Descendants of the Gu Family Village

Gu Xiangfei looked at this deacon in surprise, there was actually someone who knew him in the cultivation world.

“I used to be in the Fangshi Law Enforcement Team, and was later promoted to the deacon of the mission hall.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s puzzled gaze, the deacon explained to him.

“Oh, I said how could anyone know me. So you knew me when you were in Fangshi. Are all the old people in the Pill Array Alliance ascending now? I haven’t seen any acquaintances.” Gu Xiangfei was stunned. The corrosive atmosphere was found in Fangshi, which means that some members of the law enforcement team are maintaining the safety of Fangshi. This deacon used to be a team member, so he naturally knew him.

“Some of the old people have ascended, and some have not survived the catastrophe. There are still low-level spiritual grasses that King Gudan is looking for. High-level spiritual grasses are very scarce now. I suggest that King Gudan can buy spiritual grass seeds and cultivate them by himself. High-level spiritual grass, this should be easier.” The deacon gave him an idea, Gu Xiangfei thought that he had star beads that contained divine spiritual energy, and the spiritual grass for cultivating the cultivation world should mature soon, and now he can only Use this method.

“Okay, go and release the mission! It’s just that I don’t have spirit stones, and I don’t have many fairy crystals, that’s all I have.” Gu Xiangfei searched his ring for a long time before he found a bunch of fairy crystals, less than ten thousand yuan. The ring was put on and given to the deacon.

The deacon scanned the fairy crystal in the ring with his consciousness, and felt that his cultivation had suddenly increased. He was at the third level of the Void Refining Stage, and immediately broke through to the fourth, fifth, and fifth levels of the Void Refining Stage…and didn’t stop until the eighth floor of the Void Refining Stage , was shocked in my heart, this fairy crystal is so powerful, it just broke through a few small realms after scanning it with divine sense, if it is used to practice, it should soon break through to the stage of joining the dao, the stage of Mahayana, and even the stage of crossing the catastrophe. possible.

“I’ll give you an immortal shield, use it when you cross the catastrophe! After ascending to the immortal world, you can go to the Holy Sword Sect, which is my former sect, and Li Jingtian’s deputy leader is also there.” Gu Xiangfei After speaking, he took out another fairy shield. He has no use for these things, and they still take up space in the ring.

“Thank you, King Gu Dan.” The deacon didn’t expect that after recognizing Gu Xiangfei, he would get a great opportunity. It seems that he is expected to ascend! Moreover, Li Jingtian’s deputy leader was also at the Holy Sword Sect. It seemed that he had settled down after his ascension, and he was even more overjoyed, so he immediately arranged for the female cultivator to issue a mission.

“Father, I want to visit the place where you lived when you were a child.” Xiao Yu tilted her head and suddenly asked Gu Xiangfei this question.

“Okay, Dad will take you back to see your hometown.” Gu Xiangfei picked up Xiao Yu, sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel to break through the boundary of the plane, entered the Martial Dao Continent, and came to Gujia Village.

Even though thousands of years have passed, Gujia Village still hasn’t changed much. It’s just that many people have passed away, and the people in the village have changed for countless generations.

Gu Xiangfei’s house and second uncle’s house are protected by formations, and they are still the same, not changing at all.

“Father, is this the house you used to live in? Who does this little tiger belong to? There are also puppies, big bears, hehe, it’s so beautiful.” Xiaoyu looked at some wood carvings in the house, all of which were carved by his father for free. The two grandchildren played, who knew that the two boys were the souls of adults, and they didn’t care about these children’s toys at all, so they threw them here.

“Take it with you if you like it! These are the toys your grandfather made for your brother and the others.” Gu Xiangfei looked at the familiar things in the house, and saw his family members farming, hunting, and gathering herbs in a daze.

“Who are you? How did you get in? You…you…” A white-haired old man came in and saw Gu Xiangfei, pointed at him and was speechless in surprise.

“I’m Gu Xiangfei, my father is Gu Fengchi, who is your ancestor?” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and the old man instantly felt that his body had returned to his youth, and his white hair instantly turned into black.

“You…you, my ancestor’s name is Gu Fenglin, I am his twenty-first-generation great-great-grandson, and my name is Gu Zilong.” The old man was shocked by Gu Xiangfei’s pointing at such a young man, and he heard him sayHe was even more shocked when he mentioned the name of his ancestor, and quickly said the name of his ancestor.

“It turns out that you are a descendant of Uncle Fenglin, and it has been so many years.” Gu Xiangfei sighed, if he hadn’t stepped into the realm of cultivation, he would have turned into loess now, and his descendants would continue to live in Gujia Village, and This millet dragon is the same.

“Gu Zilong pays homage to the ancestors of the Gu family.” When Gu Zilong heard Gu Xiangfei calling his ancestor’s name uncle, he knew that this was the return of the Gu family who had disappeared for thousands of years.

“Get up! How do you know it’s me?” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and Gu Zilong felt a strong force lift him up, and immediately stood up straight, believing in his heart that what his ancestors recorded was true.

