Persecution of the Holy Sword Sect

Hundreds of millions of miles to the north of the Qingjin God Realm, there is a sect. The Holy Sword Sect is established here. The spirit is quite strong, but it is worse than other second-level sects. , it’s still much worse, and it’s even worse than Xuantian Academy.

In a cave of the Holy Sword Sect, Wei Tianyun looked at the monks in his cave. These monks were all disciples of the sect who ascended from the fairy world. The tallest one is Yan Yixue.

After Yan Yixue flew up, she met Wei Tianyun. At this time, Wei Tianyun was at the peak of the False God Realm. He was also very happy after seeing Yan Yixue, so he asked her where was Gu Xiangfei?

“Master, didn’t you see my husband? He ascended six years earlier than me, so he should have already reached the God Realm.” Yan Yixue couldn’t help feeling anxious when she heard that Wei Tianyun didn’t see Gu Xiangfei. Show a worried look.

“Nephew, don’t worry, come back to the sect with me now! Nephew Gu may have ascended to another God Realm, and he will find us in the future, or we will go find him after our cultivation has improved.” Wei Tianyun saw Yan Yi With an anxious look on her face, Xue quickly comforted her with a few words.

Yan Yixue followed Wei Tianyun to the Holy Sword Sect. After reporting her name and origin, she received a jade tablet and a ring from the sect, and came to Wei Tianyun’s cave. Lin Moyu was assigned to the disciples of Immortal Ascension, and Wei Tianyun was specially in charge of the disciples of Immortal Ascension.

“Nephew, this area of ​​caves is reserved for the disciples who ascended from the fairy world. You choose a cave to convert your divine essence first!” Wei Tianyun pointed to the area of ​​a hundred caves and said to Yan Yixue.

Now there are more than a dozen peak masters and elders of the Holy Saber Sect living here. They ascended a few years earlier than Yan Yixue and Gu Xiangfei, and they are all cultivating in the cave now.

Yan Yixue found a cave at random, and after putting the restriction on, she sat cross-legged on the futon to convert her divine essence. The cave that Wei Tianyun was in charge of had a medium concentration of spiritual energy in the Holy Sword Sect. The original disciples of the sect are not bad.

Five days later, Yan Yixue completed the last transformation of the divine essence, and the cultivation techniques of the gods immediately appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. territory………

After Yan Yixue understood the cultivation system of the God Realm, she began to practice hard.Xiangfei’s thoughts were buried deep in his heart, and he only wanted to go out to find her husband after his cultivation became stronger.

Although Yan Yixue doesn’t have Gu Xiangfei’s star beads, but she is the best ice spirit root, and her cultivation has improved very quickly. After ten years, she breaks through the False God Realm, enters the True God Realm, and then goes out to practice with the disciples of the Holy Sword Sect .

She has practiced the Great Changing Shape Technique and transformed herself into a slightly darker and ugly female cultivator. None of the disciples of the sect were interested in her. As if changing her appearance, gradually the disciples of the sect also knew that this black and ugly female cultivator was really ugly.

However, the spiritual root of this black and ugly female cultivator is very good, and her cultivation speed is faster than them, these disciples can only sigh, this heaven is still very fair, it gave you a black and ugly appearance, and gave you a super strong cultivation Talent is truly impartial.

Yan Yixue’s cultivation speed is very fast. As long as she has resources, she will always cultivate much faster than other disciples. This matter was soon known by some elders in the sect. After discussion, these elders decided to take her as the core The disciples come to train, maybe the future rise of the Holy Sword Sect depends on Yan Yixue.

A hundred years later, when Yan Yixue broke through to the Heavenly God Realm, the elders of the Holy Saber Sect saw hope even more, and the sect’s resources gave her a lot of support.

Yan Yixue also strived for success, and it took less than two hundred years to break through to the realm of shaping the gods. However, in the latest experience, Yan Yixue had a conflict with a disciple of the second-rate sect of the Qingjin God Realm, the Yuyang Sect. The second son mocked Yan Yixue’s long black ugly and came out to scare people, but Yan Yixue killed him in a rage.

This Yuyang Sect disciple’s cultivation level is the same as Yan Yixue’s, but his cultivation level was improved by pills. Where is Yan Yixue’s opponent? Usually, relying on his father as the elder of the sect, he is domineering in the sect. Even if Yan Yixue didn’t kill him, he would be beheaded by other monks sooner or later.

