God Emperor of Henghui Universe

After wandering around the casual repair booth area in Fangshi, he didn’t find what he needed, but he heard a piece of news.

“I heard that the Five Elements Universe wiped out the Brahma Universe. Many monks from the Brahma Universe have fled to our Henghui Universe. These monks from the Brahma Universe have occupied the Huiwu God Realm of our Henghui Universe. Now they are even more rampant and want to attack us. Huiwen Divine Realm is gone.”

“The cowards of the Brahma universe can’t beat the Five Elements universe, but they can beat our Henghui universe. I heard that several god emperors have fallen. Now the five major sects are preparing to counterattack. There are more than a dozen god emperors going this time. Well, let’s make some small fortunes too! These Brahma Universe monks all have a lot of resources.”

The conversation of these two monks was clearly heard by Gu Xiangfei. He immediately decided to follow the two monks. As long as he found the monks in Brahma Universe, he would know how to get back.

He found a remote place and raised his hand to make a restraint. He quickly changed his appearance, and changed his clothes into a black outfit. He held the Brake Spear in his hand, and his cultivation level hid in the God-Cultivating Realm.

After leaving the square market, I waited for two monks to come out. When these two monks came out, there were three more monks beside me. Maybe they all wanted to make a fortune.The artifact spaceship galloped in one direction.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice a middle-grade artifact spaceship, and then followed them thousands of miles away, flying unhurriedly, as if he was playing.

After Yan Yixue entered the Star Bead, it took three years to refine the Shocking Halberd. After being warmed up by the Zi Mansion, she communicated with Gu Xiangfei with her spiritual consciousness. She has lived in the Star Bead for thousands of years. There is also a golden-winged roc, but this guy sleeps and practices on the Jianmu tree every day, and Yan Yixue has long been tired of staying there, and wants to come out to spend more time with Gu Xiangfei.

After Yan Yixue came out and saw Gu Xiangfei’s face, she knew that something must be wrong with him, and she immediately changed into an ordinary female cultivator. Her cultivation base was not hidden, and her cultivation base in the realm of the gods is very ordinary here.

Leaning in Gu Xiangfei’s arms, Yan Yixue was in a very happy mood, and said, “Husband, let’s have another child! This time we have a daughter, doesn’t mother like granddaughter?”

“Then you have to be ready. You can’t live without hundreds of years. You sit boring every day and you can’t practice. Can you bear the loneliness?” Gu Xiangfei stretched out his arms and put his arms around Yan Yixue’s slender waist. , looking at her with traces of love in her eyes.

“I can learn talisman way without using aura, and besides, the hundreds of years in the star bead will pass easily, I want a daughter.” Yan Yixue has already planned to deduce talisman way or array way, Dan Dao, hundreds of years should pass soon.

“Then when you return to Xuantian Academy, you should prepare! You don’t need to enter the star beads now, how is Little Bee doing now?” Seeing Yan Yixue’s longing eyes, Gu Xiangfei had no choice but to agree, and asked Little Bee by the way .

“It has been sleeping, but the aura on its body is getting stronger and stronger. It is estimated that it will break through in a thousand years, be careful!” Yan Yixue was talking to Gu Xiangfei about the little bee, when a small mountain flew in the distance, extremely fast, It was about to hit the spaceship.

The Brahman Spear in Gu Xiangfei’s hand rolled up a bucket-thick spear and blasted it on the hill.

“Boom!” The hill was blown away by his sharp gun, and Gu Xiangfei was taken aback. Is this hill a treasure? The Brahma Spear is an innate treasure, and it didn’t smash the hill, so it must be an innate treasure of the same level as the Brake Spear.

The blasted hill made a whimpering sound, and rushed towards him again. Gu Xiangfei originally wanted to catch up with the hill, but he didn’t expect it to come back again. , seems to have a deep hatred with Sha Shenqiang.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the Brake Spear, and sacrificed the Tai Chi diagram, whoosh! With a click, Xiaoshan was received into the Taiji diagram.

Thousands of monks rushed over from a distance, and in the blink of an eye they came to Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship, blocking his way.

Gu Xiangfei stopped the spaceship and asked, “I don’t know why fellow Taoists stopped me?”

“Fellow Taoist, didn’t you see a small mountain flying over just now?” A monk asked him with some doubts. It doesn’t look like it was bombarded by a small mountain. Could it be that the small mountain flew away? This is even an innate attack treasure. Although the treasure has spirits, it doesn’t disappear so quickly!

“Chasing further ahead.” The monk proposed, and immediately many monks chased after him.

“Ants! Take out the hill! I’ll let you go to reincarnation, or I’ll search for souls.” The other monks all chased forward, and the remaining monk in the state of God King stared at Gu Xiangfei and his wife gloomyly.

