God Emperor’s World

The Black Feather Divine King hesitated for a moment, and said, “Okay, I will go with you personally. There are still a few divine kings in the sect, but they are seriously injured and are recovering, so they cannot be allowed to go.”

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and took out a few jade bottles, “Give them these bottles of healing pills! I hope their injuries will heal soon, uncle, Xiaoxue, let’s go!”

The Black Feather Divine King took the jade bottle and immediately handed it over to a slightly injured elder next to him, arranging for him to distribute the elixir, and then followed Gu Xiangfei out of the Sect of the Holy Sword Sect.

“This is the map jade slip of Yuyang Sect. It will take five days for us to reach Yuyang Sect.” After leaving the sect, Moyu God King took out a map jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the Heavenly Dao Wheel, rolled up Yan Yixue, and called his master Wei Tianyun and Moyu God King to come up, then activated the Heavenly Dao Wheel and galloped away.

“It’s so fast. It takes half a day to reach Yuyangzong at this speed.” The Moyu God King was surprised when he saw the speed of the Heavenly Dao Wheel. This is the innate magic weapon of flying! No wonder Gu Xiangfei wanted to destroy the Yuyang Sect in advance. It turns out that with this innate flying magic weapon, the speed is slower than the teleportation array.

Yan Yixue leaned happily beside Gu Xiangfei, feeling his familiar aura. She hasn’t seen her husband for hundreds of years. She has been practicing hard since she ascended to the God Realm, and she just wants to go out to find her husband one day when she becomes stronger. Now Finally found it, and will never be separated from her husband again. If she doesn’t have the obsession in her heart, she won’t even be interested in practicing.

Gu Xiangfei felt the aura from Yan Yixue, and knew that since she ascended to the God Realm, she has been practicing hard to find herself. He heard from her master that Yan Yixue often went out to practice, and every time she changed her appearance, she was dark and ugly. He just didn’t want to cause trouble, so as not to expose his peerless appearance, be entangled by others, and affect his cultivation, so he couldn’t help but hold her soft little hand.

Yan Yixue was held by Gu Xiangfei, she smiled happily, her husband still likes her, no matter how many years have passed, his love for her has never weakened, and he loves her as always.

The speed of the Heavenly Dao Wheel really deserves to be the innate treasure of flying, and it came to Yuyangzong’s sphere of influence in less than half a day.

Gu Xiangfei put away the wheel of heaven and said, “You wait here, I will break through the defensive formation of the Yuyang sect, and then I will send you a message to enter the Yuyang sect and rob the resources.”

The three of them knew that he was going to deal with the Yuyang Sect alone, so they didn’t say anything, they just told him to be careful, and if he found something impossible to do, he would return and find a way to deal with it slowly.

Yan Yixue didn’t pester him, and she didn’t tell him. She believed that he would be able to break through the defensive array of Yuyang Sect. This time, she came to Yuyang Sect for her sake. If he dared to arrest Yan Yixue, Gu Xiangfei would definitely not let her go. Yuyangzong, the current elder of Yuyangzong, is still being roasted by the galaxy in the square of the Holy Sword Zong.

Gu Xiangfei launched the regular evasion technique and disappeared in a flash. The Black Feather God King was surprised again. The evasion technique was so fast that it almost caught up with the innate flying magic weapon in a short distance.

The star beads turned into a grain of sand, and brought Gu Xiangfei to the defensive formation of Yuyangzong, let go of the illusory eyes, and quickly found the position to guard the heart of the defensive formation, a monk of the king of the gods sat in the cave Cultivation, this cave is where the formation heart is.

Gu Xiangfei began to draw void formation patterns. His formation level has been improved in all aspects since he broke through to the realm of gods. His spiritual consciousness, divine essence, and illusory eyes have also been greatly improved with the improvement of his cultivation.

Now to draw the void pattern, it can be completed in a few breaths. First, open a gap in the defensive formation, control the star beads to enter the defensive formation, and then come to the center of the formation.

The cultivator at the Divine King Realm never expected that there would be a cultivator who would open the defensive array without a trace of vigilance. Gu Xiangfei’s divine consciousness thorn suddenly attacked his sea of ​​consciousness. The domain was imprisoned, and then a fire turned him into ashes, and his World Valley Xiangfei didn’t even open.

After modifying the defensive formation to the trapped killing formation, Gu Xiangfei continued to draw the pattern of void strangling formation. This time, he almost included the entire Yuyang sect in the void strangling formation, just to catch them all and leave no one alive.

An hour later, the Void Strangling Formation pattern was completed, and the Void Strangling Formation was activated immediately. The entire Yuyang Sect immediately appeared tens of millions of void blade lights out of thin air. Gai Tian’s strangulationCome.

The suzerain of the Yuyang Sect and the remaining two elders of the Divine Prestige Realm, the masters of several Divine King Realm halls, had no time to guard against them, even if they had time to prepare, they would not be able to escape from the teleportation formation, and Gu Xiangfei focused on keeping Yuyang Zong’s teleportation array has set up a void bursting array, first smashing the teleportation array, so that they can’t find a place to escape.

