The earth is now technologically advanced, and there are various vehicles flying in the sky. From time to time, a vehicle rampages over, scaring other vehicles to dodge in a hurry, and the people inside those rampaging vehicles laughed wildly, obviously deliberately crashing.

Gu Xiangfei frowned slightly, even if he didn’t know how to drive, he knew thisPeople are hateful, suddenly a car ran towards them, Gu Xiangfei’s God Realm domain suddenly rose, boom! With a bang, the car was blasted into pieces. Although the people inside had anti-collision protection, they couldn’t bear his divine realm and turned into a pile of flesh.

There was a sudden chaos on the street, and soon several rescue vehicles came here, and saw the debris and the pile of meat paste on the ground, the personnel on several rescue vehicles, after checking it, drove away, and then a cleaning vehicle cleaned up the broken pieces. The slag and meat mud were scooped up to sweep the ground, but after a few breaths, it was no longer apparent that there had been a car accident here.

“Look for a place that sells books. I need to understand the myths and legends here.” The purpose of Gu Xiangfei’s coming to Earth is to see the treasures recorded in the previous Earth myths and legends.

After Gu Yunjie scanned it with his divine sense, he found a place with a sign saying the library, and several languages ​​marked the name of the library.

Hundreds of years after leaving the earth, the current earth is already a strange planet to them. If they didn’t know the characters, they would not believe that they came to the earth.

The outfits of the four of them attracted the attention of many people, especially Lin Ziyu, who was already beautiful, and with the temperament of a fairy, he was so elegant, and attracted the attention of countless men along the way.

“Wow Kaka! It’s rare to see such a pure beauty now. I finally saw one today. I’m going to die, I’m going to die…” A man with short hair on the opposite side stretched out his hands with squinting eyes. He rushed towards Lin Ziyu.

“Boom! Ah…” A scream was heard by half of the people on the street. The short-haired man’s hands and feet were broken inch by inch, and his fingers and toes began to fall off bit by bit. First, flesh and blood, and then bones. points fell.

“Aren’t you going to die? I just won’t let you die. I will smash your hands and feet into pieces, then your arms and thighs, and finally only your heart and brain are left. You can live for twenty years before you die.” Gu Yunhao smiled to the short-haired The man, talking about the rest of his life, turned and walked away.

The short-haired man couldn’t bear the bone-piercing pain, but he couldn’t speak, couldn’t make a sound even if he wanted to shout, and couldn’t do it even if he wanted to go into a coma. He was frightened by Gu Yunhao’s words and became incontinent. Only then did he realize that he had caused trouble. When you are an expert, you can’t speak even if you want to beg for mercy.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the library, his spiritual sense scanned and quickly saw (Tao Te Ching, Shan Hai Jing, Fengshen.) These books, carefully checked with his spiritual sense, he couldn’t help being horrified, it turns out that there are so many treasures in ancient legends , especially some heaven-defying treasures recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, I was really lucky to be able to get such a few treasures and a few Dao fruit trees.

After understanding these things, although they can’t be seen on the earth, but on other planets, the universe can find these things, which shows that the treasures in the ancient legends of the earth may have been brought to other planets by the ancient power of the earth, and he can get these things It is estimated that after the cosmic war, some powers fell, and their treasures were scattered on other planets, or in the universe during the war, and he got it by chance.

Things have been done, Gu Xiangfei decided to leave the earth, “Let’s go back to the fairyland! Do you have anything else to do?”

“Hundreds of years have passed here, and the enemy has been dead for many years, let’s go!” Gu Yunhao’s hope of revenge is shattered, and he is not interested in staying on the earth anymore. The aura here is thin, and the rules of heaven and earth suppress it. If it wasn’t for the past He was born on this planet, and when that short-haired man threw himself at Lin Ziyu, he wanted to smash this planet into pieces.

“Wait a minute, you guys.” As soon as they came out of the library, several people stopped them.

“Go away!” Gu Yunhao and the others may have feelings for the earth, and they won’t let go. Gu Xiangfei doesn’t care about any planet, and if he gets angry, he might smash the planet into pieces. Now someone dares to stop them, it may be the short-haired man. People, and seeing the bloody smell on these people, they knew that they must have killed people, and they had killed more than one.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei’s words came out, he slammed into several people with a huge coercion. They were immediately blown away by his breath, and before they landed on the ground, their bones were shattered, and they could only lie on the bed and eat liquid food for the rest of their lives. .

