National Teacher Jiang Dongji

The shopkeeper of the inn immediately cooked himself, made a sumptuous table of food and wine, and brought him a jar of good wine.

Gu Xiangfei picked up the wine jar, patted open the mud seal, drank half of the jar in one go, and quickly wiped away the table of wine and food like a wind swept away, only to feel that the exhausted physical strength regained some.

Without the support of spiritual energy, these food supplements are just for coping. It seems that I need to find some ancient and precious herbs to replenish the lost physical strength. I can also refine them into pills. If I feel that the loss is too heavy, I just take one. This is a good way Thinking of this method, Gu Xiangfei laughed, alchemy is his specialty.

“Brother Gu, there is a war here now, should we go or stay?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen came down from upstairs and saw him sitting in the lobby of the inn thinking about something, what’s the matter with these old guys now , all habitually ask Gu Xiangfei, because he has lived in the country of ordinary mortals and has experience in dealing with ordinary mortals.

Gu Xiangfei saw Emperor Kanli coming down the stairs, followed by a few other old fellows, he stood up and said, “Depending on the decisions of these elder brothers, whatever you want is fine.”

“Then let’s continue on our way! I saw that these soldiers were uncomfortable fighting and screaming, which affected my mood.” Elder Qiao Tian didn’t wait for others to speak, he first proposed to leave.

The other old guys have no objections, since they say go, let’s go! He led the horse out of the gate of the inn, and the seven men rode towards the gate of the city.

The street is very quiet now. Occasionally, groups of soldiers patrol the street. When they saw seven of them about to ask questions, they were stopped by the soldiers next to them, and they quickly stepped out of the way to let them pass.

“Why stop me?”

“I’m telling you about that young knight who beheaded thousands of people with one knife. Didn’t you see it when he collected the corpses? I will never forget that tragedy in my whole life.”

“Ah! So it’s this young knight-errant. Wouldn’t it be better if he followed these old men?”

After the two soldiers said this, the other soldiers also knew about it, and they all paid attention to the seven of them. If there was no knight last night, the Rongbian City would have changed hands now.

It turned out that last night Gu Xiangfei hacked to death thousands of Heyang soldiers, and the soldiers behind him fled out of the city in fright. The Yunyang soldiers took advantage of the victory and chased them out of Rongbian City.

Seven people came to the gate of the city, and found that the gate was closed tightly, and the soldiers on the wall were waiting in full battle. The outside of the city has not yet attacked the city. Maybe the Heyang Kingdom has lost its advantage now, and the siege loss will be great. They are hesitating whether to attack or attack. Prepare to retreat.

“Please open the city gate, we are going out of the city.” Gu Xiangfei shouted towards the city wall.

“The city lord has an order. You can’t leave the city now. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed.” A general in armor on the city wall shouted to Gu Xiangfei and a group of people below.

“Let’s walk from the city wall. These mortals are really troublesome.” After Vice President Tiansen finished speaking, he jumped up on his horse and landed on the city wall. Several other old guys also jumped up and landed on the city wall.

Vice-principal Tiansen saw the army under the city and said, “There are horses just below. I don’t want these horses anymore. I’ll get some horses.” After speaking, he flew down the city wall and came directly to the head of a group of cavalry , Raised his hand and slapped a few times, some cavalrymen were slapped away by him, just as several other old guys also jumped down, each rode a horse, and went away in a hurry.

From Vice President Tiansen jumping up the city wall to robbing the horses, it took only a few breaths for the soldiers of the Yunyang Kingdom on the city wall and the soldiers of the Heyang Kingdom under the city wall to react, and the seven of them were nowhere to be seen. .

The generals of the Yunyang Kingdom were stunned when they saw the operation of the seven people, and their faces turned pale. Who are these people! Such a high city wall can fly up, and dare to jump off, are these people gods?

All the soldiers of Heyang Kingdom saw this scene. Among them, some soldiers who recognized Gu Xiangfei’s murder, threw away their weapons in fright, turned around and ran away, and the rest of the soldiers also ran away when they saw someone fleeing. In the midst of great chaos, the generals of the Yunyang Kingdom took the opportunity to lead the army to fight out, and the Heyang Kingdom was defeated and fled.

