Leaving the Mortal Kingdom

As soon as Emperor Kanli left the God Formation, Vice President Tiansen also felt that the rules of heaven and earth were suppressed, and also said to Gu Xiangfei, “Brother Gu, goodbye to God Realm.”

The next few god emperors felt the oppression of the rules of heaven and earth, and they broke through the void one after another. Only then did Jiang Dongji realize that they were all great gods in the upper realm. He was surprised and delighted, and kept worshiping the sky.

Gu Xiangfei’s rules and exercises started to work, and he quickly assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here. He didn’t want to leave yet. He saw that Yan Yixue in the star beads had already cultivated to the Great Consummation of the God-Cultivating Realm, and was about to cross the Tribulation God-Monarch Realm.

Jiang Dongji stared blankly at Yan Yixue who suddenly appeared. Is this the goddess from the upper realm? Sure enough, it is not comparable to women in this mortal world. Judging from the temperament of others, it is sacred and cannot be directly looked at.

Yan Yixue has already cultivated to the Great Consummation of Yushen, but she has been unable to communicate with Gu Xiangfei in the star bead. She does not know that Gu Xiangfei and the others are imprisoned in their spiritual consciousness and cannot communicate with her at all. Yan Yixue is a woman who can bear her temper. She guessed that something happened to Gu Xiangfei, and she couldn’t get away for a while, but she didn’t expect that they would be stranded in this mortal world.

“Husband, what is this place? The spiritual energy is so thin.” Yan Yixue asked Gu Xiangfei as soon as she came out.

“Hey! Don’t mention it. When we came back, we encountered the turbulence of the void and were involved here. Even our spiritual consciousness was imprisoned. We have been wandering here for more than a year, and spent a hundred years in the turbulence of the void… …” Gu Xiangfei sighed, and told Yan Yixue all the ins and outs.

“Thank you, fellow daoist, for helping us find this place and get out of trouble. This is the technique I practiced in the Martial Dao Continent. I hope it can help you.” Yan Yixue heard that they were able to get out of trouble because of Jiang Dongji’s help. He was also very grateful, and took out a book of martial arts exercises and handed it to him.

“Thank you for the generous gift from the Immortal.” Jiang Dongji bowed and took the book of exercises, overjoyed in his heart. He did not expect this female immortal to speak so nicely and gave him exercises, which was another surprise.

“Husband, I’m going to cross the catastrophe, you wait for me!” Yan Yixue left here, looking for a place to cross the catastrophe.

Standing within a thousand miles, Gu Xiangfei felt that the murderous aura here was constantly disappearing. Within a thousand miles, he quickly retreated to nine hundred miles, eight hundred miles…

He immediately understood why Kanli Shenzhen Emperor could feel that the rules of heaven and earth were being suppressed. After the murderous aura within a thousand miles retreated, the rules of heaven and earth here were revealed. Kanli and his old fellows also appeared thousands of miles away. Naturally, he felt that the rules of heaven and earth were being suppressed, and he had to shatter the void and leave.

Then this long halberd is definitely not ordinary. Its murderous aura can block the rules of heaven and earth. It may be an innate treasure, the same level as the brake gun.

“Boom!” The sky in the distance was covered with dark clouds, but within a few breaths, a thunder arc fell, and Yan Yixue began to cross the catastrophe.

Jiang Dongji was horrified when he saw the thunder arcs falling continuously from the sky in the distance. How could such a thick thunder arc fall that people can bear, and one time there are nine thunder arcs that are as thick as thighs, so it still doesn’t blow people away Broken, he is a martial artist practicing martial arts, he has never seen such a scene.

Seeing his expression, Gu Xiangfei knew that he was frightened, and said with a slight smile, “Cultivation is to compete with the heaven and the earth for the number of years. It will expand infinitely, until it breaks through the sky, reaches its peak, and its lifespan is endless, so as long as you step into the avenue of cultivation, you can only go forward bravely, and you cannot retreat half a step.”

Jiang Dongji was awakened by Gu Xiangfei’s words. He was shocked suddenly, and his confidence increased instantly. Since others can bear it, why should I shrink back? I must work hard to reach the height of these predecessors. Now I have so many good things , If you shrink back, wouldn’t it be a waste of the generous gift of these seniors.

