The two countries are at war

Gu Xiangfei has never been in a pawn shop, and he doesn’t know the truth about it, but he knows how much these things are worth in gold coins. After traveling here and there for more than half a month in this continent, he has already understood the market here.

“Shopkeeper, do you want these things?” When Gu Xiangfei said this, he felt a little ashamed. He was a dignified cultivator in the state of God, and he came here for some gold coins used by mortals.

“Of course I accept it. Is the guest officer going to live or die?” The shopkeeper saw that these gold, silver jewelry and jade wares were all valuable and good things, and he was overjoyed. , but then he trembled a little.

The shopkeeper saw that Gu Xiangfei actually pressed a handprint on the counter of his pawn shop. You must know that the counter is made of hard iron tower wood. Even if you smash it with a hammer, it is difficult to leave marks. This young man is obviously a martial arts master. , If the bid is low, his life may be lost.

Gu Xiangfei came out of the pawn shop and laughed at himself. That smile was uglier than crying. He actually threatened a mortal for some gold coins. This was the most useless thing he had done since he practiced.

six old guysI was already in a restaurant, eating and drinking, and didn’t care what he was doing. Seeing him coming up, Elder Li Shi asked, “So fast? Brother Gu, your physique looks very strong. I didn’t expect such a thing.” But it doesn’t work when you do it! Haha…”

Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what he was talking about. These old guys have been wandering in the mortal country recently, and some of their natures have been exposed. These are not six god emperors, they are simply six old sluts, what are you talking about? Can speak out.

After eating and drinking enough, the six old fellows found an inn, Vice President Tiansen said, “We have worked hard all the way, let’s rest here for a few days, and then go to the capital of Yunyang Kingdom to see if there are any People like the national teacher, ask where there is something weird, I think this place may be sealed by the power of the holy world, and it must be hiding something, otherwise why would there be no aura.”

The other elders also nodded. They have tried several times along the way, and there is no trace of aura here at all, so Vice President Tiansen’s guess and their estimates are similar.

Gu Xiangfei did not expect this level, he has not found the aura, he thinks this is an ordinary mortal planet, and it is normal to have no aura, now Vice President Tiansen said these words, he realized that he is still a little less knowledgeable, I can’t help but admire these old guys for being well-informed.

Seven people requested seven rooms, and each room cost 20 copper coins a night. Gu Xiangfei said that the price was cheap, and everyone could live in whatever they wanted, for as long as they wanted.

They don’t have spiritual support now, their bodies will be tired, they will also be hungry, and their spirits will also be weak, so they need sleep to supplement them, and they will fall asleep when they return to the room.

When I slept in the middle of the night, there was a sudden commotion in the city, people screaming, women screaming, children crying, men yelling, and the chaos was mixed with screams, swords clashing, The smell of blood soon permeated the entire Rongbian City.

Gu Xiangfei and a few old guys were awakened, and there was a commotion in the inn. The guests staying in the inn all packed up their belongings in a panic, and fled in a hurry.

Gu Xiangfei went out to the gate of the inn, and saw a group of strong men in ordinary clothes on the street, holding steel knives and long guns, rushing towards here, and from time to time, people who stood in the way were cut down to the ground.

A group of soldiers in leather armor ran over from a distance and rushed up to meet these people. The common people sneaked into Rongbian City, and only started to act in the middle of the night. They attacked the soldiers who were holding the gate of the city, opened the gate, and let the army waiting outside come in.

The guests living in the inn, from time to time, some guests escaped with their bags on their backs, mixed with the fleeing crowd on the street, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xiangfei stood at the gate of the inn with a steel knife in his hand, and the waiter behind him said tremblingly, “Guest… guest officer, hurry… run for your life!”

“Don’t worry, if you want to escape for your life, go now!” Gu Xiangfei said as he moved a step to the door of the inn, giving up more space at the door, so that the guests in the inn can escape.

“Take care, I’ll be leaving first.” After saying that, the shop clerk went out with his bag on his back, and quickly mixed into the fleeing crowd.

Looking at this scene, Gu Xiangfei remembered that it was the same situation in Haiwan City in the Martial Dao Continent. It’s just that the target of the attack has now been changed to human beings. I don’t know what these three countries are fighting. Isn’t it good to live in harmony? Why do you have to fight and kill.

While he was meditating, the army that entered the city behind attacked. The soldiers of Yunyang Kingdom could not resist the attack of these soldiers very quickly. Call your soldiers to retreat while fighting.

It was the army of Heyang Kingdom that attacked the city. Some soldiers held up a banner with a mighty lion embroidered on it. This was the totem of Heyang Kingdom for protecting the country.

The flag of Yunyang Kingdom is a fierce tiger, but now the tiger’s flag has been trampled on the ground, and the soldiers holding the flag have also been hacked to death.

The soldiers of Yunyang Kingdom retreated as they fought. There was no one to be seen on the street now. Those who could escape ran away. The rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled, women, children and children hid at home shivering, hoping to escape the danger. disaster.

The soldiers of Yunyang Kingdom withdrew to the entrance of the inn where Gu Xiangfei was standing. Since the two sides were fighting in a scuffle, neither side noticed him at first, but the lantern hanging at the entrance of the inn shone on Gu Xiangfei, and the soldiers on both sides saw his figure.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei standing at the gate, the soldiers of Yunyang Kingdom hurriedly shouted, “Why don’t you run and wait to die?”

Gu Xiangfei was watching their scuffle. He also heard what the Yunyang soldiers said, but he didn’t care and didn’t take any action.

A soldier from the Heyang Kingdom saw Gu Xiangfei dare to stand at the entrance of the inn to watch the excitement, and rushed over with a scimitar in his hand, trying to hack him to death.

Gu Xiangfei thought that these soldiers were really bloodthirsty, and he didn’t help fight the war, and he couldn’t escape their slashing and killing. He sighed, and swung the steel knife in his hand.

The soldiers of Heyang Kingdom only saw the flash of Gu Xiangfei’s saber, and he felt a pain in his neck, and then saw his head flying into the air, and saw his headless body, falling to the ground.

Thousands of soldiers of Heyang Kingdom only saw a blade of light, wrapped them up, and then the heads rolled, and a fountain of blood spurted from the necks of countless soldiers, converging into a river of blood, and the street suddenly became quiet, only the distant There was also the sound of fighting.

The soldiers of Yunyang Kingdom saw thisCurtain, shaking hands in fright, bang! With a sound, the steel knife fell to the ground, and he quickly bent down to pick up the chipped steel knife.

After Gu Xiangfei used this knife, he felt that his physical strength was exhausted, and he sighed secretly. Without the support of spiritual energy, even the body in the divine realm could not bear such consumption. The mortal food he ate could only keep his muscles from being constricted and nourish his spirit. , if you want to fight, these foods can’t replenish the physical strength you used up.

“Thank you to the strong man for your rescue.” The soldier captain of Yunyang Kingdom reacted quickly, and immediately bowed to him with fists in his hands, and the other soldiers also bowed to thank him for saving his life.

“It’s okay! Go get busy! Don’t bother me.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he turned and went into the inn. He was not in the mood to talk to these people, and to kill those Heyang soldiers, they were the first to attack him, otherwise he would not have shot .

The innkeeper didn’t run away. He could clearly see what happened just now. Now that he saw Gu Xiangfei coming in, he quickly bowed and said, “Thank you, officer, for keeping the small shop from being hurt by swordsmen.”

“We live here, so naturally we won’t let these people in. Does the shopkeeper have anything to eat?” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand. He now feels that his physical strength is exhausted, and he urgently needs food to replenish energy in his body.

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