Crossing the Tribulation God King Realm

Gu Xiangfei felt a crackling sound coming from his body, and the Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue broke through another level, reaching the seventh level of the God Realm, and reached the late stage of the Body Exercise Jue. Now his body is hundreds of times stronger than before, and can resist the seventh level The god monster hit with all its strength.

“Boom!” The fourth wave of lightning tribulation arc fell. Although the thunder arc was reduced this time, it was still as thick as a bucket. Gu Xiangfei saw several god emperors locked by the thunder arc around him, using their magic weapons Resisting the arc of lightning calamity, with a thought in his mind, he suddenly sent out a few thorns of spiritual consciousness, blasting into the consciousness sea of ​​these god emperors.

These God Emperors of the Brahma Universe were originally focused on resisting the arc of thunder calamity, but they did not expect someone so despicable to take the opportunity to attack their sea of ​​consciousness. When Divine Consciousness sacrificed a magic weapon to resist the Thunder Tribulation Arc, suddenly a cone was inserted into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he cried out in pain, and threw away the magic weapon. With a sound of “Boom!”, he was blasted into pieces by the Thunder Tribulation Arc. Did not run out.

“Oh! It’s a pity that their world was not opened.” Gu Xiangfei sighed.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that all the cultivators in the Brahma universe had run away, and they were at least a million miles away from him. Forget it, since they have run away, let’s wait for the next time!

The next two thunder arcs returned to normal, and the nine thunder arcs with the thickness of his thighs fell without any damage to him. He passed through the thunder calamity easily. The divine aura made him finally enjoy the refreshing feeling all over his body again.

After stabilizing his cultivation, he raised his hand and put away the magic weapons of these god emperors. Although they were damaged to some extent, they were acquired magic weapons. Even if they were repaired, they would be much more powerful than top-grade artifacts.

He raised his hand and typed out a clear water formula, washed his body once, then changed his clothes, and walked to the camp of the Five Elements Universe.

The god emperors behind him also fell to the ground, “Brother Gu, you really have come up with this method, but it’s very dangerous! Don’t do such scary things in the future.” Li Shi God Emperor voice came.

“Brother Lishi, I won’t do such things again in the future, once is enough.” Gu Xiangfei is also a little scared when he thinks about it now, thanks to these god emperors resisting the thunder disaster, otherwise he will definitely be bombarded by the god emperor Broken.

The disciples of the Zongmen in the Five Elements Cosmic Formation and the monks of the alliance, when they saw Gu Xiangfei coming in, they all bowed and saluted, thanking him for taking the risk and killing hundreds of thousands of monks in the Brahma Universe with the help of thunder.

Gu Xiangfei returned the salute one by one, expressed his gratitude to everyone for their support, and came to the main hall.

“Elder Gu, the divine power is invincible, haha…” The dozen or so god emperors in the hall admired Gu Xiangfei’s bold behavior very much. One hundred thousand monks from the Brahma Universe, and a few monks from the God Emperor Realm severely damaged the vitality of the Brahma Universe and had to withdraw to the base camp for defense.

Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists in return and said, “I just wanted to cross the catastrophe, so I simply used the thunder catastrophe to kill others. I didn’t expect it to be successful. Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared, but my generation of monks can only go forward bravely. There is no reason to shrink back.”

“Okay! That’s right, my generation of monks should go forward bravely and constantly explore and pursue our own way, so that we can break out in the world of gods, and even in the holy world.” Here, the most powerful person in the Western God Realm, Yifeng God Emperor, is the leader. , the one who spoke just now is the God Emperor Yifeng, and the rest are God Emperors from the Four Great God Realms and Xuantian Academy. Together, there are more than 60 God Emperors, and their strength is not ordinary.

“Now the monks in the Brahma Universe are being hit hard, why don’t we take the opportunity to bombard their formations, it is best to chase them down to the Brahma Universe and rob them of their resources.” A red-faced old man put forward his suggestion, which was immediately supported by many god emperors. agree.

“I propose to let Elder Gu take the lead, break through their defensive formation, and then take down the headquarters of the Brahma Universe in one fell swoop, drive them out of the Xuantian God Realm first, and then hunt them down to the Brahma Universe.” God Emperor Lishi said this proposal Yes, he knew that Gu Xiangfei would definitely be able to break through the defensive array of Brahma Universe.

