: The Killing Formation in Kongwu City

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and quickly took out the jade box to put it in, stamped it with a restraint and threw it into the ring, and then found dozens of pieces of void gold, all of which are top-level materials for refining top-grade artifacts.

“Starry Sky Fire Essence! Void Flame Essence! There are so many!” As the Void Volcano was slowly extinguished, Gu Xiangfei discovered dozens of pieces of flame-upgrading materials, all of which were conceived by the Void Volcano over millions of years.

Gu Xiangfei was pleasantly surprised and took out a bunch of jade boxes, and put away the flame promotion materials here, there are more than 60 pieces of them, big and small, making a fortune.

Half a month later, he ransacked the void volcano. The huge meteorite he was riding on was melted by the void volcano. Now he replaced it with this extinguished void volcano and continued to wander in the void.

The strength of this Void Volcano is more than a hundred times harder than his original meteorite. After some small meteorites hit, only a few marks appeared, and did not cause any damage to the Void Volcano.

I don’t know how much time has passed in the void. His cultivation base has been promoted to the middle and late stages of the God King Realm, and he finally saw a light appearing in front of him.

As the light got bigger and bigger, he discovered that this place turned out to be a void city. This void city was built on a very huge meteorite. This meteorite was fixed in the void by a large formation. The large defensive array is shielded from the outside, posing no threat to this void city.

Gu Xiangfei saw that there were still guards outside the Void City. His Void Volcano hit the large defensive formation, was separated by the large formation, and moved aside. He flashed to the gate of the Void City, and the Void Volcano floated to distance.

The guards at the gate of the city may have seen similar things, and they were not surprised. They just said, “Enter Kongwu City to get the Ten Thousand God Stone.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment. It turned out that this Void City was called Kongwu City, but the entry fee for the city cost so many sacred stones.

“Don’t be surprised, these sacred stones are used to maintain the defensive array of Kongwu City. The sacred stones consumed by this Kongwu city every day are a terrifying number.” One of the two guards was surprised to see Gu Xiangfei expression, and kindly explained to him.

After Gu Xiangfei inspected the empty dock city with his illusory eyes, he thought, “This empty dock city consumes only a hundred god stones every day, and it only consumes ten times of collision with the large meteorite I just came over. Otherwise, you won’t even need a hundred coins, and this Kongwu City is quite black-hearted.”

But if there is a city here, just inquire about how to leave the void, it is best to buy a jade slip of a map, and then leave here.

He took out 10,000 god stones and gave them to the guards, got a jade tablet, and entered Kongwu City.

Entering the city, I saw that there are many monks in this empty dock city, and there are monks of all ethnic groups. A large road is very spacious, with shops, commercial buildings, rest houses, pill pavilions, and god tea rooms on both sides. It’s the same as in the city of God Realm.

“Boom!” A figure flew out of a shop, sprayed a blood arrow in mid-air, and fell to the ground. The man got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the shop bitterly, turned and left here.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, can the shops here beat people at will? Could it be that the law enforcement team in Kongwu City didn’t care?

“Boy, what are you looking at? Get out!” A cultivator who looked like a waiter came out of the shop. He was cultivating a god-level cultivator. When he saw Gu Xiangfei, a monk in the god-king realm, he dared to yell at him. It can be seen that either the backstage is hard, or his brain is weak. question.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, and I could provoke him just by looking at him. He raised his hand and slapped the cultivator in the cultivation realm, and immediately drew the void pattern. After a few breaths, a seventh-level void strangle formation was completed.

The cultivator who was shot flying by him, not only was not afraid, but laughed loudly, “Boy, dare to hit me? Don’t even ask who is the backstage of our shop? Just wait to be skinned and cramp, and burn your soul!” ”

“Noisy!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect this cultivator in the cultivation of the gods, instead of returning to the shop to ask for help, he was still threatening him here, obviously relying on something, and then raised his hand and slapped the cultivator in the cultivation of the gods. Heavy, the cultivator in the cultivation realm was in mid-air, spurting blood wildly, his mouth full of teeth flying around, and the flesh and blood on half of his face was smashed.

