: Strangling Kongwu City

“Bold, take it down for me.” The leader of the law enforcement team immediately ordered to do it when he saw that this cultivator in the God King Realm dared to smash the shop in front of him.

The four monks from the law enforcement team sacrificed a few chains to lock God, and formed a formation of four to rush towards Gu Xiangfei, obviously trying to capture him alive.

The spiritual consciousness immediately activated the void strangulation formation, and then dodged to leave here. The four monks of the law enforcement team did not expect the void strangulation formation to be everywhere. Deacon Miao quickly rescued us.”

Deacon Miao, the leader of the law enforcement team, was furious. He sacrificed the Huntian Boring and blasted towards the void strangle formation, trying to smash the formation and rescue a few monks of the law enforcement team.

As soon as his Huntian Tong blasted out, there was a void strangle formation around him immediately, frightened him to wave the Huntian Tang quickly, trying to block the void blade light, but tens of thousands of void blade lights bombarded him together, and he How can I stop it.

After Gu Xiangfei activated the Void Strangling Formation, he immediately flew away from Kongwu City, came to the gate of the city, and raised his hand and punched them. The two guards of Yushen Realm did not expect someone to bombard them. They had no time to resist and were blasted into two groups blood mist.

“I took my god stone, it’s so easy to get.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he rolled up the two rings, drew another void strangle formation at the gate of the city, and then left Kongwu City in a flash, and entered the void.

In the City Lord’s Mansion in Kongwu City, the City Lord is not there now, and there is only one Deputy City Lord. He originally thought that what happened in the city was a trivial matter, I have my own deacon to arrest the murderer, just kill him after asking the reason, if you dare to kill the monks of the shops, it is against the city lord’s mansion, you must know that these shops are handed over to the city lord’s mansion with a million god stones every year, the city lord’s mansion naturally has to protect shops.

Now the deacons and law enforcement team of the city lord’s mansion were all killed by the void strangle formation. He was furious in his heart, and immediately came to the front of the shop, raised his hand and punched them. Body fragments. Primordial spirits were all strangled.

The deputy city lord was furious, and came to the gate of the city, and rushed into the void strangulation formation, “No! This is the void strangulation formation!” He was so frightened that his soul was dying, and he thought to himself, it turned out that the cultivator in the god king realm was actually a god array emperor. If you know he is the god array emperor, you must make friends with him, even if you destroy a few shops, you must make friends with this god array emperor , It’s a pity that it’s too late now, he sighed, and didn’t even sacrifice the shield, he knew that even if he sacrificed the shield, he would only live a few more breaths.

Gu Xiangfei is sitting on a meteorite, looking at the jade slips found in the shop. He dare not sacrifice the spaceship in the void. In case of encountering a large meteorite, even if the spaceship has a defensive formation, it cannot withstand the impact of the void meteorite. force.

These jade slips are Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques, Jade Slips of Dan Fang, Jade Slips of Formation Dao, and Jade Slips of Artifact Refining. After checking a few jade slips, I found the map Jade Slip. The direction in which his own meteorite was flying was exactly the direction he wanted to go out.

Kongwu City is located in the middle of the Five Elements Universe, the Brahma Universe, the Henghui Universe, the Extreme Night Universe, the Mutian Universe, and the Five Great Universes, and does not belong to any of the universes.

It takes hundreds of years to travel from Kongwu City to every universe. Seeing that it took hundreds of years to go back, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help cursing at the god emperor. If the god emperor hadn’t chased him down, he wouldn’t have ended up here. After venting, he was going to find a large meteorite. The meteorite under his feet would be shattered within a few hits.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he quickly found a huge meteorite. Although it was not as big as his Void Volcano, it could withstand multiple impacts.

He flew over and landed on the meteorite, took out the formation flag and punched it into the meteorite, so that he could adjust his position, and arranged a defensive formation around the meteorite, one to block the impact, and the other to prevent monks or void beasts from coming If you can block it, you don’t know what will happen in the void, and taking precautions in advance is also for your own safety.

