After Gu Xiangfei entered the hall, he found that besides the bald old man, there were Emperor Kanli, Emperor Tiansen, and dozens of other emperors. There were a few god emperors he knew, Emperor Nie Dan. God Emperor Lishi and God Emperor Qiao Tian were all sitting cross-legged on the futon in the hall, talking about something.

“Please sit down!” The bald old man pointed to an empty seat on the left.

After thanking Gu Xiang for flying, he came to the position and sat down cross-legged.

“This time Brahma Universe came with three God Formation Emperors and set up a defensive formation. Our Five Elements Universe has been attacking for many days, but there is no effect. Several God Formation Kings from the Formation Dao Branch can’t find the weakness of this formation. , I hope the college will send the Emperor of the Divine Formation to break the formation. After our discussion, we decided to send Vice President Tiansen and Gu Xiangfei there, and at the same time decided that Gu Xiangfei would be promoted to the elder of the college. This is your elder jade token.” A jade plaque floated in front of Gu Xiangfei.

“Respect the dean’s order.” Gu Xiangfei stood up, took the jade plaque, and bowed to thank him.

“Elder Wu Shengke and Elder Lin Lishi are also going this time. They are responsible for guarding you to break the formation.” The bald old man arranged for two more god emperors, who are also two elders of the academy.

Lin Lishi knows God Emperor Gu Xiangfei, and the two are still very familiar with each other. It is not the first time that God Emperor Wu Shengke and Gu Xiangfei have met. He has seen him when he was assessing the Dao of Formation, and he also knew that he practiced the Dao of Poison. Assimilated his poison rules.

After the four of them greeted each other, they left the main hall and headed for the teleportation array of the college.

The teleportation array group of Xuantian Academy is next to the mission hall of the academy. There are nine teleportation arrays here, which can be teleported to the eight largest cities in the four major gods. A monk sent it over.

Four people came to the teleportation formation. The deacon who managed the teleportation formation saw that all four of them were wearing purple costumes. He knew that they were all top figures in the academy. He immediately opened the transmission formation restriction and asked, “Masters, where do you want to teleport to?” where?”

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