The Great Change of the Little Bee

A terrifying aura of coercion rushed over. Gu Xiangfei rolled up Yan Yixue and fled away. The giant claws of a level nine peak god and monster beast smashed into the air, creating a gully thousands of feet long on the ground.

Gu Xiangfei was shocked. This ninth-level peak god monster is even more terrifying than a god emperor. Its coercive aura can reach tens of thousands of miles away.

This ninth-level peak god monster roared angrily after seeing the air strike, and suddenly sprouted wings under its ribs, and it just stretched out and came to Gu Xiangfei’s body. Gu Xiangfei and the two of them.

Gu Xiangfei was terrified, and quickly used the regular evasion technique to escape, and then continued to cast the regular evasion technique, instantly turning into a phantom and disappearing in place. The escape technique is slow, but within two breaths he catches up.

What kind of monster is this? Where did it come from again?

Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue were originally hugging each other, but this ninth-level peak god monster suddenly attacked them. Until now, Gu Xiangfei didn’t understand why this ninth-level peak god monster attacked them, and why he was so nervous. Can’t give up.

Now he had no choice but to hold Yan Yixue in his arms, unfold the regular escapism technique, and fly away non-stop, not even having time to sacrifice the wheel of heaven.

Seeing that there was no way for Gu Xiangfei to go on like this, Yan Yixue quickly said, “Husband, I will advance to the star beads, so that your speed will be faster and it will be easier to escape.”

Gu Xiangfei suddenly came to his senses, quickly sent Yan Yixue into the star bead, and launched the regular escapism again. After a few breaths, he distanced himself from the ninth-level peak god and monster, and raised his hand to sacrifice the wheel of heaven, just like the speed of light The Heavenly Dao Wheel instantly disappeared from the sight of the ninth-level peak god monster.

The ninth-level peak god and monster did not give up chasing and killing him, and followed his breath closely.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to check the traces of this ninth-level peak god monster from time to time, and found that the wheel of heavenIf the speed is raised to the fastest, this peak ninth-level god monster can also keep up, but the gap is also widening a little bit. It is estimated that in a few days, this nine-level peak god monster will be far behind him. At that time, he will find a way to deal with this ninth-level peak god monster.

However, within two days, this ninth-level peak god monster had insufficient demon energy, and was thrown far away by Gu Xiangfei. This place happened to be a plain. With a wave of his hand, he put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and began to draw patterns of void strangulation.

After half a stick of incense passed, he not only completed the void strangling formation, but also arranged the void trapping formation, waiting for the peak nine-level god monster to chase him down.

While waiting for the ninth-level peak god and monster, Gu Xiangfei thought of this sudden attack and felt a little weird. After scanning through his knowledge, he didn’t find this ninth-level peak god monster at all, so why did this ninth-level peak god monster come here? And with a momentum of insisting on killing him, he pursued him closely.

Gu Xiangfei quickly realized that this ninth-level peak god monster was someone else’s pet, and was ordered by its master to chase him down. As for why he chased him down, it was obvious that he had taken a fancy to his Heavenly Dao Wheel. As it became more and more transparent, Gu Xiangfei began to eliminate the suspicious god emperors one by one.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Vice President Tiansen are definitely fine, and Emperor Nie Dan is also impossible. Although the bald president told him that he could not trust some people, he felt that the elders of Xuantian College were not As for robbing his Heavenly Dao Wheel, it may also be because they have no intentions, mainly because they don’t have the ninth-level peak gods and monsters as beast pets.

Then there are the three god emperors from the Western God Realm and the Polar Night Universe. They are the most suspicious, and they also know that they are going back to the cave to rest. As for how they know that he has come outside, it is because someone has cast a spell on him. imprint.

With the imprint of the soul, you can check your whereabouts and order this beast pet to attack him, not to mention that this beast pet is still chasing him. He can track him in several directions after detours, obviously There is a soul imprint guiding his whereabouts.

Thinking of this, he used his spiritual sense to examine his body carefully, and sure enough, he saw a spirit mark attached to the boots under his feet.

It’s not too easy for him to peel off this spirit imprint at the level of the formation. He raised his hand to peel off this spirit imprint, picked up a rock, attached the spirit imprint to it, and threw it into the void strangling formation.

It seems that his innate treasure can no longer be exposed to others in the future. People’s hearts are unpredictable. Even the god emperor is still greedy and will take action when he finds an opportunity. He originally thought that with so many people, even if someone is greedy, he would not dare to name He raised his hand to snatch it, but he didn’t expect that he would be able to deal with him by sending out his own beast pet without doing it himself.

Having learned the lesson this time, Gu Xiangfei will never trust anyone easily again, and then thought that since others have beast pets to deal with him, why doesn’t he let his own beast pet fight back, to deal with the god emperor who imprinted him with the soul mark.

He raised his hand and grabbed the little bee. Now the little bee is in the star bead every day, enjoying the rich spiritual energy and feeling the breath from Jianmu. The life is so happy. It hasn’t come out for a long time. I almost forgot what the outside world was like.

Gu Xiangfei asked the little bee to remember the breath of the imprint of the soul so that he can find the emperor who gave him the imprint of the soul in the future. The little bee nodded reluctantly. After remembering the breath of the imprint of the soul, the little bee suddenly became excited. There was a huge aura in the distance, and the ninth-level peak god and monster tracked it here along the imprint of the soul.

The little bee didn’t wait for the ninth-level peak god monster to enter the void strangle formation, it swished, and chased after the source of the huge aura coercion from a distance, and the huge aura coercion was obviously not good for it It works, and I am very excited to see the little bee, as if there is something delicious waiting for it.

Gu Xiangfei quickly used his spiritual sense to check the traces of the little bee, and saw that the ninth-level peak god and monster tens of thousands of miles away had already charged here, with its wings spread thousands of miles away, according to this speed, it should arrive within a few breaths here.

In front of that dragon-horse-like peak ninth-level god monster, the little bee is just like an elephant and an ant, and it doesn’t even enter the eyes of that dragon-horse-like god monster.

The speed of the little bee was far worse than that of the peak nine-level beast, but within two or three breaths, they collided, and the little bee rushed into the half-open mouth of the peak nine spirit beast.

The ninth-level peak god monster, ignored the little bee getting into his mouth, spread its wings again, and came in front of Gu Xiangfei after a few tremblings. The lion, its paws are also like lion’s paws, and it is about to pat Gu Xiangfei when it raises its giant paws.

Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to activate the Void Strangling Formation, he suddenly saw the head of this ninth-level peak god monster rapidly grow larger, as if something was about to come out of it.

The giant claws of the ninth-level peak god monster that had been raised suddenly covered his growing head, and let out a painful roar. Gu Xiangfei hurried away from here for thousands of miles, and heard, “Boom!” !” With a loud noise, the dragon-like head of the ninth-level peak god, monster, beast, and dragon horse suddenly exploded, flesh, skin, fur and bones flew around, and a golden-winged roc came out of the exploded head,

This golden-winged roc stretched its beak and claws like natural fine iron, tilted its sharp horns on the top of its head, its golden eyes shone like the sun and the moon, and its wings danced like swords in the air. After seeing Gu Xiangfei, he burst into surprise. There was a chirp, “Chirp…”The sound penetrates the void plane, captivating people’s hearts and souls.

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