Returning to the Cultivation Realm

Gu Xiangfei went to say hello to Emperor Kanli and the others again, and talked about the compensation from Emperor Yifeng. Emperor Kanli and the others saw that Gu Xiangfei had also returned, and they were also overjoyed. It’s over, so I didn’t mention it again.

Back in her cave, Yan Yixue wanted to have a baby with all her heart, and she spent dozens of days with Gu Xiangfei, and finally got something. She felt that she was pregnant, so she stopped her crazy behavior and went to the star bead to raise her baby with peace of mind. The fetus is gone.

The Five Elements Universe is very peaceful now, and everyone is cultivating with peace of mind. Apart from drinking tea with Kanli Shenzhendi and others to exchange cultivation experience, Gu Xiangfei spends most of his time in the Star Bead with Yan Yixue.

Yan Yixue deduces Taoism every day. She can’t use Shenyuan now, so she holds strokes every day and deduces to places she doesn’t understand. Then she takes out a few books on Taoism and reads them. When she gets tired, she lays down in the star beads Resting on the jade bed, this jade bed was specially dug out by Gu Xiangfei from the warm jade mine that has been around for hundreds of millions of years. Lying on the warm jade bed can nourish the monk’s physique even more.

Time flies, and ten years have passed outside. For a monk, these ten years are just a small retreat. For some advanced monks, a retreat lasts for thousands of years.

A hundred years later, Yan Yixue’s belly gradually bulged, and after another hundred years, Yan Yixue’s belly became bigger and bigger. The time is getting shorter and shorter, and most of the time is spent resting on the warm jade bed.

After three hundred years in the star bead, Yan Yixue felt that she was about to give birth. Gu Xiangfei brought her out of the star bead, and found the female relatives of Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others to help Yan Yixue give birth.

On the fifth day after she came out of Xingzhu, Yan Yixue gave birth to a baby girl. The baby born in the God Realm is better than those born in the Cultivation Realm and the Immortal Realm.Two levels stronger, after birth is the golden core stage, omitting the practice of the Qi refining stage and the foundation building stage.

Gu Xiangfei saw his daughter, who was stronger than her two elder brothers after she was born, looking at him with two jewel-like black eyes, Gu Xiangfei was so cute at this moment.

After Yan Yixue gave birth, she quickly recovered. Although she hadn’t practiced for hundreds of years, she was surrounded by a strong spiritual energy every day. Once she started to practice, she quickly reached the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and then reached the Great Perfection. Going to cross the Tribulation God King Realm.

After Yan Yixue broke through the God King Realm, she began to refine talismans. She was much better at talismans than Gu Xiangfei. First she refined talismans from the realm of cultivation, then from the realm of immortals, and finally from the realm of gods. The talisman broke through to the fifth-level talisman master in one fell swoop.

Yan Yixue named her daughter Gu Yu, and her nickname was Xiao Yu. When she was born, it was raining lightly, so Yan Yixue gave her this name.

Xiao Yu liked to follow Gu Xiangfei since he was born. Every time Gu Xiangfei wanted to go out, he stretched out his hands for him to hug. The father and daughter were inseparable almost every day.

Xiao Yu grew up slowly, learned to walk, learned to call her parents, Xiao Yu’s laughter could be heard every day in Gu Xiangfei’s cave.

Yan Yixue has now joined the Fudao Branch Academy. After passing the internal assessment, she was recruited as a disciple by the Fudao Branch Academy.

There are many elders and branch deans in Xuantian Academy, and these people are accompanied by family members. If these relatives and family members want to join Xuantian Academy, they must pass the internal assessment before they can join Xuantian Academy. The internal assessment can be carried out at any time. Unlike outside monks who have to wait for a hundred years before taking part in the assessment, this is also an advantage Xuantian Academy gives these elders and branch deans.

Yan Yixue is learning how to deduce talismans every day. Gu Xiangfei can only take the children and visit the homes of a few old guys. After seeing Xiao Yu, these old guys like her very much, and leave some delicious spirit fruits for her , Xiaoyu’s mouth is sweet and can speak, and the old guys coaxed can’t hold their mouths from ear to ear.

Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation has finally broken through to the middle stage of God Venerable, and Xiao Yu has also started to practice. Her cultivation talent surprised even Gu Xiangfei. She broke through to Nascent Soul Stage in three days. On Xiaoyu’s young body, Xiaoyu faced the thunderbolt firmly, and began to practice the Qianyuan body training formula. Her immature skin was torn to pieces by the thunderbolt. raging.

After the four or nine thunder calamities, a colorful spiritual cloud fell from the sky, wrapping Xiao Yu’s young body. Xiao Yu’s cultivation quickly stabilized, and the Qianyuan Exercise also broke through to the third level of the cultivation world.

“Father, there is a villain in my head, is she my sister?” After Xiao Yu crossed the Nascent Soul stage, the golden core split open and a Nascent Soul villain appeared in her purple mansion. Xiao Yu didn’t know what it was, and Gu Xiangfei also I didn’t expect her to break through so quickly, and I didn’t have time to tell her anything.