When the Black Feather God King and Master Wei Tianyun brought Yan Yixue over, the Yuyang Sect had no living monks. The blood was like a river converging into a lake, and the body fragments were scattered throughout the Yuyang Sect.

Seeing this tragic situation, the Black Feather Divine King was horrified even at the Divine King Realm. This Gu Xiangfei actually killed all the million monks of the Yuyang Sect. Wei Tianyun was also shocked, and Yan Yixue was even more shocked. I didn’t even dare to look at it, and I secretly blamed my husband for being too murderous, and I wanted to dissuade him from doing so much evil in the future, otherwise the heavens would not tolerate him.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and the Milky Way flashed by. The blood and corpse fragments were all reduced to ashes.

“Don’t look at this. If they break the Holy Sword Sect, do you think they will let the disciples of the sect go? I’m just using the way of others to treat them. I have extracted the spirit of the gods. Let’s go! “Gu Xiangfei calculated the time, and estimated that people from Xuantian Academy will be able to arrive at the Holy Sword Sect tomorrow.

The Black Feather God King and Master Wei Tianyun were shocked. After the Yuyang Sect wants to break the Holy Sword Sect, it must be like this. The hundreds of thousands of disciples of the sect will also be slaughtered by them, but now they are swapping each other. It’s just a character. Thinking of this, there is no gap in my heart, and I excitedly start to search for the resources of Yuyangzong.

Gu Xiangfei drew twenty divine veins, and gave the rest of the items to God King Moyu and Master Wei Tianyun. The two were overjoyed. They got thirty-five high-grade divine veins this time after destroying the Yuyang Sect. Articles, various pills, talismans, artifacts, large tracts of spiritual grass and fruit trees, and countless resources of jade slips of other exercises, enough for the Holy Sword Sect to reach the threshold of the second-level sect.

One day later, the four of them returned to the Holy Sword Sect. The suzerain Moyu Divine King was all smiles, and began to distribute resources to the disciples of the sect. Each disciple was allocated 100,000 divine stones, and each mountain was buried with a high-grade divine vein. The spiritual energy in the sword sect rose sharply, and it was several times stronger than before. All the disciples of the sect were overjoyed and cheered in unison for the majesty of the sect master.

After taking Gu Xiangfei’s elixir, the elders of the Holy Sword Sect are rapidly recovering from their injuries, and they will recover soon.

In Yan Yixue’s cave, after Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue came back, the storm almost never stopped. Both of them released the backlog of these years.

The entire Holy Saber Sect was immersed in a sea of ​​joy. Suddenly, several terrifying auras of coercion came, and the guard disciples of the Holy Saber Sect vomited blood and retreated.

“The Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect, King Moyu, come out and die.” A voice came with a terrifying aura of coercion, and the disciples with low cultivation bases of the sect vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei was fighting fiercely with Yan Yixue at the wheel, and the restrictions in the cave were torn apart by that voice. Obviously, this was the sound transmission of the terrifying coercion of a god emperor.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and the coercive aura was dissipated by him, preventing Yan Yixue from vomiting blood and being injured. He stretched out his hand and put on the purple costume of Xuantian Academy, and walked to the square outside the Holy Sword Sect, where he had already arranged The void strangled the bursts of patterns.

The three god emperors are now in the air, looking down at the entire Holy Saber Sect, waiting for the Sect Master Mo Yu to come out and kill them.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, and raised his hand to activate the void strangulation pattern, the three god emperors suddenly felt a huge pressure of the heaven and earth rules, and were horrified in their hearts, “There is a large formation of forbidden space here!” They hurriedly fell to the ground, and another Shouted, “Not good! There is a void strangle formation here! Hurry up and defend!”

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the Brahman Spear, rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights that exploded into ten thousand feet of light, and blasted at the leader of the god emperor, and at the same time pierced his spiritual consciousness into his sea of ​​consciousness.

“Ah!” The God Emperor in the lead suddenly felt a terrifying thorn piercing into his sea of ​​consciousness. The long spear that sucks the soul, ignoring the blade light of the void, pierces his eyebrows and nails his soul.

The other two god emperors didn’t expect that a third-level sect would have a void strangle formation, and it was a ninth-level void strangle formation. A cultivator’s spear pierced his eyebrows and stood motionless, obviously his soul was pinned down.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and typed out countless complicated hand formulas. Now he is more and more familiar with opening other people’s worlds, and he has a more and more thorough understanding of the rules and aura. That god emperor and the other two god emperors don’t know what he is doing, and they don’t listen to them. It soon became clear that this was about opening up other people’s worlds.

The god emperor in the lead felt that his world was about to be opened up by a cultivator in the realm of gods. Just as he was about to explode his soul and destroy his world, he heard, click! With a soft sound, his own world was opened, and the items inside were swept away by the god-level monk, and then he saw a galaxy flashing past like a starry sky, and his senses completely disappeared.

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