: News from the Holy Sword Sect

Gu Xiangfei came out of the cave. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there were still a large number of monks looking for resources on the Void Mountain. However, the scenes of fighting and snatching disappeared. It may be that no one has discovered new resources.

When he came to the foot of the Void Mountain, he let go of his illusory eyes, found a meteorite suitable for surviving the catastrophe, sacrificed his spaceship, and galloped after the meteorite.

A day later, he came to this meteorite, pulled out a top-grade divine vein, sat cross-legged on it, and performed exercises to refine the divine energy emanating from the high-grade divine vein.

“Boom!” Nine washbasin-thick black thunder arcs fell and bombarded him. The breath of thunder arcs was absorbed into his body, impacting the acupoints of the divine state.

The pure spiritual energy of the top-grade divine veins is indeed much less impurity than other divine energy. The divine essence in his body is accumulated after refining the incomparably pure divine energy. Once it hits the acupoints, it breaks through a hole. gap.

“Boom!” The second wave of nine black thunder arcs fell, and the body clicked! With a sound, the barriers of the acupoints were broken, and the slightly swollen spirit in the body, like a flood, opened a hole, poured in, and injected new meridians and acupoints, and the huge spirit quickly filled the meridians Acupoints.

A huge aura emanated from his body. The shock wave blasted away some fragments on the meteorite, flew away from the meteorite, and scattered into the void.

Boom! The third wave of nine black lightning tribulation arcs fell, and Gu Xiangfei began to run the Qianyuan body training formula, absorbing the thunder tribulation arc to forge his body.

There are eight waves and nine thunder arcs in the Godly Realm. His Qianyuan body training formula is running, and the thunder arcs are continuously tempered. When the eighth wave of thunder arcs falls, there is a crackling sound coming from his body. There was a chaotic sound, the bones, meridians, and muscles began to reorganize again, and the eighth level of the divine realm broke through.

This tribulation was the easiest time since he practiced. He broke through to the Godly Realm without feeling any danger. A spiritual cloud fell in the void, and he could not see the color. He also knew it was a colorful spiritual cloud, which was rich in rich and clear Except for the seven-colored cloud, even the top-grade divine spirit veins are not so powerful.

After stabilizing his cultivation, he retracted the top-grade divine veins, cast out a clear water formula, and washed his body once. He felt that his body was stronger, and the spirit in his body was thicker. , overjoyed in my heart, now it’s time to go back to the Five Elements Universe.

Sacrifice the spaceship, and prepare to go to the Void City first, and then return to the Five Elements Universe. Instead of going back to Xuantian Academy, he wants to find Yan Yixue and his family members in several major god realms. Even the god emperor can resist one or two, not to mention that he still has some innate treasures, combined with the void strangle formation, even the god emperor can kill him accidentally.

Four days later, I came to the Void City. There are far fewer monks in the Void City. Most of them are looking for resources in the Void Mountain. It is estimated that they will not come back in a few hundred years.

This is his second time entering Void City, and it is far less lively than the first time. He wants to find a resting place to rest for a few days and have a good sleep. He hasn’t slept in many years.

There was an inn written on the door of the hotel, and he felt curious, how could these inn names, which are often seen in the mundane world, appear in the God Realm?

“Does the guest want to stay in the hotel? One hundred divine stones per day for Class A rooms, seventy divine stones per day for Class B rooms, and all the rooms below Class C are gone.” A monk who looked like a waiter in the shop saw him coming in, and what he said was In the words of the shop boy in the secular world.

“A first-class room!” Gu Xiangfei took out five hundred divine stones and handed them to the waiter. He planned to rest for four or five days before leaving.

“Guest officer, please come with me.” The waiter in the shop put away the sacred stone, led him to a room on the second floor, took out the jade card to open the door, and handed the jade card to him.

“Guest officer, please come in. If you need other services, you can call me at any time.” The waiter in the shop turned and went downstairs after speaking.

Gu Xiangfei felt very strange. Everything here seemed to be in the secular world, which made him feel very novel.

After entering the room, the divine aura here is quite strong, but he didn’t come to practice, so he lay down on the bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Xiangfei was woken up by the yelling from outsiders. It is said that there should be an isolation formation here, which would not disturb him. When he opened his eyes and saw this resting place, not to mention the isolation formation, even the defense formation was not arranged. No wonder Other people’s voices will come in.

