The Arrival of the Academy Elders

“Stop! Fellow Daoists, please stop. We are from the Qingshen Palace. We come to ask about the destruction of the Yuyang Sect. There is no other meaning.” Seeing this scene, the other two god emperors were so frightened that they immediately begged for mercy. A cultivator in the realm is so against the sky, he can actually open the world of the god emperor, which is simply unheard of in the god realm!

Gu Xiangfei ignored their begging for mercy, and now he begged for mercy when he saw that he couldn’t beat him. He was aggressive just now, but he meant to destroy the Holy Sword Sect.

With a swipe of the sharp gun in his hand, tens of thousands of guns were rolled up again.The light soared ten thousand zhang, passed through the void strangle formation, and inserted into the eyebrows of another god emperor, and continued to repeat the process just now, opening the world of this god emperor.

The other god emperor saw that Gu Xiangfei was determined to kill them, so he immediately made a choice to reverse the retrograde technique and explode himself, and he would not let him open his own world.

Gu Xiangfei felt that the god emperor was going to explode himself, and raised his hand to blast out the supernatural power of the Great Years Art. The god emperor felt that his retrograde technique stopped instantly, and everything around him was in a static state. But the long spear didn’t stop, it was directly inserted between his eyebrows, nailing his primordial spirit.

“I understand, this is the rule of time!” After the god emperor was pierced by the spear between his eyebrows and nailed the primordial spirit, the retrograde exercise in his body stopped, and he also understood why the surroundings were in a state of stillness, and why the spear still pierced his body He nailed his primordial spirit between his brows. It turned out that this was the rule of time, one of the most powerful supernatural powers in the universe.

After Gu Xiangfei opened the world of the last god emperor and reduced him to ashes, he raised his hand and shattered the void strangle formation.

The Black Feather Divine King and the elders of the Holy Sword Sect, as well as some deacons of Yushen and Shenjun Realm, saw Gu Xiangfei alone, and killed three arrogant and domineering god emperors in just a cup of tea. This is a god emperor! The most powerful cultivators in the God Realm are crushed by him as easily as an ant, and they are even more admired by him.

“Brother Gu, I’m so happy to see you safe and sound, haha…” A familiar voice came, and four god emperors in purple clothes appeared in the air in the distance, and their aura was stronger than before. Those three god emperors were more than several times stronger.

“Brother Kanli, Vice President Tiansen, Brother Li Shi, Brother Qiao Tian, ​​it’s great to meet you.” Gu Xiangfei saw that these four people were all acquaintances and had a good relationship, especially Kanli. Emperor Shenzhen took special care of him.

God King Black Feather saw that four more god emperors had come, their aura was stronger than the three god emperors just now, but seeing their conversation with Gu Xiangfei, he knew that it was the elders of Xuantian College who had come, and he was overjoyed Well, if the elders of Xuantian Academy can come to their third-level sect, it will be a great credit to the sect! Even Qingshen Palace, the largest sect in Qingjin God Realm, cannot invite four god emperors to visit at the same time.

“Brothers, please, this is my sect in the fairy world, the Holy Sword Sect. When I ascended, something went wrong and I landed in the Dry God Realm. My wife and all the masters are in the Holy Sword Sect, and escaped in the void. After that, I found them.” Gu Xiangfei introduced to Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others why he was in the Holy Sword Sect.

“Mo Yu has met all the seniors, please come to the sect to talk.” The God King Mo Yu was very excited, and he was even more grateful to Gu Xiangfei. Just now Gu Xiangfei said that he is a disciple of the Holy Sword Sect. The academy will definitely look at the Holy Sword Sect differently in the future.

“Sect Master Black Feather, you don’t need to be too polite, your Holy Sword Sect has a genius disciple! Even the headmaster called him Brother Gu. After knowing that he was exiled, he immediately sent me to wait for four people to welcome Brother Gu back.” Kan Before Emperor Li Shenzhen could speak, Vice President Tiansen first talked about how much Gu Xiangfei was valued in Xuantian Academy.

The Moyu God King was even more delighted when he heard the words, Gu Xiangfei even called the dean brothers, it would be difficult for the Holy Sword Sect not to rise up in the future, remembering what Wei Tianyun said to him when he ascended to the sky, he knew how much Wei Tianyun knew about Gu Xiangfei The reason why the Holy Sword Sect will definitely become stronger in the future is not nonsense.

Several people came to the main hall of the Holy Sword Sect, accompanied by the King Moyu and several elders, and asked Wei Tianyun to follow. The King Moyu decided to promote Wei Tianyun to be the elder of the Holy Sword Sect. Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s attitude towards Wei Tianyun, he knew that Wei Tianyun held a high position in Gu Xiangfei’s heart, and all the disciples who ascended from the fairy world respected Wei Tianyun, even if Yan Yixue’s cultivation level was higher than his , also called him uncle.

Gu Xiangfei took out the purified purple bamboo leaf tea made in the void, and poured a cup for each of them. The aura emanating from the purple bamboo leaf tea made everyone in the hall feel that their souls were being purified, and there was a faint tendency to grow stronger.

“Good tea, this tea is several times better than my Jingliankong leaves. It seems to be made from Jingkong purple bamboo leaves.” Emperor Kanli took a sip of tea and praised repeatedly.

