Completely Destroy the Invading Enemies

After Gu Xiangfei got the map jade slip from the disciple of the Holy Sword Sect, he immediately left the Void City and raised his hand to sacrifice the Heavenly Dao Wheel. He wanted to use the Heavenly Dao Wheel to fly to see how fast this innate flying treasure was.

As soon as the Heavenly Dao Wheel was activated, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. As expected, he was worthy of being an innate flying treasure. In just a few breaths, he had already flown millions of miles, which was several times faster than the speed of light. He also ignored any boundary meteorites. Automatically circumnavigating, a small piece of meteorite directly smashed past, and the Heavenly Dao Wheel itself has an innate defense formation, without any damage.

Originally, it took more than a year to get to the Northern God Realm of the Five Elements Universe, but it took only 20 days to step into the Five Elements Universe and enter the Qingjin God Realm in the Northern God Realm.

After entering the Qingjin Divine Realm, according to the location of the Holy Sword Sect on the jade slip on the map, it will take half a year to arrive. If you take the teleportation array, you can reach it in two days. Hongyan City, the closest city to the Holy Sword Sect.

Gu Xiangfei came to Qingshan City, the largest city in the Qingjin God Realm, where there are teleportation formations to the major cities in the Northern God Realm.

“How many sacred stones should I go to Hongyan City?” Gu Xiangfei came to the window of the teleportation array in Qingshan City and asked a female cultivator who sold teleportation jade tokens inside.

“One hundred thousand god stones, start teleportation after ten people are enough.” The female nun replied expressionlessly. There are many monks who come to buy teleportation jade tokens every day.

Gu Xiangfei received the teleportation jade token and came to the teleportation formation in Hongyan City. Here he had seven monks waiting to teleport, and Gu Xiangfei also stood with them, waiting for the teleportation formation to reach ten people before teleporting.

There were many monks who came to Hongyan City, but in the time for a cup of tea, ten monks gathered enough, took out the teleportation jade token, put it in the groove of the teleportation array, the teleportation array was activated, a white light flashed, Gu Xiangfei and the other nine The monk disappeared on the teleportation array.

This time the teleportation distance was much faster than the boundary teleportation. In less than an hour, the teleportation ended. Gu Xiangfei walked out of the teleportation array and came to the street of Hongyan City, ready to go out of the city to the Holy Sword Sect. There are five days.

Although the Holy Saber Sect has a teleportation array, not everyone can teleport into the sect. Normally, the Holy Saber Sect’s teleportation array is closed, and the teleportation array will only be opened for use if there is an emergency.

Gu Xiangfei was in a hurry to go to the Holy Sword Sect, and didn’t have time to check what was going on in Hongyan City. Just as he was about to sacrifice the spaceship when he left the city, he heard a few monks talking, “I heard that the Yuyang Sect is going to destroy the Holy Sword Sect, Let’s go there and see if there is any benefit?”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, raised his hand and stretched out Shenyuan’s big hand, grabbed the monk who was speaking, and asked, “What did you just say? Who wants to destroy the Holy Sword Sect?”

“Senior, please forgive me. It is the Yuyang Sect who wants to destroy the Holy Sword Sect. I heard that a female cultivator of the Holy Saber Sect killed the son of the elder of the Yuyang Sect. Then this elder went back and brought several elders from the Desire Yang Sect to the Supreme Realm, as well as hundreds of thousands of disciples, to destroy the Holy Saber Sect unless the Holy Saber Sect handed over the murderous female cultivator.” That monk was just Yushen Realm cultivator, now being suppressed by Gu Xiangfei’s Godly Realm aura, hurriedly spoke out.

“How courageous!” Gu Xiangfei was furious after hearing what the monk said. He was sure that the female cultivator of the Holy Sword Sect was Yan Yixue. The cultivator in the realm of nurturing gods sacrificed the wheel of heaven and disappeared in an instant.

“My God, this monk is also in the realm of gods. It seems that he has a good relationship with the Holy Sword Sect. This time, the Yuyang Sect may suffer. Let’s go and see.” These monks saw Gu Xiangfei go away Now, let’s talk about what happened just now, but this time it didn’t mention the benefits.

“I’m not going. I was almost overwhelmed by that senior’s aura just now. It seems that I should talk less in the future! Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth.” The cultivator in the cultivation state who was thrown away by Gu Xiangfei was really frightened this time. He never wanted to experience the terrifying coercive atmosphere again.

It took only half a day for Gu Xiangfei’s Heavenly Dao Wheel to come to the square outside the gate of the Holy Sword Sect, just in time to hear the words of the elder who wanted to strip Yan Yixue’s clothes and hang them at the gate of the Holy Sword Sect.

Cleaning up the Heavenly Dao Wheel, unleashing the Brahma Spear, rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights, and blasted at the eyebrows of the elder of the Yuyang Sect.