“No, that villain is your Nascent Soul. With the improvement of cultivation, the Nascent Soul will also be promoted to the Primordial Spirit. I will find spiritual grass to exercise your body now. After your body training formula reaches the level of the fairy world You don’t have to worry about the thunder calamity.” Gu Xiangfei stroked Xiao Yu’s small head, and explained her cultivation experience with a doting expression.

Gu Xiangfei came to the quest hall of the college to release a quest, which required a lot of spiritual herbs from the cultivation world, which could be purchased with divine stones.

As soon as the task was sent out, the disciples of the academy were all very surprised. Finding the spiritual grass in the realm of cultivation in the God Realm is somewhat difficult, unless some monks from the realm of cultivation ascended to the Immortal Realm with the spiritual grass, and then ascended to the God Realm. In order to get the spirit grass.

Gu Xiangfei waited for half a month, but before hearing the news of the spirit grass, Xiao Yu was going to cross the catastrophe again. Even if she didn’t practice, the regular exercises were still operating in her body, and she soon broke through to the stage of transformation.

Gu Xiangfei saw that Xiaoyu’s thunder arc was getting bigger and bigger, and he became more and more worried about whether her body could bear it. Although she was protected by the top-grade armor, Gu Xiangfei wanted her to practice Qianyuan Body Exercise. He knew how to exercise The benefits of the physical body, the last time in the mortal country, if he hadn’t practiced the body exercise formula, how could he have obtained the Godly Halberd and returned to the Five Elements Universe.

“Father, you don’t have to worry, I can use Thunder Tribulation to exercise.” Xiao Yu saw that her father was practicing Qianyuan Exercise for her, and was distressed because he couldn’t find the spiritual grass, so she stretched out her little hand to comfort him.

“Father will take you to the cultivation world to find spiritual herbs, and then to the fairy world to find your grandma, grandpa, brothers.” Gu Xiangfei loves this little daughter very much.

“What? You want to take Xiao Yu to the realm of comprehension?” Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue talked about Xiao Yu’s situation, and Yan Yixue was a little surprised. This is really a big cost for her daughter.

Yan Yixue was relieved that her daughter followed her father. Although she was a little bit reluctant, for the sake of her daughter’s future, Yan Yixue agreed to let Gu Xiangfei go to the cultivation world.

After getting Yan Yixue’s consent, Gu Xiangfei approached the bald dean and said that he was going out to find spiritual grass. After asking for permission, he took Xiaoyu and sacrificed the wheel of heaven, and broke through the layers of the plane according to the direction of Puli Continent. Domain, came to the headquarters of the Pill Array Alliance in the Puli Continent.

The rules of heaven and earth were suddenly suppressed. After Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercises worked for a week, he assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here, and the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth dissipated instantly.

Gu Xiangfei saw Feixue Peak, and he didn’t know any of the people living on it. His spiritual sense scanned the entire Pill Artifact Alliance, and found no one he knew.

“I want to issue a task to purchase a large number of spirit grass from level 4 to level 9. Each level has 20,000 plants of each type. What are the requirements?” Gu Xiangfei finished speakingSuddenly remembered that he still had the jade card of the Pill Array Alliance, and then took out the jade card and handed it to the female cultivator at the mission window.

The female cultivator was a little surprised when she heard the news that Gu Xiangfei was going to announce the mission. Spiritual herbs below level seven are easy to find, but spirit herbs at level eight and nine are very scarce, not to mention that there are 20,000 plants. All the spiritual herbs in Pu Li Continent were added up, and there were not so many. She thought that Gu Xiangfei was here to make trouble, and just about to drive him out, she saw that the jade card that Gu Xiangfei handed her turned out to be the jade card of the Ninth Rank Alchemy King. Of course she knew the Dan Wang Yu Pai.

“Senior Pill King, your mission can be announced, but eighth- and ninth-level spirit herbs are hard to find now! I’ll ask the deacon to see if he can do anything.” The female cultivator sent out a message after finishing speaking.

“Father, is this the place where you and your mother lived before?” A childish voice sounded, and Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to touch Xiaoyu’s little head.

“In the past, your grandma, grandpa, second grandpa, second grandma, and your grandpa, grandma, and brothers all lived here. Now they have all gone to the fairyland. After finishing our work here, we will go to the fairyland to find them.” Xiao Yu is now six years old. Yes, she has heard about her grandparents countless times, and she has long wanted to see her grandparents and brothers.

“Will my grandparents and my brother like me?” Xiaoyu’s worried expression made Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but smile.

“I will definitely like you, especially your grandma, who likes Xiaoyu the most.” Gu Xiangfei comforted her, and Xiaoyu smiled happily after hearing it.

“King Gu Dan? Is it really you? Didn’t you ascend to the Immortal Realm?” A deacon asked in surprise when he saw Gu Xiangfei.

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