The Road to Survival in the Wilderness

The direction Gu Xiangfei chose was at the place where the sun rises. He liked to watch the sun rise when he was in Martial Dao Continent, so he decided to go there. Reiki.

The seven people were carrying large packages of jerky made of animal skins, and each carried two animal skin bags, and followed Gu Xiang to the front, very much like the villagers who fled the war from Gujia Village back then, but they didn’t drag their children along. Female.

After Gu Xiangfei walked away for more than two hours, he looked back, these six old guys, there is no trace of the demeanor of a god emperor, ragged clothes, messy hair mixed with sweat, without the support of the spirit of the gods, more than ordinary mortals It’s a little bit stronger, and they obviously haven’t practiced body training.

“Brother Gu, rest for a while! My old bones can’t hold on any longer.” Kanli Shenzhen Emperor hadn’t finished speaking, and there was a thud! Plop! After a few sounds, those old guys threw away the animal skin bags on their backs. Two of the animal skin bags were broken and the sewn vines were broken, and the dried meat was scattered on the ground.

Gu Xiangfei also took advantage of the opportunity to put down the animal skin bags on his back. It is not easy for everyone to carry hundreds of catties of dried meat to the present.

Pick up the dried meat scattered on the ground, put it in your mouth and chew it, it can be used as lunch to replenish everyone’s physical strength.

“Go on! Find a place with a water source and then rest. Without water, we will die of thirst.” Elder Qiao Tian finished eating the jerky, looked up at the sky, carried two packs of jerky on his back, and walked forward first.

These old fellows also knew the importance of not having water, so they reconnected the broken vines, sewed up the animal skin bag, and followed in the footsteps of Elder Qiao Tian.

It’s really not easy to find a water source in this plain area. Elder Qiao Tian deviated from the direction of more than ten miles and found a depression, which was the size of a pond. It might be a water source formed by rainwater.

“Oh! It’s really a tiger falling into the sky!” Gu Xiangfei sighed, put down the animal skin bag on his back, no matter what kind of water it was, took a few sips with his hands, anyway, they don’t worry about the water being dirty, ordinary people The poison can’t do anything to their bodies.

When they got up the next morning, everyone felt hungry. They ate some dried meat and drank enough water, but they didn’t walk in the original direction. The terrain here is low, and there are many places with water sources, so they can replenish water at any time .

Two months later, the dried meat on the backs of the seven people was almost finished, and there was still no trace of any human beings in front of them.

“We don’t have much jerky now. I suggest that Brother Gu take the jerky alone to find a place where humans live. If we all follow, we won’t be able to get out in the end, and we will be trapped here to death.” Kan Emperor Lishenzhen looked at the remaining jerky in an animal skin bag, which weighed about two to three hundred catties. His proposal was agreed by several other people. Everyone knew that Gu Xiangfei had practiced body exercises, and his walking speed was faster than They are fast and have long stamina, maybe they can find a place where people live.

The next day, Gu Xiangfei left half of the jerky for them, and told them to save some food until he came back, and then strode forward alone with the jerky.

After traveling all the way for ten days, Gu Xiangfei finally found another mountain. Where there is a mountain, there is food. He was overjoyed, and quickly ran towards that mountain with an animal skin bag with more than a dozen catties of dried meat left on his back.

After more than an hour, he came to the foot of the mountain. This mountain was about the same size as the mountain they were hunting, and the trees and vines were lush. Gu Xiangfei first found a small stream, drank enough water, and washed his face. There is a discarded hatchet by the creek.

He was overjoyed when he saw the hatchet. Having a hatchet meant that someone had been here before. He picked up the rusty hatchet and found that the wooden handle was rotten. It must have been lost for several years. He found a stone and After dipping in the stream water, he sharpened the hatchet, cut off a piece of wood to make the handle, and a sharp hatchet appeared in front of him.