“Husband, I have broken through to the realm of the gods. The world I created is not as big as yours, but I think that as the cultivation base gets higher and higher, this world will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future.” Yan Yixue survived the thunder disaster Afterwards, she was in a happy mood. Although the world opened up temporarily was not big, she was not depressed. As long as she worked hard, she would get better and better in the future.”Okay! I’ll give you this long halberd! It happens that you like to use the half-moon halberd.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the size of the world Yan Yixue opened up, so he took out the long halberd first and let her refine it. Give her some natural treasures, and I believe her world will definitely not be worse than others.

“This long halberd is so mighty. What’s the word for it? Shocking…God…Halberd, Shocking God! One of the seven innate treasures in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda of the Heavenly King of Tota?” Yan Yixue happily took the halberd, She has liked to use the half-moon halberd since she was in the realm of comprehension. Now that she saw this long halberd, she was naturally overjoyed, and she saw the words engraved on the body of the halberd, and slowly read it out.

Gu Xiangfei knows that Yan Yixue knows more about earth myths than he does. Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunhao are very kind to her, and they communicate with each other a lot, so Yan Yixue knows more about earth myths and legends than Gu Xiangfei.

“Husband, I’m going to the star beads to refine the God-Shocking Halberd. This is my future weapon. I want to maximize its power.” Yan Yixue got the God-Shocking Halberd, overjoyed in her heart, and prepared with full confidence To refine the Godly Halberd.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand to let Yan Yixue enter the star bead, Jiang Dongji was stunned again, this person disappeared out of thin air, why didn’t he see where he went?

“I’m leaving too, you go back and practice hard! Try to break through the void as soon as possible. If you ascend to the fairy world, you can join the holy knife sect in the fairy world. That’s my sect in the fairy world. My name is Gu Xiangfei, the sect of the sect. All the monks here know me.” After Gu Xiangfei finished his work, he was about to leave here and return to Xuantian Academy.

“Senior Gu, if I go to the fairyland, can I find you? I want to hear more from you.” Jiang Dongji asked quickly when he saw that Gu Xiangfei was about to leave.

“You can’t find me in the Immortal Realm. I have ascended from the Immortal Realm to the God Realm. If you can cultivate to the God Realm, you can go to the Xuantian Academy in the God Realm. I and the old guys just now belong to the Xuantian Academy. Those of you, work hard to cultivate!” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand and sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel, which turned into a ray of light, penetrated the void of this continent, and disappeared.

“It’s amazing. I will definitely work hard to cultivate and strive to ascend as soon as possible.” Jiang Dongji clenched his fists and made up his mind when he saw Gu Xiangfei disappear. With the help of his help, he built a hut, practiced martial arts hard every day, and by the way taught Lu Qi and his children how to learn martial arts.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the void, the turbulent flow of the void here had disappeared, and the Heavenly Dao Wheel ignored any realms and planes. Whenever he encountered a plane, he would be forcibly penetrated by it and enter the next plane until he felt that there was something wrong with this plane. After receiving the divine aura, he stopped the Heavenly Dao Wheel to penetrate, and looked for monks on this plane to find out where he was.

Put away the heavenly law wheel, run the regular exercises, assimilate the regular aura here, and feel the somewhat thin divine aura here. After scanning through the spiritual sense, I found a square city tens of thousands of miles away.

The rule escape technique unfolded, and after a few breaths, I came to this square city, entered the square city and handed in two sacred stones. There are many monks coming in and out, and the business is booming.

“What do fellow daoists need?” A beautiful female cultivator saw him coming in, and asked quickly, with a very warm and respectful attitude.

“Is there a map? The map of this God’s Domain.” Gu Xiangfei planned to buy a map and find out where to leave here.

“We only have the map of this area, but not the map of the entire God’s Domain. If you want to buy a map of Huiwen God’s Domain, you can only go to a larger commercial building. You can’t buy it here in Fangshi.” The beautiful female cultivator smiled. Explain to him patiently.

Gu Xiangfei also thought that in a small market, it is impossible to have a map of the entire God’s Domain. He came to this commercial building to try his luck. If he can buy the best, he will not be disappointed if he can’t.

“I want to ask, how do I get there if I go to the Five Elements Universe?” Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know what kind of universe this is, but judging by the appearance of the monks here, he is definitely not a monk from the Five Elements Universe.

“I don’t know, you can ask other people!” When the nun heard that he was going to the Five Elements Universe, she immediately lost her smile, her face changed, and her words became a little indifferent.

Gu Xiangfei knew this place immediately, and was unfriendly to the monks of the Five Elements Universe, so he turned and left the commercial building.

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