He pulled out a divine vein, sat cross-legged on it, and practiced regular exercises. The divine energy of the top-grade divine vein was absorbed by him, and immediately turned into a cloud of spiritual mist to envelop him, and his cultivation began to improve.

…………… The Manji God Realm of the Brahma Universe has been occupied by the monks of the Five Elements Universe, and a large number of resources have been robbed by the Five Elements Universe. There are more than twenty god emperors in the Manji God Realm, and there are less than ten people left.

“Let’s go ask for help! Otherwise, the Five Elements Universe will soon occupy the entire Divine Realm.” The god emperors of the Manji Divine Realm discussed how to solve the problem of the Five Elements Universe.

“Where do we go to ask for help? If there is no benefit, no one will come to help us. Now that most of our God’s Domain has been lost, many mine veins have been taken away by the Five Elements Universe. We can’t get any resources and no one will come to help us.” These god emperors They talked a lot.

“No, let’s go to the Henghui Universe, which is the closest to us, and lead the Five Elements Universe there, and let them fight each other. If they can’t fight, we will hide and attack both sides, making them suspicious of each other, and sooner or later they will start a war. .” A god emperor came up with this idea, and as soon as he said the words, he immediately got the consent of other god emperors.

“Report to God Emperor, the monks from the Manji God Realm have all escaped. Now that they have entered the Henghui Universe, shall we continue to hunt and kill them?” After detection, report to God Emperor Yifeng immediately.

“Run away, we don’t have to chase, this is to lure us to fight with Henghui Universe, maybe they will hide in the sidelines and sneak attack, these small tricks can be hidden from me, we are a million miles away from Henghui Universe All the sects, business alliances, and alliances that participated in this war will come here to allocate resources.” Yifeng God Emperor saw through the plan of Manji God Realm at a glance, why is he so stupid? , Aren’t they human race? They still have mud in their heads and no brains.

All the clans, alliances, sects, and Xuantian Academy that participated in this war all came to carve up the resources of the Manji God Realm. Xuantian Academy contributed the most this time and allocated the most resources, but it fell. Several God Emperors, and a God Array Emperor, even if the entire Brahma Universe was given to Xuantian Academy, it would not be able to replace the fallen God Array Emperor.

After the news of Gu Xiangfei being hunted down by the God Emperor was sent back to Xuantian Academy, the bald headmaster and Emperor Kanli were shocked. Gu Xiangfei is the genius Emperor of Xuantian Academy. Ten deaths and no life.

The bald dean immediately asked God Emperor Yifeng to destroy all the gods in the Brahma universe to avenge Gu Xiangfei, and Emperor Kanli decided to kill all the gods in the Brahma universe. The god emperor fled to the Henghui universe, and was dissuaded by the bald dean in order not to cause another cosmic war.

Depressedly, Emperor Kanli returned to his branch of the formation, and worked hard to improve his void formation, preparing to avenge Gu Xiangfei if he had the opportunity in the future.


ValleyXiangfei was practicing on the meteorite, and suddenly felt that the defensive formation was being bombarded. After scanning with his divine sense, he found that two monks were bombarding his defensive formation.

“Who are you? Why bombard my formation?” Gu Xiangfei came to the defensive formation and asked through a gap.

“Huh! There are people here? We thought the formation on this meteorite was a natural formation, but we didn’t expect it to be the site of a fellow Taoist. I’m sorry.” The two monks of the Divine King Realm saw Gu Xiangfei talking in the formation, so they knew it was the formation. I was wrong. It turned out that this meteorite was inhabited, so I quickly apologized.

“Come in!” Seeing the two monks apologizing, Gu Xiangfei was also a monk in the realm of the gods, and there was no danger to him, so he just wanted to find out where this place was.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei open the formation and let them in, the two monks at the Divine Sovereign Realm hesitated for a while before coming to the defensive formation. They knew that it would be easy for the Divine King to kill them. Since he let them in, he probably didn’t want to kill them. !

Two monks in the Divine King Realm came to the defensive formation, and saw that this was indeed the territory of the Divine King Realm. There were bumps and hollows all around, and it didn’t look like there was anything hidden.

“Which universe are you from? How did you come to the void?”

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