: Living in Another Continent

“Brothers, wait here for a while. I’ll go around and check the situation. I’ll get what we need to eat first. I feel a little hungry right now.” When Gu Xiangfei spoke, the other elders also felt a little hungry , They haven’t eaten for so many years, they have long forgotten that their bodies still need to eat.

“Brother Gu said that, I feel hungry. It seems that we have spent many years in the turbulence of the void, otherwise we would not have hunger.” Elder Qiao Tian felt his physical condition and found that there was indeed If you feel hunger, you know that they have spent at least a hundred years in a place where there is no divine energy in the turbulent flow of the void, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

Gu Xiangfei saw a hill in the distance, looked for that direction, and strode towards the hill. According to his experience in Gujia Village, there might be hares, pheasants and so on on this hill.

Wang Shan ran to death, and now Gu Xiangfei had no divine energy to use. After walking for more than two hours, he finally came to the bottom of this mountain. When he got closer, he realized that this mountain was not a small mountain at all, but a big mountain.

He suddenly realized that he couldn’t use his spiritual sense, and he thought he was seeing a small mountain. What he saw with ordinary naked eyes was naturally different from what his spiritual sense saw, and after walking for so long, his body was still out of shape. some sweat.

Hunting is easy for him, soonI found the trail of the hare, set up a few traps, and then looked around for a place to shelter, or a cave or something.

This mountain is about hundreds of feet high, much higher than those in Gujia Village. There are few people here, and there are many small animals in the mountain. When he was looking for a place to live, he found a herd of wild goats and picked up a rock. He lost his divine power, but his body was divine, and he still had strength and accuracy. He beat a wild goat to death with rocks, and the other wild goats fled in a hurry.

Pick up a mountain rock and break it, find a relatively sharp mountain rock piece from it, drag the wild goat to a small stream, peel it and open it, clean it up, pick up firewood to set up the wild goat, and then go to a few pieces of flint, After the beating, a flame is caused and the wild goat is roasted.

“Brother Gu, good luck, I even got a wild goat. I haven’t tasted the meat of wild goat for so many years. I didn’t expect to be able to eat it here again, haha…” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and several others The elders also came to Dashan. It turned out that they followed Gu Xiangfei after seeing the direction where Gu Xiangfei was going. There was no food on the plain, and there must be food in Dashan. They all came after discussing it.

A wild goat without any smell was eaten by seven people. Now they are a group of ordinary mortal old men without any breath. Walking from the plain to the foot of this mountain, the only divine energy in their bodies has been consumed , now they are physically stronger than ordinary mortals, and everything else is not much like mortals.

Only when they are full can they have strength. The seven people separated on this mountain and began to look for a place to live. First, they found a place to live, collected some food, and then tried to find a way to leave here. This was the result of their discussion after eating the mutton.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercises run from time to time, hoping to find food or places with spiritual energy in the mountains, but all his efforts are in vain. In addition to the fresh air, there is a trace of spiritual grass and spiritual fruit with spiritual energy. None were found.

I searched around the mountains all afternoon, but found no shelter. Seeing that it was getting late, everyone went back to the stream. There were some animals drinking water here. They didn’t know how to hide when they saw them. Obviously, they had never seen humans. , thinking that they are animals like them.

Gu Xiangfei walked over quietly and came to a group of bison. These bison looked up at him and continued to drink water, without any sense of danger coming.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched a bull head weighing about 1,000 jin. At this time, the advantage of his divine body training was revealed. There was a cracking sound from the skull of the bison, and he was blown away by his punch. Other animals, screaming ! With a bang, they ran away in fright.

“Good boxing skills, you are the Jeet Fist in martial arts. I didn’t expect Brother Gu to be a master of martial arts.” Elder Chen Tingshi praised him a few words, obviously he is also a master of martial arts.

“Brother Chen, thank you. I used to live in a martial arts continent, so I learned some martial arts boxing techniques, and then I stepped into the realm of self-cultivation, step by step to the present.” Gu Xiangfei explained the origin of his boxing skills, and picked up a sharp blade On the mountain rocks, the bison began to be dissected by the stream.

They ate half of a bison, and they roasted the rest into beef jerky. They prepared to make some jerky, and then left here. Otherwise, these seven people, six god emperors and one god, would be trapped to death on this continent .

In the evening, I found a rock under a shelter from the wind and rain, and a few people sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced exercises. Unfortunately, there was no aura here for them to absorb. Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercises were not supported by aura, and he couldn’t sense the rules of the world here. He simply found a place to sleep.

When they got up the next morning, the seven of them started looking for a place to live again. They estimated that they would have to stay here for ten and a half months before they could collect enough food. After so many days, if the weather was windy and rainy , they have no other choice but to be forced to enjoy life!

Gu Xiangfei searched all morning, but found no shelter like a cave. At noon, he caught a few hares and pheasants, and everyone ate a makeshift meal. By building a thatched hut, Hao Lai has a place to live, and when the weather is bad, they also have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

When the six old guys came back in the evening, they were very satisfied with Gu Xiangfei’s hut and couldn’t stop praising him for doing a good job. These six old guys brought back three wild goats, two wild boars, and an elk.

Seven people ate the elk, and the rest was roasted into jerky and stored. The climate here is like spring in the Martial Dao Continent, and the temperature is suitable. Gu Xiangfei used stones to arrange an illusory formation. This formation does not have any spiritual support. It’s just a blinding formation or something. He is a ninth-level god formation emperor, and he can block the attack of wild beasts with just a few stones.

On the third day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, click! There was a loud noise and a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, followed by rumbling thunder. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and suddenly thought of why not borrow the power of thunder and lightning to absorb the breath of lightning arc to impact the imprisoned consciousness.

He hurriedly ran outside the thatched hut, looking for the place where thunder and lightning intersected. From time to time, thunder rumbled in the sky, and the lightning flashed one after another. Unfortunately, they were too far away from him. There was no iron tool for attracting lightning, and he could not absorb the breath of the lightning arc. Finally, he came to Under a big tree, he hoped that the thunder arc would hit the tree so that he could absorb the thunder arc. The heavy rain poured down, and the thunder kept ringing, but no thunder arc fell on the big tree.

After the rain cleared up, a rainbow appeared in the sky, and Gu Xiangfei came out from under the big tree in disappointment.Not a trace of the thunder arc fell on the big tree, and his idea did not come true.

“Brother Gu, did you go out to look for Thunderbolt? It seems that God has blessed you, and not a trace of thunderbolt fell on the big tree, haha…” Emperor Kanli made a few jokes with him, laughing There was a trace of loneliness in his voice, he never thought that he would end up in this kind of place, if there is no spiritual support, what is the difference between them and ordinary mortals? .

When they got up in the morning, the seven of them went out to look for prey again. After ten days in a row, their dried meat had accumulated thousands of catties. After eating the bland roast lamb at night, they could barely fill their stomachs.

“We’re leaving here tomorrow. As for which direction to go, everyone decides!” Vice President Tiansen finished eating the mutton and watched everyone waiting for their decision.

“Brother Gu, tell me! You have the life experience of an ordinary mortal. Whatever you say, we will go. No one knows where there is a way out. Let’s look for a direction to go!”

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