Sudden Message

Gu Xiangfei took Yan Yixue back to the cave of the Zhendao branch, opened the restriction, and a strong spiritual energy rushed to her face. Yan Yixue exclaimed, “It’s so rich, is this our cave?”

“Yes, you can practice here from now on! According to your aptitude, you should break through to the God King Realm soon.” After Gu Xiangfei found Yan Yixue, he was in a good mood, and asked his uncle Wei Tianyun again, seeing Parents and sons sent him a message after ascension, and they felt relieved and no longer had any worries.

Yan Yixue became excited. This place is much stronger than the Holy Sword Sect. Not only is the spiritual energy dozens of times stronger, but also there is no need to worry about someone coming to attack, so you can practice with peace of mind.

Gu Xiangfei put a restraint on it, and picked up Yan Yixue. He and Yan Yixue were separated by hundreds of years. He was having a good time at that time, but was disturbed by others. Since then, he has been busy, and the two of them have no time to be together. Now finally no one bothers them, come to the bedroom… (10,000 words omitted here.)

Five days later, even though Gu Xiangfei was in the state of God, he still felt a little dizzy, but Yan Yixue looked more plump and charming, unparalleled in charm, and more delicate like a flower.

In Xuantian Academy, there are not a few forces competing for it now, and there is a peaceful atmosphere. After facing the Brahma Cosmic War last time, they got a lot of resources. After Gu Xiangfei was chased and killed by the God Emperor, he fled to the void. Therefore, they were all distributed to the Zhendao Branch. Now that Gu Xiangfei is back, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen gave him all the resources that were originally intended for him.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that he would be given so many resources. There were twenty high-grade divine veins, one billion divine stones, thousands of eighth and ninth-level divine fruits, and tens of thousands of high-grade ores.

Seeing these things, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and couldn’t help sighing, it really was a good place to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and the powerful power of the academy made no one dare to underestimate it.

With these things, Gu Xiangfei was busy for a few more days, refining the divine spirit fruit into elixir, and the ore into top-grade artifacts, top-level array flags, and array plates.

He gave Yan Yixue the burning holy house on his body for self-defense, and gave her some healing pills, and even a bunch of all kinds of top-grade artifacts. He was not stingy with his daughter-in-law. It was a ring full of Yan Yixue.

Yan Yixue’s aptitude was originally a top-notch spiritual root, but now that she has these resources, her cultivation has increased rapidly.

Gu Xiangfei, apart from occasionally communicating with Emperor Kanli, drinking tea and chatting, the rest of the time is also hard at work. He is only at the early stage of the Godly Realm, and he uses the Divine Pulse when practicing. Even so, his cultivation is still improved It’s very slow.

He also knew that after entering the realm of gods, his cultivation would improve more and more slowly. After communicating with several god emperors, he knew that it took hundreds of thousands of years for them to break through from gods to god emperors. After using countless treasures of heaven and earth and elixirs, he broke through to the realm of god emperor with great painstaking efforts.

Ten years later, Yan Yixue broke through to the realm of cultivating the gods, while Gu Xiangfei was still wandering in the early stage of the godly realm. The spirit in his body was much thicker, and his cultivation still had not broken through to the middle stage of the godly realm.

Xuantian Academy’s once-in-a-century assessment for recruiting disciples is about to start again. The last assessment, Emperor Kanli Divine Formation originally wanted Gu Xiangfei to recruit disciples of the Formation Dao, but at that time Gu Xiangfei was still wandering in the void, Kanli Divine Formation The emperor had no choice but to recruit array disciples by himself, but he didn’t like any of them. In the end, he reluctantly recruited two fifth-level divine array masters and entered the array division.

In this year’s student assessment, Gu Xiangfei was pulled by Emperor Kanli Shenzhen to do a coolie, and he was asked to recruit disciples from the Zhendao branch.

The original words of Emperor Kanli Shenzhen were, “Brother Gu, the last century-old assessment, I originally wanted you to select the disciples of the formation after you came back from the Brahma universe. Unfortunately, you were still wandering in the void at that time, so I had to wait for you to come back from the Brahma universe. Go, this time you are back, it is time for you to share the burden of the Zhendao branch, not to mention you are still the elder of the academy, I will leave this matter to my brother, haha…”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to go at first, but he couldn’t stand Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and began to play tricks, so he had to come to the main hall of the college to listen to the content of the college’s assessment.

Pill array talisman, these are the four major strengths of the disciples in each assessment, and these four are the most used in the cultivation world. Other medical skills, spiritual planting skills, puppet ways, poison ways, luck ways… all kinds of small ways , is not within the content of the assessment at all.

This time, the main examiner was still presided over by Vice President Tiansen, Dan Dao was still Emperor Nie Dan, the formation Dao was replaced by Gu Xiangfei, Fu Dao was still the original elder Chen Tingshi, and there was not much change in Qi Dao. The elders of Lanshan were in charge, and the other god emperors were watching the fun in the past.

After assigning the assessors, Vice President Tiansen was the first to take the lead and leaped into the air. Afterwards, the dozen or so god emperors also came to the air.Fly away to the assessment platform outside the academy.

Gu Xiangfei saw the monks who came to participate in the assessment this time, and the monks who were still watching the excitement. Compared with the previous assessment, there were only a lot more monks. Tens of millions of monks were scattered around the platform. No one made a sound, and it was surprisingly quiet.

As Vice President Tiansen brought them down on the platform, the monks around made a commotion, but stopped after a few breaths, and Gu Xiangfei sighed, “Sure enough, people walk to high places, and water flows to low places , with such a powerful academy, which monk would not want to join in!”

“The 100-year assessment has begun. The first item, the alchemy assessment, has monks who have signed up for jade cards to come to the platform.” Vice President Tiansen began to repeat the words of previous assessments.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but recall that when he took part in the assessment, Vice President Tiansen also said the same thing. It’s only a few hundred years now, and the monks who were assessed back then have now become the elders who assess other monks. Things are unpredictable and changeable.

The monks who participated in the alchemy assessment took out their jade cards and passed the formation test, and then entered the platform. Gu Xiangfei probably estimated that there are hundreds of monks who participated in the alchemy assessment this time than the monks who participated in the assessment. .

There are the most monks in the alchemy assessment. After all, in the cultivation world, elixir is the most versatile skill, so many monks will refine some low-level elixirs. After monks with alchemy talents find themselves suitable for alchemy, the general They will practice alchemy, one is to improve their cultivation, the other is that pills can be exchanged for cultivation resources, and the third is that their alchemy can be promoted to the god alchemy king, there will be many alliances and sects to invite to join, and the conditions given are all It is very rich, and every alchemist will be very rich, and there is never a shortage of cultivation resources.

The alchemy assessment was going on as usual. Vice President Tiansen suddenly found that his communication bead was constantly flickering. Get together and tell them the message of the communication beads.

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