“You…” The cultivator in the cultivation of gods, who only now knew that this monk in the realm of gods didn’t care about his threat at all, was so frightened that half of his face turned pale, and finally he became a little scared.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice Xinghe, a flame streaked across, and the flesh of the cultivator in the cultivation stateThe body was melted away, and the primordial spirit was scorched by the flames, “Ah…” The primordial spirit in the cultivating state kept rolling and screaming in the flames, the burning of the soul was a thousand times more painful than the physical body, and now he finally Knowing that this god-king-level cultivator is going to really kill him.

“How courageous! How dare you do such a murderous thing.” A terrifying aura of coercion came, and the monks watching around all spurted blood and retreated.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched, and the terrifying coercion was blasted out of this space by his large space technique.

A cultivator at the peak of God Venerable landed in front of him, and was surprised when he saw that his domain was blown away. This monk at the God King Realm was able to blast away his domain. No wonder he dared to kill him outside the shop.

But no matter how strong you are, you are still at the Divine King Realm, which is a big difference from the Divine Venerable Realm. Let’s take you first today!

The cultivator in the Godly Realm didn’t even sacrifice the attacking artifact. He raised his hand and slapped the cultivator in the Divine King Realm. From his point of view, it was nothing to be able to blast away his domain. Could it be possible to block his attack?

Gu Xiangfei felt a huge aura enveloping him. The big hands of the gods obviously wanted to slap him to death. With a move of his consciousness, the void strangle formation was activated, boom! With a bang, tens of thousands of void blade lights blasted out, and the big hands of the gods were immediately strangled by the void blade lights into pure divine spirit energy.

“Not good!” The cultivator in the divine realm now knows why this cultivator in the divine king realm dares to kill people here. It turns out that this is a divine formation king, and he has already arranged a formation in advance, waiting for his arrival.

The seventh-level Void Strangling Formation may not be very effective against god emperors, but it is more than enough to deal with god-level monks. Although his god-level peak is, he is not a god emperor after all.

Tens of thousands of blades from the void bombarded over, and as soon as the cultivator in the Godly Realm sacrificed his shield, he felt a spike piercing his sea of ​​consciousness, which made him yell out in pain. He threw away the shield, and countless blades of light came in an instant. Cutting him into pieces, the primordial spirit was strangled by countless void blades as soon as he left his body.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the ring of the divine realm. After the primordial spirit was strangled, his world also collapsed. This loss is a bit big and not worth it.

The monks of various races in Kongwu City looked at the situation from a distance. They thought that this monk of the God King Realm would definitely be blasted through his body and roast his soul. They didn’t expect that after only a few breaths, the monk of the God King Realm would be killed. Strangled and bombarded, even Yuanshen couldn’t escape.

Gu Xiangfei knew that he had killed a cultivator in the state of God, and this matter would definitely not be over. Before the others could react, he immediately drew void formation patterns. He completed each of the nine-level void strangulation formations, and the entire shop was surrounded by his. Surrounded by void strangle formations, he raised his legs and entered the shop.

There were dozens of monks in the shop, and they all saw what happened outside. Now that this monk in the God King Realm actually entered the shop, all of them changed their expressions, thinking that he was going to kill them.

“Irrelevant personnel leave quickly, this shop is about to be destroyed.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei said, these monks quickly escaped from the shop, and the shopkeepers and shop assistants in the remaining shops showed desperate expressions, and their hearts were full of hope. Shout out to that shop clerk whose soul was scorched.

Gu Xiangfei also ignored these people, raised his hand and punched, the restriction on the shelf was blown away, he raised his hand to roll up these items and put them into the ring, since he made them, he would destroy this place.

The spiritual sense checked the shop, but found no secret room or hidden compartment, and then drew a void burst in the shop, turned and left the shop.

“Stop!” Gu Xiangfei had just left the shop when a few monks in Tsing Yi outside seemed to be the law enforcement team in Kongwu City calling to stop him.

“The Lord of the City has an order to arrest the murderer. Do you want to arrest the criminal without a fight, or let us do it?” A cultivator at the head of the gods, like the leader of the law enforcement team, saw Gu Xiangfei coming out and immediately prepared to take him down.

“Catch the murderer? Haha! I took a look here and was humiliated by a little ant. What were you doing at that time? If you dare to humiliate me, you must be ready to die.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, his consciousness moved into the void The burst array is activated.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, the entire store was shattered by explosions and turned into ruins.

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