The God Emperor Chases and Kills

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the items in the world of the god king. There is no time to check it now, so put it away first.

With a slight sway of the Brake Spear in his hand, he shattered the Primordial Spirit of the Divine King Realm. The Brake Spear instantly absorbed his soul and became a part of the Brake Spear itself. The killing aura of the Brake Spear suddenly became stronger.

Gu Xiangfei felt that the Brave Spear absorbed the soul of a monk to strengthen himself, and he was overjoyed. Could it be that the God Spear was promoted by absorbing the soul? Wouldn’t it be true that the more people killed in the future, the bigger and more powerful the killing aura of the Brahman Spear would be.

Suddenly there was a cool breath from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the Lingtai was empty. Gu Xiangfei suddenly woke up. His thinking was controlled by the Braking Spear. According to the habit of the Braking Spear, it likes to absorb the power of the soul most, and it will absorb the soul in the future. The more power it has, the stronger it will be. Sooner or later, I will lose control of it, or my mind will be controlled by the Brake Spear, and I will become a killing puppet.

Although this Divine Spear was refined by myself, it was created by killing. It seems that it needs to purify its killing breath to avoid being controlled by Divine Spear in the future. host.

This kind of innate treasure will produce spiritual wisdom. If you master it well, it will be a powerful help for you and use it for yourself. Once you lose control, it will be your most powerful enemy.

This Braking Spear has absorbed the divine souls of monks in the Divine King Realm. Although it has the ability to purify itself, but in the future, when it absorbs too many divine souls and cannot be purified enough, these divine souls will affect the Braking Spear’s own habits.

After these souls were bombarded and killed, they must haveHe has a strong resentment, a trace of soul may not affect Sha Shenqiang, but what about two traces? What about Sansi? In the future, accumulating less will make more, and it will definitely influence the thinking habits of Sha Shenqiang, which in turn will make Brashen Spear devour the master.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei decided to re-sacrifice the Brave Spear. If it can’t purify its killing breath, try not to use the Brake Spear in the future, and he is not a monk who cultivates the way of killing.

It suddenly occurred to me that in Immortal World, I met Lang Zhonglin who was practicing the Dao of Slaughter. It would be most suitable for him to use this Braking Spear. He is practicing the Dao of Slaughter, so he must have a way to control the killing aura of the Braking Spear.

Since Lang Zhonglin can control the killing aura of Shashenlance, he can control the killing aura of Shashenlance even more. Lang Zhonglin’s killing aura has been assimilated by him, so he naturally knows the rules of killing aura.

Wait until you have time to deduce the regular breath of the Brahma Spear. Now that there is a big battle, the monks in the Brahma Universe have already begun to flee. The most important thing is to grab the resources first.

He raised his hand to unfurl the formation flag, put away the third divine vein, and threw the Brave Spear into the ring. Before the Brake Spear was completely purified, he was not going to use the Brake Spear to avoid future troubles for himself.

After scanning his consciousness, he found that the monks of the Brahma universe were retreating into the void under the cover of the god emperor. He launched the rule evasion technique, and after a few breaths, he came to the front of the Brahma monks, raised his hand and blasted a big cutting technique Divine channel rhyme.

After the super-cutting supernatural power exploded, he discovered that the super-cutting supernatural power cultivated in the fairy world was very different from the super-cutting supernatural power of the gods. I don’t know how many times stronger, after the magic channel rhyme of the great cutting technique blasted out, a gap hundreds of feet wide and thousands of miles long appeared in the void in front of him.

The monks of the Brahma universe came to the chasm, and were cut into pieces by the supernatural power of the great cutting technique. Even the monks of the king of the gods were chopped into pieces, turned into a pile of meat and scattered in the void, and were taken away by the power of the void. .

“It’s so powerful!” Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment. This great cutting technique, the magic channel rhyme, really deserves to be the magic power to open the sky.

A god emperor of the Brahma universe saw a gap that appeared in front of his monk was blocked, raised his hand and punched out, the great cutting technique divine channel rhyme, boom! The bang was shattered, and the gap in the void was shattered. The monks in the Brahma universe were overjoyed, and immediately fled through the void.

It seems that the supernatural powers of the cutting technique displayed by him at the God King Realm still can’t withstand the blow of a monk at the God Emperor Realm. In short, his cultivation base is still too low.