“Let’s go! It’s just a few ants.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, no matter whether he was on the street, there were many people watching, raised his hand, and sacrificed the wheel of heaven. Everyone saw a very small wheel appearing in the air, but it took only a breath In time, the wheel suddenly became bigger, several tens of feet long, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and rolled up the three of them, the Heavenly Dao Wheel went straight into the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

When the people below saw this scene, they shouted, “Immortals, there really are immortals, I saw an immortal, my God!”

The Heavenly Dao Wheel passed through the barriers of the boundary planes, and within a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei felt the fairy aura, and came to a plane with relatively high rules of heaven and earth. After sweeping his consciousness, the Heavenly Dao Wheel disappeared in a flash and returned to the Holy Sword Sect.

“Father, I’ve reached the sixth floor of my body training formula.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s return, Xiao Yu happily threw herself into his arms and acted coquettishly.

Gu Xiangfei picked her up and asked, “Where’s grandma?”

“Grandma and grandma are talking, I sneaked out, they still saw me, hee hee.” Xiao Yu has been very happy these two days, grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, she has seen them all, everyone is very kind to her, especially It’s grandma, I almost spoil her to heaven.

“We are going back to the God Realm. Your mother is worried about us. We will be together forever after grandparents ascend to the God Realm. Now let’s bid farewell to them, okay?” I just want to go back to the God Realm, and my family is about to ascend, so let’s get together again in the God Realm.

“But I still want toPlay with grandma, why don’t we take grandma and grandma? “Xiao Yu is reluctant to leave now. The main reason is that there are many relatives here, and everyone likes her. When she arrives in the God Realm, she is alone. She faces old men and women. Everyone is busy practicing, and no one is with him. Play.

“Grandma also needs to practice. After grandma ascends to the God Realm, she can play with you every day. We can’t take grandma and grandma, or they will be harmed.” Gu Xiangfei knew that without the baptism of Lei Jie, he would have to Without the approval of the Dao of Heaven, now in the God Realm, Shou Yuan can only stop here, it is like smuggling, and the rules of heaven and earth in the God Realm are higher, Shou Yuan will disappear soon.

This is different from Xiaoyu who was born in the God Realm. She was born in the God Realm and has been recognized by the Dao of Heaven. Naturally, the rules of heaven and earth will not suppress her.

“Alright then! Let’s go to God Realm and wait for grandma and grandma!” After Gu Xiangfei explained to her, Xiao Yu nodded obediently and sensiblely.

“But we can let grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents practice faster, and they will be able to ascend to the God Realm soon.” Gu Xiangfei gave Xiao Yu another hope, and she clapped her little hands happily and said yes repeatedly.

Gu Xiangfei decided to improve the cultivation base of his parents, second uncle and father-in-law. They are a little poor in cultivation talent. Now it is the early stage of Xianjun, and it will not be impossible to ascend to the God Realm in hundreds of years.

“Father, mother, I want to speed up your ascension time, otherwise you will have to wait hundreds of years to ascend to the God Realm.” Gu Xiangfei found his father and raised this question, and everyone was naturally happy. When they arrived in the Immortal Realm, they were all the last to ascend. Even Yan Yixue’s master was the latest to practice. After arriving in the Immortal Realm, they all surpassed them. Now they are all at the peak of the late Xianjun.

Open the star bead and let six people go in to practice, and refine some elixirs for them to improve their aptitude. The star bead is filled with the spirit of the gods, which is many times stronger than the fairy meridian. With the protection of Gu Xiangfei’s elixir, There is no need to worry about being overwhelmed by the spirit of the gods, they can practice rapidly.

In the past two days outside, the six people have crossed the catastrophe and broke through to the Immortal Emperor, and then entered the Star Bead to practice. Gu Xiangfei taught Xiaoyu to exercise outside, and the spiritual grass in the cultivation world was watered by the divine spirit, and it matured at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. High-grade spiritual grass seeds quickly took root and germinated, growing rapidly.

After ten days outside, Xiaoyu’s body training formula has been cultivated to the seventh floor, and her cultivation base has broken through to the stage of joining the Tao without training. The thunder arc fell on her body, and there was no trace of blood. The forged body, the young body, swayed unceasingly in the lightning arc, and persisted all the time.

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