At that time, when he came in, he followed the waiter, and only listened to the strange words of the waiter, and didn’t pay attention to the formation here. In his mind, the defensive formation and isolation formation are necessary for every resting place, and there is no need to check them at all.

After leaving the room and going outside, I found a monk was arguing with the waiter, and there were more than a dozen monks watching the fun with smiles, like idlers in the secular world.

“You are a black shop. Obviously I wanted a second-class room, but you gave me a third-class room, and you charged so much. I want to tear down your black shop and report it to the government.” The monk grabbed the waiter, We are about to go outside.

“Guest officer, it’s obviously because you can’t bear to spend money and insist on a cheap room. Now it’s our shop that’s to blame. Even if you go to the government office, I’m justified. You let go first, and the one who doesn’t let go is your grandson.” The attitude of saying that you can go anywhere.

Gu Xiangfei was even more curious, is there a government office in this place? Then I realized that these two people were acting to amuse everyone.

“Xiaoer, check out.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t bother to watch them act, but someThe monks read it with gusto. There are many monks who have not experienced the secular world and do not understand life in the secular world.

Some monks will stop and live when they see the performances here, waiting to watch the show. The monks are practicing boringly every day, and occasionally watch the excitement and adjust their nervous emotions. It can be regarded as a kind of self-relaxation. Using this method to attract customers can be considered ingenious.

“Guest officer, you have rested for three days, and I will refund you another two hundred sacred stones.” The waiter also took out the inn manual, dipped a brush in ink, and drew a stroke on it, making the monks beside him laugh out loud. stand up.

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, this method is novel in the eyes of other monks, and it may have attracted many people, but I came from the secular world, three hundred god stones lived for three days, it’s really fucking expensive, even a defensive formation is not enough. No, this house will be closed after building a house, and the cost is small and the profit is big.

Suddenly, I saw two monks wearing blue clothes on the street outside. There were three words on the left chest of the clothes, Holy Sword Sect.

Gu Xiangfei became excited. It turns out that the God Realm also has the Holy Sword Sect, so it should not be difficult to find out the whereabouts of Yan Yixue and her family.

“Two fellow daoists, please wait a moment.” Gu Xiangfei stepped in front of the two disciples of the Holy Sword Sect.

“Senior, what’s the matter?” The two disciples of the Holy Sword Sect saw a cultivator in the realm of the gods suddenly appearing in front of them, and hurriedly saluted and greeted them. Anything can happen in the void city. These low-level disciples, when they meet a monk with a strong cultivation base, They must bow and salute, with a very humble attitude.

“Are you from the Holy Sword Sect? Where is your sect? Is there a monk named Wei Tianyun in the sect? He ascended from the fairy world.” Gu Xiangfei ignored their salutes and greetings, and directly asked these two people a series of questions. A monk of the Holy Sword Sect.

“Senior, our sect is in the Qingjin God Realm, which belongs to the third-level sect in the God Realm. There are many disciples in the sect. We don’t know what Wei Tianyun the senior said, but I heard that there have been many disciples in the sect in recent years. , He ascended from the Holy Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm.” The two disciples of the Holy Sword Sect heard that they were asking about their sect. Maybe this monk named Wei Tianyun was a friend of this senior, so he felt at ease. There are many, and he speaks neatly.

“So that’s the case. Then when will you return to the sect? Or do you have the map jade slip of the sect? I’ll go find someone.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t find out the whereabouts of Wei Tianyun, but he heard that there was a monk who had ascended from the fairy world. Decided to go to the Holy Sword Sect to find it.

“This is the map jade slip of our sect. It takes five years for our sect to get here. We came here to practice. We can’t go back now, so we have to let the seniors go there alone.” Among the two disciples of the Holy Sword Sect, there was A disciple took out a jade slip of a map and handed it to him, explaining why they didn’t go back.

“Okay, thank you very much, these two pieces of armor are given to you, I hope they can help you in the void.” Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip, took out two pieces of top-quality armor and gave each of them one to thank them for their support. Jade Jane.

“Thank you, senior.” The two disciples of the Holy Sword Sect were overjoyed when they saw that they were two pieces of top-grade armor.

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