Golden-winged Roc

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, he felt a familiar aura on the golden-winged roc, and before he could react, the golden-winged roc spread its wings, thousands of miles away, in the blink of an eye, the golden-winged roc The roc appeared right in front of him, this time it didn’t land on his head, but landed directly on his shoulder.

It may be that his head is too small, the Garuda chose to land on his shoulder, and then he felt the breath connected with the blood of the Garuda, which is the breath of a little bee ?

“Are you a little bee?” Gu Xiangfei sent a voice transmission to the golden-winged roc.

“I’m not a little bee. I’m Garuda. It’s you idiot who called me little bee. I just ate the brains of that dragon horse, and I grew up so big. I awakened my memory inheritance, and then Knowing that I am still young, if I eat a few more dragon brains, I will definitely grow up, Brother Fei, you need to find me a dragon to eat! I am very hungry!” Little bee, no! Now it should be the golden-winged roc. After the sound transmission to Gu Xiangfei, it rubbed its sharp beak against Gu Xiangfei’s head.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, the little bee had finally grown up, but it wanted to eat the brains of dragons, this matter was very difficult, even in God Realm he had only heard of dragons, but he had never seen dragons of dragons , He has never seen even the dragon clan that turned into a human.

“Wait! I’ll find the dragon of the Dragon Clan and eat it for you later! I don’t even know where the dragon is now? What name should I give you now?” Gu Xiangfei wanted to comfort the golden-winged roc first, and changed the topic to its The name is on.

“I am such a powerful Garuda, I should have a famous name. How about I call it a divine bird? Or Tianniao, or a cosmic bird.” The Golden-winged Roc immediately forgot to name it. After thinking about eating the dragon, he began to name himself according to his own ideas.

“I think it’s okay to call you Goudaner. People in our village are afraid that children will not grow up, so they will give you such a name. Now that you are so young, you are also a child, so let’s call you Goudaner! When you grow up, you will be an adult.” Gu Xiangfei He communicated with the golden-winged roc through sound transmission, and he thought to himself, what kind of god bird, celestial bird, and cosmic bird are you, a broken bird like you, you have a big heart.

“No! I’m not a human being, why am I still an adult? What’s more, you gave me a name with a dog. I don’t like it, and I won’t agree if you call me that.” After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s sound transmission, the golden-winged roc , immediately became annoyed, and kept tearing Gu Xiangfei’s hair with its sharp beak, expressing protest.

“Okay, okay, forget about your name Xiao Jin, you are still young, you will be called by this name first, and you will change it when you grow up.” Gu Xiangfei saw its golden wings, and gave it this name on a whim. In terms of naming, he has no talent, and the names of the two sons are still the names Yan Yixue gave them according to the family tree.

Thinking of Yan Yixue, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and pulled her out of the star beads.

“Husband, are you all right? What kind of bird is this? The feathers are so beautiful, like gold.” Yan Yixue asked Gu Xiangfei if she was safe as soon as she came out, and then praised the shape of the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc heard Yan Yixue’s words, and immediately landed on Yan Yixue’s shoulder, “Sister Xue, I am the golden-winged roc. Now that I have grown up, we all practiced in the star beads before. I am on the Jianmu tree, and you are under the Jianmu tree.”

“Ah? So you are a little bee! Now that you have grown up, you have become so beautiful. Your feathers are so beautiful and comfortable to touch.” Yan Yixue was surprised, and did not transmit the sound to the golden-winged roc. , said it directly.

The golden-winged roc heard that it was beautiful, and happily combed Yan Yixue’s hair with its long beak.

Gu Xiangfei quickly put the little bee into the mouth of the ninth-level peak god and monster, and told Yan Yixue that after swallowing the brains of the dragon horse, it changed into what it is now.

“I think it should be called Golden Feather! Golden feathers look noble and beautiful, and they sound much better than Xiaojin.” Yan Yixue stroked the feathers of the golden-winged roc and gave it a name.

The golden-winged roc was very happy to hear the name, and kept bouncing back and forth on Yan Yixue’s shoulders, mainly because Yan Yixue praised it for being noble and beautiful.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care what Yan Yixue and Golden-winged Dapeng said, he raised his hand and put away the corpse of the ninth-level peak god monster. Although the head is gone, the bones on its body are good things for refining top-grade artifacts , and fur can be used to refine armor, and blood can be used to make talismans. The refining of some top-level talismans requires the blood of top-level gods and monsters.

Raising his hand, he shattered the void and strangled the formation pattern. The void formation pattern here is useless. He is going to find the owner of this ninth-level peak god monster to see who is going to kill him to seize the treasure.

Seeing the corpse of this ninth-level peak god monster, Gu Xiangfei realized that this ninth-level peak god monster didn’t want to kill him, but wanted to blow him into serious injuries and capture him alive, then hand it over to its owner, and then treat him Search your own soul, break open your own world, and get your own treasures.

If this ninth-level peak god monster wants to kill him, it doesn’t need to make such a big effort at all, it just needs to open its mouth to swallow him and it will be completely solved. With the huge mouth like a dragon and a horse opening, he has no chance to escape at all. .

“Xiaoxue, you go to the star beads to practice first! Little bees go in too! You just awakened memory inheritance, you need to practice your skills.” Gu Xiangfei decided to go to the master of the ninth-level god and monster, and arrange Yan Yixue to enter first. Star beads, and threw the little bee in.

“I’m not called Little Bee, I’m called Jinfeather. “Gold-winged roc sent him a voice transmission, expressing his protest against the name “little bee”. Gu Xiangfei was used to calling it “little bee”, so he called it out casually, ignored its protest, raised his hand and threw it into the star bead.

Sacrifice the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and disappeared in this wilderness in the blink of an eye.

When the little bee got into the head of the ninth-level peak god and monster, after devouring the brain of the ninth-level peak god and monster, after the dragon-horse head exploded, God Emperor Miaozao, who was cultivating in the cave, felt his soul suddenly spread There was a sharp tearing pain, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. In an instant, he knew that his beast pet had been blasted to death.

He has a soul connection with that ninth-level peak god monster, and now he suddenly feels a sharp pain from his soul, and he can no longer sense the connection between the beast pet and his soul, which has severely damaged his soul.

God Emperor Miaozao was shocked. He didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to be able to blast and kill his ninth-level peak god monster. It was a ninth-level peak god monster that was stronger than him, and he killed it just like that.

When he saw Gu Xiangfei’s Heavenly Dao Wheel, he became greedy. Relying on his acquaintance with Gu Xiangfei, he imprinted the soul mark on him in order to find a chance to let his beast pet blow Gu Xiangfei into a serious wound and capture him alive, and then search for it himself. Hun opened Gu Xiangfei’s world and got his Heavenly Dao Wheel. He calculated this matter several times, and decided to implement it after feeling that there was no loophole.

It happened that Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave arranged by Lanshan God Emperor under the pretext of taking a rest, but after a while, he felt the imprint of his soul moving rapidly. Gu Xiangfei turned out to be pretending to be tired, and he went out of the city secretly. This is a great opportunity , he immediately bid farewell to Lanshan God Emperor, and went to practice and comprehend to break through the later stage of God Emperor.

The God Emperor of Lanshan also arranged a cave for him to cultivate and comprehend. Not long after he entered the cave, he left the cave incognito, came outside the city, released his beast pet, and asked him to look for Gu Xiangfei according to his soul imprint. And blast him into serious injuries and bring him back to him.

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