Nirvana Breath Corrosion

“The Nirvana breath suddenly appeared in the Extreme Night Universe, and now most of it has been Nirvanized. Several god domains in the Extreme Night Universe have disappeared, and even the void has been reduced to nothingness. This is a sign that the universe is about to be destroyed.” Vice President Tiansen Tell them the contents of the communication bead, and then open the communication bead to let them see the message on it.

“It was sent to me by God Emperor Yifeng. He is still in the Brahma Universe. This message came from the Brahma Universe. Now the monks in the Five Elements Universe are planning to leave the Brahma Universe.” Vice President Tiansen sent the communication beads The person who sent it on the Internet told everyone.

Gu Xiangfei has seen the map of Kongwu City, and knows that the polar night universe is not very far from the Brahma universe. It is possible that the breath of nirvana will soon spread to the Brahma universe, and then to the Five Elements universe.

“Continue with the assessment now, so as not to expose the information and cause chaos.” Emperor Nie Dan was in charge of the assessment of Dan Dao. After reading the message, he put forward his own opinion. After speaking, he looked at everyone and waited for Vice President Tiansen’s decision .

“Okay, continue the assessment, but try to simplify as much as possible. I think the dean has already known the news. He didn’t send us a summons just because he wanted to continue the assessment, so as not to expose the information.” Vice-President Tiansen agreed to continue the assessment , but now his mind is no longer on the assessment, thinking about how to solve this matter.

The alchemy assessment continued, and a monk under the platform suddenly yelled, “It’s not good, the Jiye universe has nirvana several god domains, and it is spreading everywhere now. This is the message from our sect disciples, everyone please Look.”

A communication bead message suddenly appeared in the void, and the content was exactly the same as what the monk said.

There was a sudden commotion under the platform, and then more and more monks saw the message on the communication beads. The commotion became more and more intense, and many monks had already started to leave the square.

Vice President Tiansen saw this situation and knew that this matter would be exposed sooner or later. He had a premonition in his heart and was not surprised. He flew into the air, looked down at the remaining monks on the square and said.

“Fellow daoists, the current situation is basically like this, so this assessment can only continue with the alchemy assessment, and the other assessments are temporarily suspended. Xuantian Academy will try its best to protect our five elements universe and avoid being nirvana Breath erosion.”

After being confirmed by Vice President Tiansen, the monks in the square immediately turned around and left the square. Even some monks who participated in the alchemy assessment also left a lot.

Gu Xiangfei speculated that it might be that the great powers of the holy world were practicing some kind of top-level supernatural power, otherwise, how could there be a breath of nirvana. He carefully checked his nine supernatural powers, and found that except for the great destruction technique, other supernatural powers would not be able to do this. Nirvana appears.

He was startled suddenly. This is definitely not the breath of nirvana, but the breath of destruction. Maybe God Emperor Yifeng has never seen the Great Destruction Technique, so he thinks it is the breath of nirvana.

The Great Destruction Technique has been cultivated to the extreme, and it is nothing to destroy several universes. If the power of the holy world performs the Great Destruction Technique several times in a row, these universes will be wiped out in an instant. The monks in the extreme night universe fled and were destroyed long ago.

Then he remembered that if there was someone powerful enough to cast the Great Destruction Technique, it might be an ancient monk on Earth. Since there was someone powerful enough to perform the Great Destruction Technique, there must be other great powers practicing other great supernatural powers.

These supernatural powers all appeared in the earth’s characters. Even if they are not ancient monks on the earth, they must be related to the earth’s monks to practice these supernatural powers.

If he ascends to the holy world in the future, he will definitely encounter theseDa Neng, maybe he will fight against them at that time, that is a matter for the future, the most important thing now is to protect the Five Elements Universe, so as not to be eroded by the magic channel charm of the great destruction technique and destroy the Five Elements Universe, otherwise the Five Elements Universe will be destroyed. If he is destroyed, how can he cultivate to ascend to the holy world?

The assessment was forced to be terminated by the sudden summons, and the assessment of alchemy did not continue. Excluding the alchemist who left halfway, there were less than 100 monks who participated in the assessment of alchemy. Emperor Nie simply recruited all of them into the branch of the academy. His disciples surprised the monks participating in the alchemy assessment. This was something that Xuantian Academy had never done before. They didn’t know whether it was luck or whether they should be grateful for the message of nirvana.

After hastily finishing the assessment, everyone came to the main hall of the college. Now hundreds of god emperors had gathered in the main hall of the college, and the old dean suddenly appeared in the seat next to the dean.

“This time the message from God Emperor Yifeng, I decided to send a few elders to the polar night universe to check the nirvana breath and see how to resolve the nirvana breath, but I don’t think there is much hope, the god emperor of the polar night universe The cultivation level is no worse than that of our Five Elements Universe. There must be top god emperors there. Even they can’t resolve it now. We go to check it out for the survival of our Five Elements Universe. No, we sent people to check this time, it is indeed a matter of luck, it would be best if we can dispel the nirvana breath, if it is not possible, we will try our best, even if we are nirvana, we will not regret it in our hearts.” The old dean After seeing that everyone had arrived, he didn’t say any other nonsense, and just said these words directly to let everyone know the consequences of this matter.

“Old dean, please give orders! We are all on standby at any time.” The bald dean bowed to the old dean. He admired the old dean’s ability and decisiveness, and only the old dean’s words could convince everyone , He said this on behalf of the other elders.

“Kanli, Nie Jingshan, Chu Qiaotian, Lin Lishi, Chen Tingshi, you five go!” The old dean quickly appointed several elders and arranged for them to go to the polar night universe.

“Old dean, I want to take another elder, or I can switch with him. His formation is much stronger than mine.” Emperor Kanli bowed to the old dean and said his own words. request.

“Oh! There are other elders who are stronger than you?” The old dean knew that Emperor Kanli was in charge of the branch of the array, and his array was the top emperor in Xuantian Academy. The formation is still strong, which surprised the old dean.

“Yes, he is Elder Gu Xiang Feigu. He is an elder promoted by the dean. My alchemy is far worse than him.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen felt that this time he went to check the nirvana of the polar night universe. This old guy has no confidence or confidence at all. If he brings Gu Xiangfei with him, there might be some unexpected gains. Ever since Gu Xiangfei came back, Emperor Kanli thought that Gu Xiangfei was lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the God Emperor. Luck is too bad.

“Oh! Since you said so, let’s go with one more person! Maybe it can really help you.” The old dean believed in Kanli’s words, and he thought that the elder Kanli admired must have his excellence Therefore, without asking Gu Xiangfei about other matters, he agreed to let him follow.

In fact, Gu Xiangfei also wanted to figure out what caused the nirvana breath. He has a regular technique that can assimilate the nirvana breath. Even if he can’t stop the nirvana breath from spreading, at least he can save his life at critical moments.

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