Returning to the Immortal World

Gu Xiangfei said, “When I ascended, there was a deviation. Originally, the Holy Sword Sect was in the northern God Realm, but I went to the Southern God Realm, separated by the Endless Sea and the entire Central God Realm. Finally, I joined Xuantian College, and only then did I find my uncle and the others. Now they’re doing fine.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t say anything about Xuantian Academy, I believeBrothers, they will all know the name of Xuantian Academy when they arrive in the God Realm.

“In this way, I can rest assured that I may soon ascend to the God Realm, so I will go to find my master at that time!” The third senior brother Che Yongan showed a relaxed expression. After Ascension to the God Realm will be settled, there is no need to worry about not being able to find Master They are gone.

“These two rings are given to you. They will be converted into Shenyuan when we arrive in the God Realm. There are some god stones and pills used in the God Realm. There are still many at the master’s place. I will go to see the master when I get to the God Realm. I’ll go and see my parents, senior brother, and elder brother Li first, and see you in the God Realm!” Gu Xiangfei handed each of them a ring without any fuss, and sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and a gleam of light flashed and disappeared in the Holy Land. Dao Zong.

“Brother Gu’s cultivation has improved so fast. When he was in the cultivation world, he was worse than me. In a short time, he surpassed me and ascended to the fairy world.” Li Jingtian sighed.

“That’s right! When he first came to the Immortal Realm, I was already in the Immortal Realm. I didn’t expect him to ascend to the God Realm in just a few hundred years. As long as Junior Brother Gu’s aptitude has resources, his cultivation will improve quickly.” Three Brother Che Yongan also sighed.

“Father, are grandpa and grandma here?” Xiaoyu watched Gu Xiangfei come to a place of the Holy Sword Sect again. Since she was a child, she heard her parents tell her about her grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and brothers. She has always wanted to meet these people .

“Well, let’s go find grandparents, grandparents and brothers.” Gu Xiangfei carried Xiao Yu to the outside of the Holy Sword Sect established in the three major heavens.

“You…you are the peak master of Gu?” The leader of the guard disciples was stunned when he saw Gu Xiangfei. He was a former disciple of Yuedao Peak, so he naturally knew that Gu Xiangfei was the peak master. He still called him the peak master as before.

“You are a disciple of Yuedao Peak? Yes, you have cultivated to the level of Immortal King.” Gu Xiangfei knew that this disciple came from Yuedao Peak when he heard him call him by his previous title.

“Yes, Peak Master, please come in.” The disciple was overjoyed to see Gu Xiangfei recognized him, and quickly invited Gu Xiangfei to enter the Holy Sword Sect.

“Father, mother, I’m back.” Gu Xiangfei came outside his former cave and transmitted sound to his parents who were cultivating inside.

“My boy, you are finally back. I thought you forgot about my old lady. Hey! Who is this little girl?” The old lady quickly opened the restriction of the cave and wanted to teach him a few words when she came out. Suddenly she saw Gu Xiangfei holding a The beautiful little girl, she was stunned, this little girl is so beautiful, with black jewel-like eyes, snow-white and delicate skin, and black hair with two braids.

“Mother, this is your granddaughter, Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu’s name is grandma. Don’t you want to see grandma? This is your grandma.” Gu Xiangfei introduced to the grandparent and grandson.

“Ouch! My dear, ask grandma to have a look.” When the old lady heard that this beautiful little girl turned out to be her granddaughter, she immediately smiled, hugged her, and kissed Xiao Yu’s delicate cheek.

“Grandma, stop scolding dad, okay? My mother wouldn’t scold dad.” Xiao Yu looked at this powerful old lady, scolded her own dad as soon as she came, and begged him for mercy.

“By the way, who is your mother?” The old lady thought that Gu Xiangfei had found another daughter-in-law. After all, Yan Yixue was so old that it was impossible for her to be born again. She looked at Gu Xiangfei with some displeasure, but seeing such a beautiful granddaughter, she Didn’t say anything.

“Grandma, my mother’s name is Yan Yixue, and she hasn’t come back from the God Realm.” As soon as Xiaoyu said Yan Yixue, the old lady immediately became happy. It seemed that her son didn’t mess around, but Xiaoxue is so big, it must not be easy to give birth to Xiaoyu , she became worried about Yan Yixue again.

“Father, I’m back. Xiao Yu calls you Grandpa.” Gu Xiangfei saw that his father Gu Fengchi had also come out, so he introduced Xiao Yu to remind him.

“Grandpa.” Xiao Yu looked at the middle-aged man. Is this his grandfather? How come they are younger than Uncle Kanli.