The huge aura of divine dignity came across, and the Shashen Spear carried the shocking suction of the soul, like lightning. The elder of the Yuyang Sect was very arrogant and domineering just a moment ago, and his arrogance was very domineering.

At this moment, he felt that his soul was locked on by the God Brake Spear, and at the same time, a huge soul suction was about to suck out his soul and take it away. He was so scared that he immediately sacrificed his shield and at the same time sacrificed the top-grade artifact to hit the magic whip. Wanting to mobilize Shenyuan, he felt pain suddenly, yelled, spat out a mouthful of blood, threw away his shield and hit the magic whip.

“Boom!” Brake Spear inserted between his eyebrows, pinning his soul, thinking that it would be impossible for the soul to leave the body, and saw that the cultivator in the state of gods just now kept making complicated hand formulas with both hands, but A few breaths, click! With a sound, his world was actually opened by this cultivator in the state of God, and the objects in the world were swept away by the cultivator’s raised hand, and then a flame rushed out, his body was burned, and the soul was controlled by this flame, and began sear.

It was very slow to say these things, but GuIt took Xiangfei only a few breaths of time, and the elders of the Deity Yang Sect didn’t even have time to rescue them, and saw that this newly arrived monk actually opened up the world of their sect elders, these elders of the Divine Prestige I couldn’t help being startled, and no one dared to rush forward.

“Husband!” Yan Yixue only came to her senses now, and threw herself into Gu Xiangfei’s arms, tears falling down, her helplessness just now, and the humiliation of the elders of Yuyang Sect, disappeared instantly after Gu Xiangfei arrived, In order not to hurt the sect, she made this decision. She knew that Gu Xiangfei would definitely avenge her, but unfortunately she couldn’t see it.

Unexpectedly, when she was in the most danger, her husband appeared, just like in the Martial Dao Continent, it was Gu Xiangfei who saved her.

“Xiaoxue, wait a moment, I want them to come and go?” Gu Xiangfei patted Yan Yixue’s back, and his spiritual consciousness began to draw formations. He wanted to keep these elders and disciples of Yuyang Sect.

“You all belong to the Yuyang Sect? In order to kill my wife and mobilize the crowd, the cost is not small!” Gu Xiangfei said while drawing the void strangulation pattern, first attracting these elders to talk to him, and waiting for the pattern After the characterization is completed, it is their death time. If you have the courage to come, you must be prepared to die.

“Who are you? Just because you are a cultivator in the realm of gods, it is very easy for us Yuyangzong to kill you. Don’t think that you are invincible in the world because you sneak attacked one of our elders. Hurry up and report your name.” Yuyangzong The remaining elders of the Godly Realm looked at each other, and decided that they would work together to kill the monk of the Godly Realm. They were not sure of fighting alone.

“Who I am, you don’t need to know, even if you know, it’s useless, none of you can leave here today.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he turned around and hugged Yan Yixue, and walked away hundreds of feet away. The ninth-level void strangling array is activated.

“Not good! This is the Void Strangling Formation, what a cunning monk, we are finished.” The elders of the Divine Prestige Realm saw millions of void blade lights approaching in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Yuyang Sect were strangled in an instant. For the most part, Yuanshen failed to escape.

As soon as Wei Tianyun brought the elders ascending from the fairy world to the holy sword sect’s defensive formation, he saw Gu Xiangfei arouse the void strangling formation, and was strangling the elders and disciples of the Yuyang sect. Hundreds of thousands of disciples instantly turned into Fragments, several elders of the divine realm were also torn apart by the strangling formation.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched out, the ninth-level void strangle formation shattered, and then he played complicated hand formulas, tearing apart the worlds of these god-level elders, looting everything in their worlds, and raising his hand, a flame turned into ashes .

“Nephew Gu is here! Nephew Gu is here…” Wei Tianyun trembled when he spoke excitedly.

The elders of Ascension in the Immortal Realm were also very excited. They did not expect Gu Xiangfei to come at a critical moment.

The Sect Master of the Holy Saber Sect, King Mo Yu, went out from Yan Yixue to Gu Xiangfei’s arrival, first bombarded and killed the elder of the Yuyang Sect, and then arranged a void strangulation array during the conversation with the elders of the Yuyang Sect, and killed Yuyang Sect. The elder Zong and his disciples were all strangled, and he saw them all, and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed. It seems that the crisis of the Zongmen has been overcome this time.

What shocked him the most was that Yan Yixue’s husband was able to open the world of the monks in the Godly Realm. You must know that the world opened up by the monks after crossing the catastrophe to the Godly King’s Realm, except for himself, no monk can open up the world. Even the god emperor can’t open the world of a monk in the realm of gods. Now this monk in the realm of gods has opened up the worlds of several elders in the realm of gods. What a heaven-defying monk!

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