“You old guy, you finally put on a smiley face now. After seeing that brother Gu is safe, you started talking a lot. I never told you to stop along the way.” Vice-President Tiansen dismissed Emperor Kanli .

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, what happened to Emperor Kanli Shenzhen? Who made him unhappy? Based on his relationship with the bald dean, who would dare to provoke him in the academy?

“Brother Gu, you don’t know. When you were chased into the void by the god emperor, everyone thought you had fallen. The old guy Kanli didn’t look good when he saw us. He kept complaining that we didn’t take good care of you and scared us. I didn’t dare to see him anymore, and I didn’t smile until I heard about you.” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei was puzzled, Elder Li Shi explained to him the situation of Emperor Kanli.

“I made all the brothers worry, and there is no way to send a message in the void. I have to wait until I come out to send a message to Brother Kanli and the others. I am really sorry for my brother’s concern.” Gu Xiangfei heard Elder Li Shi’s words, He was also very touched by Emperor Kanli’s care for him, and stood up and bowed to thank them.

“Brother Gu, you don’t need to be too polite. How can we drink tea if you are so polite?” The four of them quickly stood up to return the salute, and Elder Qiao Tian even complained that he was too troublesome to be polite.

Everyone chatted and laughed happily in the main hall of the Holy Sword Sect, telling some things after the farewell.

The Qingshen Palace in the Qingjin God Realm is like a mourning test.Lord Qingfeng Divine Emperor received the report, and the soul cards of the three elders sent to the Holy Sword Sect were shattered, and even the Yuanshen failed to escape, obviously they were killed by bombardment.

The reason why Qingshen Palace is strong is because there are six god emperors. Now half of them have been lost at once, and the strength of Qingshen Palace has been greatly reduced. If there are more powerful enemies to attack, there may be momentum to replace Qingshen Palace.

However, the Holy Sword Sect is a third-level sect, how could it kill the three god emperors, and even the Yuanshen failed to escape, which shows how terrifying the monks who killed the three of them were.

Palace Master Qingfeng of Qingshen Palace couldn’t figure out what was going on, and he didn’t dare to send the God Emperor out to question the Holy Sword Sect. How did a god emperor elder fall.

These five god-level monks came to Hongyan City, the nearest city to the Holy Sword Sect, by teleportation array. They checked in the city for a few days, but couldn’t find anything, so the five decided to go to the Holy Sword Sect to ask. Asking about the situation, based on the strength of their five gods, I believe that the Holy Sword Sect would not dare to talk nonsense to them.

After the five god-level monks came to the Holy Sword Sect, they did not show arrogance, and asked the guard disciples of the Holy Sword Sect in a very ordinary tone, “Please come out, the suzerain, just say that we are from the Qingshen Palace, come and ask He has some things.”

When the guard disciples heard that they were from Qingshen Palace, they didn’t dare to neglect them. They quickly sent a message to the deacons of the sect, told them about the situation, and soon a deacon came outside the sect.

“Our suzerain is accompanying the guests. Please come with me to see the suzerain.” The deacon’s attitude was very humble, and his words were very respectful. These five monks heard that the suzerain of the holy sword sect was accompanying the guests and had no time to greet them. Although they were a little displeased, the deacon spoke very nicely, and they came to inquire about the situation again, so they didn’t care about it. They just wanted to go back and report to the Palace Master after inquiring about the situation earlier.

When they followed the deacon to the main hall of the Holy Sword Sect, they heard the sound of laughter coming from the main hall, and they felt a little unhappy in their hearts. What kind of guests are they accompanying, laughing so wildly.

“Sovereign Master, the Taoist friends from Qingshen Palace have arrived, these are them.” The deacon came to report to King Moyu, and pointed to the five monks who came in.

Before the Black Feather God King could speak, the five cultivators in the divine realm froze. As soon as they entered the hall, they saw five cultivators in purple clothes. They were shocked when they looked carefully. They went to Xuantian Academy Having participated in the assessment, he naturally knows these god emperors, except for one monk who is in the realm of gods, but this monk is also wearing purple clothes, and he is obviously an elder of Xuantian Academy.

“Why are you fellow daoists coming to my Holy Sword Sect?” The words of the Black Feather God King interrupted their stunned stupor.

“I have seen the God Emperor.” These five god-level monks ignored the Moyu God King, and first bowed to Emperor Kanli and the others. They did not dare to disrespect the elders of Xuantian College, they are Qingshen Palace. Palace Master, seeing these god emperors are very respectful, not to mention they are only a monk in the realm of gods.

“It’s impolite, answer the master first. We are the guests of the Holy Sword Sect. If you do this, it seems that we are taking the lead.” Elder Li Shi saw that the other old guys were silent, so he had to speak. Several monks in the state of gods taught a few words, and then pointed to King Moyu to recommend them.

The five god-level cultivators were stunned, and quickly clasped their fists to the Black Feather God King, “I’m bothering the Black Feather Sect Master, we are here to ask, we don’t know about the death of the three elders of the Qingshen Palace. Did the king see it?”

Mo Yushen Wang thought, of course I saw it, and I know how they died, but why did I tell you? Isn’t that betraying our Holy Sword Sect?

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