“What’s your name?” The old lady hugged Xiao Yu very much.

“Grandma, my name is Gu Yu. My mother said that when I was born, it was raining in the sky, so she called me Xiao Yu.” Xiao Yu introduced herself very clearly. Gu Fengchi fell in love with this granddaughter as soon as she saw her. He snatched it away and said, “Let me hold it for a while first!”

“Hmph! What are you grabbing? This is my granddaughter. Go, go find your grandma, and make her happy too.” After finishing speaking, the old lady snatched it back, turned around and left with Xiao Yu in her arms.

“Father, are you all right here? I’ll look for you after you ascend to the God Realm. I didn’t join the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm. I’m an elder at Xuantian College, which is the most powerful force in the God Realm. …” Gu Xiangfei told his father everything about himself in the God Realm.

“Okay! But you can’t forget the Holy Sword Sect. They are worthy of our family. We can have such a good training place in the fairy world, and it is your fifth senior brother who is taking care of it.” Gu Fengchi looked at his face. The eldest son, first teach him not to forget his roots, and be proud of this son. He can also achieve such a big name in the God Realm. After ascending to the God Realm, there is no need to worry.

The old lady asked Xiao Yu as she walked, “Have you started practicing in the God Realm?”

“Grandma, I just started to practice, and my father asked me to exercise first to resist thunder disasters, but I’m not afraid of thunder disasters.”

“You’re so young, it hurts a lot from the lightning strike, my dear! How can you bear it!”

“Grandma, I’m not afraid. I’ve survived two thunder calamities by myself, and now I’m on the third level of practicing Qianyuan Exercise.”

“Ah! You are already in the stage of transforming into a god? You are really my good granddaughter.”

“Big girl, who are you talking to? Who is this little girl? She looks so beautiful.” A middle-agedThe beautiful woman was sitting in the yard drinking tea, when she saw the old woman coming in with Xiao Yu in her arms, she was a little surprised that the mother-in-law was crazy about her granddaughter, and where did she find such a beautiful little girl to hug her to satisfy her greed.

“This is my granddaughter, Xiao Yu, and this is your grandma, quickly call grandma.” The old lady proudly showed off to her in-laws.

“Ah! Is this Xiaoxue’s daughter?” The mother-in-law asked in surprise.

“Grandma, you’re so pretty. My mother said grandma is pretty.” Xiao Yu’s immature voice made her in-laws stand up immediately, and hugged her over, wow! Kissed the granddaughter.

“Where is your mother?” Grandma held Xiao Yu in her arms, and the more she looked, the more she looked like Yan Yixue when she was a child, and she immediately thought of Yan Yixue.

“My mother is still practicing in the God Realm, and my father brought me back.” Xiao Yu has a natural affinity for this grandmother, and it is easy to accept her.

“That’s good. After your mother’s ascension, I’ve been worried that she won’t find your father. It seems that she has already found your father, or else she wouldn’t have you.” Grandma hugged Xiao Yu so happily that she didn’t know what to say.

“What are you talking about!” The old lady looked at the mother-in-law, and there was something wrong with her mind. What were you talking about!

Two middle-aged women, with an immature and cute little girl, took out the spirit fruit from the fairy world, and let her eat it all the time, and they didn’t even know how to kiss.

Xiao Yu always eats the spirit fruit in the God Realm. She has never tasted the fairy fruit in the Immortal Realm, so she happily ate it mouthful. Although it doesn’t have the spirit energy of the fruit, it has a different taste.

The news of Gu Xiangfei’s return quickly spread throughout the Holy Sword Sect. Many elders who had good friends with him came to see him, even the fifth senior brother Zheng Kaiyue also came.

“Fifth Senior Brother.” Seeing Zheng Kaiyue approaching, Gu Xiangfei quickly stood up and shouted. When he first came to Immortal World, these brothers and sisters helped him a lot, and Gu Xiangfei was also very enthusiastic towards them.

“Junior Gu is really amazing to be able to come back from the God Realm. Have you seen my master?” Zheng Kaiyue, the fifth senior brother, knows that it is not easy to return from the high-level plane to the low-level plane. There must be a rule talisman, otherwise when he comes to a low-level plane, a single rule of the world can tear him apart.

“It’s nothing. I’ve met Master and the others. They are all in the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm. They are the patriarch Mo Yu who founded the Holy Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm. He also established the Holy Sword Sect in the God Realm. Now he is a second A super sect…” Gu Xiangfei told the people present all about the God Realm.

Everyone heard that after ascending to the God Realm, they could join the Holy Sword Sect. They were all filled with joy. After ascending to the God Realm, they no longer worried about not being able to find the sect.

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