While Gu Xiangfei was thinking, the God Emperor of the Brahma Universe had already rushed towards him. The God Emperor Realm cultivator saw that this God King Realm cultivator could use such a powerful supernatural power. There must be a big secret in him. can get this secret.

Thousands of miles away, he felt that he was being stared at by the god emperor. He was so frightened that he quickly used the rule escape technique and dodged into the void.

The god emperor saw a god-king-level monk about to run, and he was confident that he would catch up with him soon. As for covering the retreat of the monks, he could not compare to the attraction of supernatural powers. He flashed into the void and saw the god in front. Cultivator Wang Jing even sacrificed his spaceship to flee, and raised his hand to sacrifice his flying magic weapon, and chased after him.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the god emperor sacrificed the flying magic weapon to chase him, so he knew that although his spaceship was a top-grade artifact, it could not escape the speed of the flying magic weapon. It’s not as fast as it is, and thanks to running a step ahead of time, otherwise it would have been caught up.

He estimated the distance and time. He only had half a stick of incense to escape, and he would definitely be caught up after the half stick of incense passed.

He hurriedly opened his eyes of emptiness to check where he could escape. Tens of thousands of miles ahead, there was a void vortex. If he encountered a void vortex in the void, he would avoid it in advance. If he fell into the void vortex, he would definitely die. Strangled to pieces by the void vortex.

Now only this void vortex can escape the pursuit of the God Emperor, otherwise he will be caught up soon. He would rather die than let the God Emperor catch him. He knows what will happen after being caught, and everything on his body , are the spoils of others.

With a distance of tens of thousands of miles, it took only a few breaths. He raised his hand and waved away the spaceship. He dodged into the void vortex, and then entered the star bead.

The god emperor saw that Gu Xiangfei dared to jump into the void vortex, so he naturally wouldn’t follow, even though he was a god emperor, he didn’t dare to bet his life on escaping from the void vortex, who knows what is inside the void vortex Situation, cursed, turned and left.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the star bead, the star bead began to rotate along with the void vortex. As for where it landed in the end, it was up to fate. At least it escaped the pursuit of the god emperor.

The spiritual consciousness looked out to see where it was. As soon as the star bead was protruded, the spiritual consciousness was strangled by the void vortex. It seems that the void vortex is very big. Don’t worry about it, it can spin freely! Anyway, it is impossible for the star beads to be strangled by the void vortex. This kind of treasure when the universe was opened up, even if the void vortex is a hundred times stronger, it will not cause any damage to the star beads.

It happens to be fine now, and it can purify the killing breath of Shashenlance.

When I came under the Jianmu tree, I felt the breath of Jianmu, and I was very relieved. This kind of treasure from the open source of the universe is really extraordinary, and I have saved myself twice.

Take out the God of Brake Spear, and run the regular exercises to extract a trace of killing breath from the God of Brake Gun, and assimilate it.

With Jianmu’s aura, he can keep his sea of ​​consciousness cool at all times. Once he is infected by the killing aura of Shashenlance, Jianmu will emit a cool breath to purify his sea of ​​consciousness, and he will assimilate the killing of Shashenlance.The breath is getting faster and faster.

He extracted and assimilated traces of the killing aura of the Brahmin Spear. Then these killing auras were turned into pure auras by his regular skills, and some mottled auras were cut off by him.

The star beads were in the void vortex, and kept rotating with the vortex until they were thrown out by the void vortex and entered another void.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in assimilating the regular breath of the Brake Spear, and he didn’t know how much time had passed. When the last trace of the regular breath of the Brake Spear was assimilated by him, the Brake Spear let out a cheerful neigh, and he cut off some mottled spots. Breath, Shashenlance revealed an incomparably pure breath, like a newborn baby, without any distracting thoughts.

The Shashen Spear was originally transformed from the rhizome of the Chuangshi Qinglian when it grew up. During its growth, it absorbed a lot of mottled breaths, including the breath of gods and monsters, the breath of spiritual plants, the breath of the rules of heaven and earth, and the breath of mountains and rocks… In short All the breath that can be absorbed is absorbed by it.

Now Gu Xiangfei helps it to cut off these mottled breaths, and let Shashenlance purify it into the breath of the newborn. The innate treasure has wisdom. Knowing that Gu Xiangfei helped it, it naturally feels close to Gu Xiangfei, just like a baby is as natural as a mother. close.

With a wave of his hand, the Shashen Spear turned into a ray of light, and entered his purple mansion to warm up.

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