“Ants? I don’t even want you to go to reincarnation.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed it, tearing apart the world of a cultivator in the God King Realm, and everything in the world was swept away by him with a wave of his hand.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s hand grabbing towards him, the God King Realm cultivator was about to blast Gu Xiangfei with the God King Realm domain, but found that he had been imprisoned, except that his eyes could move, and even his heartbeat stopped. He was horrified. It was a monk in the realm of gods, this is the god emperor, and then he saw his world being torn apart, and knew that he was finished. Just now, the monk said that he would not let him go even in reincarnation, with despair in his eyes, and saw another The fire burns his own body first, and then the soul is also turned into nothingness when it hurts.

“Husband, how did you open his world?” Yan Yixue looked at Gu Xiangfei eagerly. Being able to open other people’s worlds is something that even a god emperor can’t do. If you learn it by yourself, then you can open other people’s worlds In the world, some monks’ rare items are stored in their own world. Only their own world is the safest. After their fall, this world disappears, and even the items in the world are also scattered in the world.

“You have practiced regular exercises, don’t you know the regular aura of other monks?” Gu Xiangfei asked Yan Yixue with some doubts, did she understand the regular exercises wrongly?

“I know! Everyone cultivates with a different aura of rules, and I can feel their aura of rules, but what does this have to do with opening other people’s worlds?” Yan Yixue felt herself asking I asked an idiot question. Only by feeling the monk’s regular breath can he open his world. I only now know such a simple truth.

“You idiot, silly woman, you don’t use regular exercises to assimilate other people’s regular aura, how can you open up other people’s worlds.” Gu Xiangfei gave Yan Yixue an angry nod on her forehead and taught her a lesson.

Afterwards, the two continued to fly forward. Gu Xiangfei began to explain the magical effects of regular exercises to Yan Yixue, and constantly helped her solve puzzles. Yan Yixue suddenly realized from time to time, and her understanding of regular exercises became more and more clear Thoroughly, she used to just bury her head in hard cultivation, only thinking about how to improve her cultivation base, there was noI don’t pay attention to other people’s rules, and I was surprised when I saw my husband open up other people’s world today. It turns out that the rules are so powerful.

Gu Xiangfei was explaining to Yan Yixue while driving the spaceship forward. It turned out that the five monks who came out of Fangshi had been lost. Now there are many monks galloping in the same direction on the road. Gu Xiangfei didn’t go looking for them. It doesn’t matter who it is.

After flying for ten days, Gu Xiangfei helped Yan Yixue to explain and correct the parts that Yan Yixue didn’t understand about cultivation. some new ideas.

On the road, monks drove spaceships to overtake them. Seeing that Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue were ordinary-looking monks, no one came to disturb them.

After flying for another half a month, Yan Yixue understood the cultivation method explained by Gu Xiangfei thoroughly, and her cultivation level broke through to the mid-stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Beside him, there was a look of surprise in his eyes. Obviously, he had gained a lot through comprehension during this period of time.

Yan Yixue’s changing appearance is very ordinary, but her figure has not changed, with unevenness, very charming. Gu Xiangfei is more familiar with this body than his own, and knows every part of it like the back of his hand.

Feeling Gu Xiangfei’s touch, Yan Yixue’s eyes gradually became blurred. Both of them came from the mortal world, although after entering the realm of cultivation, they did not escape from mortal affairs.

“Tsk tsk… The young couple are very close! I really envy you who have reached the realm of the gods and are still so greedy for each other’s bodies.” A delicate voice came from behind.

When Gu Xiangfei heard it was a woman’s voice, he didn’t let go of Yan Yixue, but hugged her even tighter. Yan Yixue even put his arms around Gu Xiangfei’s neck, and the two looked more intimate.

“Huh! I’m going to find my Taoist companion. Don’t think that you want to anger me.” The female cultivator waved her hand after she finished speaking, and a ribbon turned into thousands of silk ribbons and blasted towards them.

Gu Xiangfei was furious. The old man and his wife were sitting on the spaceship and didn’t provoke you. They actually made such a murderous move. The aura of this female cultivator turned out to be a cultivator at the early stage of the God King Realm. It was clearly out of jealousy and hatred that she wanted to kill them.

He raised his hand and punched out, the silk ribbon was thrown aside by him, but it was not smashed, obviously it was also a treasure, the silk ribbon was not smashed, and the female cultivator was blown away by his punch, if not The silk belt protected her body, and this punch could blow her body apart. Even so, the female cultivator opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood with internal organ fragments, obviously seriously injured.

“Hey! You didn’t die, so come again.” Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised. This ribbon must be a magic weapon, otherwise even the top-grade artifact would not be able to stop his bombardment and shatter the female cultivator’s body.

“Stop!” A voice came from behind, and then a huge coercive domain blasted over, Gu Xiangfei was shocked, this is the domain of a cultivator in the God Emperor Realm, rolled up Yan Yixue and unfolded the rules of escapism, and disappeared in a flash .

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