The most important thing at the moment is to hunt quickly, then roast it into jerky, and then go to Kanli Shenzhen Emperor and the other old guys.

There are many wild animals in places rich in water and grass. Now he has a weapon in his hand. The hatchet flew out, cut off the head of a bison, and then disemboweled it. He had a full meal of roast beef, then roasted it into jerky, put it in an animal skin bag, and stored it. He picked up a few stones and arranged a simple defensive formation.

The beasts on this mountain have a lot of wild fruits. He collects them day and night, rests for a while when he is tired, and continues working after getting up.

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei was carrying a large animal skin bag with more than a thousand catties of dried meat.Go back all the way to find Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others did not wait in place after Gu Xiangfei left. They also walked forward slowly. In order to save energy and food, they only ate dried meat once a day and rested when they were tired.

Six people weighed more than 100 kilograms of dried meat. Their bodies were different from ordinary people, and they needed more energy. They couldn’t walk until the sixth day. The remaining dried meat was less than a day’s worth of food, and there was no water source , a few old guys were lying on the ground without any image, waiting for Gu Xiangfei to come back.

After Gu Xiangfei walked for seven days, he found Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others. They had only walked Gu Xiangfei for three days. These old guys didn’t even have the strength to sit.

“Brother Gu is here, give us something to eat, we don’t even have the strength to sit up.” Vice President Tiansen saw Gu Xiangfei standing, and his voice was a little hoarse.

“Eat some wild fruit first, soothe your throat, and then eat jerky. I found a big mountain in front of me, and I also picked up a hatchet. I’m not far from the place where human beings live.” Gu Xiangfei finished. Take out a few wild fruits and pass them to them.

The old guys didn’t care what the wild fruit tasted like, they ate it voraciously. After eating a few wild fruits, the old guys gained some strength, got up from the ground, picked up the dried meat and had another gluttonous feast .

“Hey… Brother Gu, thank you for coming, otherwise we would have had muscle cramps to replenish our spirits. If we really got to that point, we wouldn’t be able to recover here.” Elder Li Shi let out a long breath after eating and drinking.

Of course, Gu Xiangfei knows how painful it is for a monk to pump his muscles and replenish his spirit. Whether it is an ordinary mortal or a monk, they all live by their energy and spirit.

When a monk loses his energy, he can rely on elixirs and aura to replenish it. Without elixir and aura, he can only extract his own muscles to supplement the missing energy.

During cultivation, the monk’s muscles and bones absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, which slowly accumulates to form a spiritual body. The monk’s muscles can be extracted to replenish his energy and spirit. Every time a muscle is extracted, he will endure a huge tearing pain.

Many monks are left with only skin and bones when they fall in places where there is no spiritual energy and food. The reason is that the muscles on their bodies have been extracted by him to replenish energy and spirit. It will recover again, but when the muscles are pumped, the pain endured will only appear when there is nothing to do. In short, everything is for living.

Several other old guys also nodded. They had no food or water for several days, and thanks to Gu Xiangfei, they found them now.

With the food, these old guys also regained their vigor, and followed Gu Xiangfei for nine days. The main reason is that their speed was not as fast as Gu Xiangfei, so they came to the foot of the big mountain.

A few old guys lay down in the creek, drank enough water, brushed their messy hair, and finally jumped into the creek to take a bath to clean off the dirt on their bodies and reveal the demeanor of a god emperor again.

With the hatchet, it was much faster to do things. Gu Xiangfei used the hatchet to dig out a stone pot on a relatively soft stone, so that he could drink the broth. Although it didn’t have any taste, it was delicious. It is necessary to eat jerky and barbecue every day.

After hunting here for another ten days, each of them carried two packs of animal skin bags of dried meat and some wild fruits on their backs, and continued to walk forward.

The food was relatively sufficient this time. After walking for a month, the seven people finally found a farm. Looking at the houses in the distance and the smoke from the roofs, they all had expressions of surprise on their faces.

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