Gu Xiangfei and the others don’t know how the follow-up situation will develop. Even if they know, it doesn’t matter to them. Now they are tens of miles away from Rongbian City and are heading for the capital of Yunyang Kingdom.

half a month later, Seven people came to Feiyun City, the capital of Yunyang Kingdom.

There is no entry fee for entering the city here, seven people rode into the city on horseback, and came directly to the gate of the palace, just as the guards were about to question, Vice President Tiansen said, “Ask your national teachers to come out and welcome the distinguished guests. ”

In the past half a month, a few people are also tired of these mortal kingdoms. It has been almost half a year since they were in the turbulence of the void, and their patience is gradually disappearing. Now they are not as friendly as before, and they are faintly angry sign.

“Who are you? Is it you people who met Master Guoshi?” One of the eight guards, a small leader, was holding a waist knife and put his hand on the handle, waiting for Vice President Tiansen to answer. If they can’t answer, maybe they will be taken down.

“Ants!” Vice President Tiansen raised his hand and slapped the little leader away, and rode his horse straight into the palace. Just as the other guards were about to make a move, they were kicked away by Gu Xiangfei, who rolled aside and hugged him. Stomach howling.

After entering the palace, they went directly to the biggest palace. The horseshoe stepped on the stone slab, and the crisp sound rang out in the palace. The guards in the palace brandished all kinds of weapons and rushed towards them, daring to act wild in the palace. A few people are simply tired of living.

These guards rushed over quickly, and flew out even faster. This time, Gu Xiangfei didn’t let Gu Xiangfei do anything at all. The six old guys punched and kicked the guards, making them howl all over the place.

“Bold! Who are you? You dare to cause trouble in the palace. You are looking for death. The archers are ready to release their arrows!” With a loud shout, countless feathered arrows shot at the seven people like a rain of arrows.

The seven people ignored the rain of arrows at all, and strode forward. The feathered arrows landed on them and fell one after another. Even though they hit their vital parts, they did not penetrate their bodies.

Except for protecting their eyes, the seven people ignored everything else. The feather arrows shot through their clothes and fell to the ground.

“Stop!” There was a loud shout, and the archers were all frightened. Who are these people? Feathered arrows could not penetrate their bodies.

“Seniors, please come in. The junior Jiang Dongji came late, please forgive me.” The man named Jiang Dongji was an old man with a gray beard. He had seen these seven people enter the palace. I didn’t care. It wasn’t until seven people overturned the guards that even feathered arrows couldn’t kill them. Then I realized that these people were beyond the reach of ordinary weapons, so I quickly stood up to stop the archers.

“We came here to ask you, is there any most mysterious place in your three countries?” Vice President Tiansen didn’t talk politely to him, and asked directly.

“There is a place where there is a small hill thousands of miles away from Wuliangwu. On the hill there is a long halberd, which has been stuck on the hill for thousands of years. The land around the long halberd for thousands of miles does not grow, and humans and animals cannot approach it. People and animals will be killed by the murderous aura of the long halberd if they are within a thousand miles.” After Jiang Dongji finished speaking, he took out a map and pointed it out to them.

After reading the map, the seven people smiled wryly. After walking for so many days, the news they got was the place where they came. It turned out that the hill was thousands of miles away from where they fell from the void.

If they had walked in another direction, they might have seen the long halberd long ago. The six old fellows all looked at Gu Xiangfei, meaning that you led the way, and now they are going back again.

Gu Xiangfei ignored their eyes at all. When I left, you told me to choose the direction. Can you blame me for going wrong now? It is yourselves to blame, who let you let me choose the direction.

“Prepare us a few sets of clothes and some good horses, and we’ll leave right away.” Vice President Tiansen ordered Jiang Dongji, as if giving orders when he was in the academy.

“Okay seniors, can I follow you to take a look? I don’t mean anything else, I just want to see it.”

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