“Oh, what do you think of Elder Gu?” God Emperor Yifeng asked in a deliberative tone, his tone was very humble, which surprised all the god emperors, who didn’t know that Emperor Yifeng was relatively strong in the Western God Realm, and now he has such a tone Talking to Gu Xiangfei, we can see his opinion on Gu XiangfeiHow important is it.

“Okay, I’m willing to take the lead. Everyone, get ready, and the attack will start within a stick of incense at most.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists and turned to leave the hall after speaking.

“Everyone, get ready and act separately.” God Emperor Yifeng didn’t know what happened today, and believed Gu Xiangfei’s words for no reason.

Gu Xiang flew out of the defense formation of the Five Elements Universe, and unfolded the regular escape technique. After a dozen or so breaths, he came outside the defense formation of the Brahma Universe.

The false eye opened, and quickly found the node of this ninth-level defensive formation. This ninth-level defensive formation actually buried three high-grade divine veins to provide the divine energy for the operation of the formation.

The monks of the Brahma Universe were in the big formation, talking about the terrifying thunder calamity just now. Now everyone is in danger, and they are starting to think of running away. The monks of the Five Elements Universe are too powerful. If there are a few more like this Cultivator, there is no need to fight the Brahma Universe, it will be wiped out with the Thunder Tribulation alone.

After Gu Xiangfei scanned his consciousness, he saw that the monks of the Five Elements Universe were ready to attack. The leader was more than 60 god emperors, followed by hundreds of gods, thousands of god kings, and behind them was the god king. There are no disciples in the Heyu God Realm, and there are no disciples in the God Modeling Realm.

Take out a handful of formation flags and drive them into the ground respectively. When the last formation flag is driven into the ground, click! With a soft sound, a gap was opened in the defensive formation, and then several formation flags fell, and the formation shattered with a crash.

“Okay! Attack!” God Emperor Yifeng saw that Gu Xiangfei’s defensive formation shattered after several formation flags fell. He was overjoyed and immediately roared.

The monks of the Brahma Universe never expected that the incomparably strong defensive formation was easily broken by others. They were all taken aback, and hurriedly stood up to meet the enemy. Some monks turned around and ran away. He fled for his life in chaos.

More than forty god emperors from the Brahma Universe immediately came to greet them. Knowing that there were too many people on the other side, there was nothing they could do, so they had to bite the bullet and rush forward.

After Gu Xiangfei broke through the large defensive formation, he immediately dodged to the side, took out the formation flag and arranged a dragging formation, raised his hand to collect a complete high-grade divine vein, and went to the next position to collect the complete God’s spirit veins, killing these things, will be handed over to those god emperors, and he will take some benefits first.

When drawing the third divine vein, I was targeted by a monk of the god king realm from the Brahma Universe. This monk originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape by drawing out the god spirit vein, but now he met his peers. What about the monk of the god king realm? Needless to say, he brought out the Sky-Opening Axe and bombarded him, and the realm of the God-King Realm unfolded at the same time, ready to bombard and kill this colleague in one fell swoop.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the Brake Spear. This was the first time he used the Brake Spear. He didn’t practice the magic of the gun, so he used it according to the Thunder Gun. The Thunder Gun was deduced by himself based on the shape of the Thunder Tribulation Arc. Yes, it used to be blasted out with fists, but now it is bombarded out with brake guns.

Under the urging of the divine essence, the Brahman Spear’s light soared ten thousand zhang, rolling up a powerful destructive aura and blasting towards the cultivator of the God King Realm. The cultivator of the God King Realm suddenly felt a huge suction force from the opponent’s spear, My spirit was trembling uncontrollably, as if it was about to be sucked out by the spear and swept away.

“Not good.” This is not an ordinary divine weapon spear, it is an acquired magic weapon, no, it may be a congenital treasure, this cultivator at the God King Realm hastened to use his skills to stabilize his soul, resist the huge suction force of the spear, and avoid sucking his soul Come out and be swept away, once the soul is sucked out by the spear, he will be dissipated, but he has forgotten that the spear was aimed at his eyebrows.

“Pfft!” The spear pierced the forehead of the cultivator in the god king realm, and even the soul was nailed. A tearing pain came, and it felt like the broken soul was being absorbed by the brake gun and turned into a pure one. The power of the gods and souls, the killing breath of the powerful brake gun.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and played out countless complicated hand tactics. The monk in the God King Realm finally saw his world, but it was opened by this monk. The secret passage was over with a bang, and even reincarnation was impossible.

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