“It was recorded in my ancestors that there are portraits of the ancestors. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of Fengchi and Fengcheng suddenly disappeared. This house was protected by something, and the villagers could not enter. Gradually, everyone knew Your two families are no longer in Gujia Village, and your ancestors and Fengchi ancestors are very close, so this matter has been recorded and passed down to the present.” Gu Zilong told in detail what his ancestor Gu Fenglin had recorded.

“We all went to another continent. My parents and second uncle are all very well. Don’t tell others about my return, lest it will be harmful to you. From today onwards, people in Gujia Village will no longer get sick. But when Shouyuan arrives, it will naturally die without a problem, and I have to go.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the people in the whole Gujia Village felt that their bodies had returned to their youth, and some seriously ill old people also recovered their bodies. He was strong when he was young, and everyone was overjoyed, saying that the ancestors of the Gu family had appeared, and one after another offered tributes to worship their ancestors.

Gu Zilong saw Gu Xiangfei flying into the air with a little girl, and disappeared in a flash. He quickly fell to the ground, thanking the ancestors of the Gu family for the rain and dew, and bless the future generations of the Gu family village.

Gu Xiangfei returned to the realm of comprehension. In the lobby of the Pill Array Alliance headquarters, the deacon had already told the current leader about Gu Xiangfei.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the hall, a group of people had been waiting for him, “Meet King Gu Dan.”

“Excuse me!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and gently supported them. These people felt that they were supported by a gentle force. This force flowed through their bodies with a clear current. Some erysipelas in their bodies instantly healed their dark wounds. Everyone Feeling more relaxed than ever before.

“Thank you, King Gu Dan.” These people didn’t know that this was a favor that Gu Xiangfei gave them. Everyone was overjoyed and shocked by Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation. What kind of realm is this?

“King Gu Dan, here are the spiritual herbs and seeds you need, we can only collect so much.” The deacon who was in charge of the task hall and released the task, handed Gu Xiangfei a ring.

“Okay! Thank you very much. After you ascend to the Immortal Realm, you can go to the Holy Sword Sect where I am, or you can go to the leader of the Danmeng Beihanyi. He is in the upper heaven of the Immortal Realm, but everyone will be in the lower heaven after ascension. The Holy Sword Sect where I belong is in Zhongtianyu, and Li Jingtian’s deputy leader is also in the Holy Sword Sect, we are all acquaintances and will definitely take care of each other, I’m leaving, goodbye!” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he sacrificed the wheel of heaven and picked up Xiaoyu , after a flash of virtual light, disappeared into the sky.

“Respectfully send off King Gu Dan.” The group of people in the hall hurried outside and paid homage to the sky.

“Father, is this the Immortal World? It feels better than the Realm of Cultivation. Where are your grandparents?” Xiao Yu looked at the sect of the Holy Saber Sect. Three illusory characters hung in the air, making it even more magnificent and majestic.

“Friends of the Immortals, please stay here. This is… ah! Are you the Supreme Elder?” Just as the guard was about to stop Gu Xiangfei, he saw the Supreme Elder jade token in his hand.

“Who is the suzerain now?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t use his spiritual sense to check. The Holy Sword Sect had a large defensive formation. Once his spiritual sense tore through the large formation, he would have to repair it when the time came. Naturally, he would not cause trouble for himself.

“The suzerain is the suzerain, but right now the deputy suzerain is in charge of all trivial matters. Che suzerain is practicing in seclusion. I will inform the suzerain right away.” Gu Xiangfei stopped the guard disciple just as he was about to send a message.

“No need, I’ll go find Third Senior Brother!”

After Gu Xiangfei entered the Holy Sword Sect with Xiao Yu in his arms, he came to the main hall of the Holy Sword Peak after sweeping his spiritual sense.

“Senior Brother Three, Brother Li.” Gu Xiangfei came outside the main hall and used his spiritual sense to transmit sound.

“Brother Gu, brother Gu.” Two figures appeared outside the hall in a flash.

“Haha… Third Senior Brother and Brother Li are still so energetic.”

“Brother, didn’t you ascend to the God Realm? What’s going on?” Third senior brother Che Yong’an was a little surprised when he saw Gu Xiangfei, and Li Jingtian also had the same expression.

“I came back from the God Realm and went to the Cultivation Realm. I’m about to go back to the God Realm, so I came to see my senior brother and Brother Li.” Gu Xiangfei was also very happy to see his old friend.

“Did the younger brother see Master in the God Realm?” The third senior brother asked hurriedly when he heard that he was going back to the God Realm.

“Master is in the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm, and the elders who ascended to the God Realm from the Immortal Realm also went to the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm…” Gu Xiangfei told them everything about the God Realm.

“Then junior brother, you are not in the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm?” The third senior brother Che Yongan heard that Gu Xiangfei had told everyone else, except that he was in the Holy Sword Sect, so he asked him with some doubts.

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