Yan Yixue killed this disciple of the Yuyang Sect this time, which is considered a catastrophe. The Yuyang Sect is a second-rate sect, which is several times stronger than the Holy Sword Sect. , and the disciple of the Yuyang Sect who was killed, his father was a cultivator in the realm of gods. After hearing that his son was killed, he immediately came to the Holy Sword Sect and asked them to hand over the murderer. Although the Holy Sword Sect is a third-rate sect door, but it is impossible to hand over Yan Yixue.

The suzerain, King Moyu, knew that once Yan Yixue was handed over, the disciples of the sect would have a sense of distrust towards the sect, and it would be easy for these disciples to lose their morals.

The elder of the Yuyang Sect didn’t expect that the Holy Saber Sect not only failed to hand over the murderer, but also said that his son was the one to take the blame. He was the first to speak rudely and humiliate the disciples of the Holy Saber Sect.

The elder of the Yuyang Sect was furious, and immediately fought in the Holy Sword Sect. Although the Holy Saber Sect is a third-rate sect, there are still a few monks in the God King Realm, and they are fighting in the local area, and they are protected by formations. This Yuyang Sect The elder only injured two elders of the Holy Sword Sect, and he also suffered some minor injuries, so he had to withdraw from the Holy Sword Sect first and come back to discuss with the suzerain to destroy the Holy Sword Sect.

The head of the Yuyang Sect, Yangxin Shenzun, saw that this elder was injured by the Holy Sword Sect, and was furious. He immediately summoned the elders of the sect to attack the Holy Sword Sect.

Now Yan Yixue is in Wei Tianyun’s cave, discussing the matter of the Yuyang Sect’s attack on the Holy Sword Sect.

“Uncle, one person does things and one person is responsible. I went out to negotiate with the Yuyang Sect. At most, I will be beheaded by them. This matter will be over. I can’t involve other disciples of the sect. Several elders were seriously injured because of me. This time I will not Get out, and the Holy Saber Sect will be wiped out.” Yan Yixue clasped her fists at Wei Tianyun and the other elders in the fairy world, then turned and left the cave.

Wei Tianyun and the other elders in the fairy world also knew that there was no other way now, their cultivation was only at the real god level, and going out would be death, it didn’t work at all, sighed, and left the cave after helplessness, they had to see clearly Who killed Yan Yixue, and waited for Gu Xiangfei to come back to avenge her.

In front of the sect’s defensive formation, the master of the Holy Saber Sect, King Moyu, and several elders felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts when they saw the aggressive hundreds of thousands of disciples and three elders of the Yuyang Sect.

“Sect Master, please open the formation. I can’t implicate the sect. I went out and told them that I killed people. If you want to kill people, you can cut them up casually. I just hope that you don’t implicate the sect.” Yan Yixue came to the sect master Moyu God King In front of her, she now reveals her true face, which is as beautiful as death.

“No! Take the teleportation array and leave the sect quickly. Remember, when you become stronger in cultivation, you can avenge my Holy Sword Sect.” Although the sect master Moyu God King is low in cultivation, he is a monk who ascended from the fairy world. I have seen the ups and downs of the sect, as long as there is a disciple in the sect, it will be this disciple who destroys the Yuyang sect in the future, and the holy sword sect will continue to flourish.

“Sect Master, if you don’t let me go out, I will kill myself here now. I can’t implicate the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the sect, and die here for me alone. Besides, I still have a husband and two sons. I will avenge me.” The half-moon halberd in Yan Yixue’s hand pointed at her eyebrows, her attitude was very firm, if the Suzerain Moyu God King did not agree, she would kill herself immediately.

“Alas!” Moyu Divine King understands Yan Yixue’s thoughts, but this disciple is the hope of their Holy Saber Sect, and the other elders also look sad. The sect has finally produced a genius disciple, and now it is forced To be ruined in the hands of Zongmen.

After the defensive formation was opened, Yan Yixue held a half-moon halberd and came to the disciples of the Yuyang Sect before the formation, and said, “I am the monk who killed your disciples of the Yuyang Sect.It’s convenient, but I hope not to implicate the disciples of the Holy Sword Sect. ”

“Hmph! Slut! I want to strip you naked and hang it in front of the gate of your Holy Sword Sect, burning your soul for thousands of years.” The elder of Yuyang Sect’s murdered son, looking at the beautiful Yan Yixue, suddenly thought of got the idea.

“If you dare to touch a single hair of her, I will destroy your Desire Yang Sect and prevent you from being reincarnated forever!”

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