: The Patriarch of the Lian Clan

Three days later, the parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, second uncle and second aunt were led by the divine light to ascend to the God Realm.

Gu Xiangfei left the book of life and death to Gu Yunhao, and treated the two sons impartially, and left some artifacts and sacred stones for the fifth senior brother, which can be used when breaking through, which can greatly increase the chance.

Then he called his disciple Chu Feng over, taught him his own alchemy experience jade slips, and gave him some resources. Now Chu Feng is already a ninth-level elixir king, and his top-quality wood spirit root is indeed a genius in alchemy. Also promoted to the realm of Immortal King.

Amid the sound of farewell from everyone, Gu Xiangfei hugged Xiao Yu and stepped onto the Heavenly Dao Wheel. A gleam of light flashed and he returned to the God Realm.

After coming to the God Realm, they picked up the six parents who ascended to the God Realm in the Northern God Realm, and returned to Xuantian Academy.

After Xiaoyu saw her grandma and grandma again, she ran around happily in the courtyard of the cave. Now that there are so many people here, she was overjoyed.

After Yan Yixue returned to the cave, she was overjoyed to see her parents had come to the God Realm. Xiao Yu kept telling her about her grandparents and grandparents. Naturally, the whole family was very happy to be reunited in the God Realm .

Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the bald dean to do business. As soon as he entered the main hall, he saw that there were a hundred or ten god emperors inside, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

“I’ve met the dean.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted.

“Elder Gu is back, please sit down!” The bald dean spoke very formally this time, and didn’t call Brother Gu or anything. It can be seen that the matter is a bit serious, and seeing so many god emperors in the hall, he knew that something big might happen.

Gu Xiangfei came to sit down next to Emperor Kanli. Emperor Kanli nodded to him and said nothing, motioning for him to sit down and listen.

“The sudden change in the Dry God Realm this time was caused by the Lian family in the Eastern God Realm. I heard that their ancestors of the Lian Clan went berserk after they broke through to the holy realm in the Dry God Realm. They wiped out several sects in a row and destroyed Two planets were lost, hundreds of millions of monks were bombarded and killed, and now the monks in the entire Southern God Realm are fleeing.” The bald dean knew that Gu Xiangfei came late and didn’t know what happened, so he roughly said it again.

“I estimate that there are not many monks in the Southern God Realm now. He may come to our Central God Realm. I heard that after he broke through the holy realm, he first shot and killed some elders of the Lian family who followed him to the Dry God Realm, and then smashed them to pieces. Dry God Realm, obviously he didn’t break through the Holy Realm, but was taken away by the Holy Realm.” Vice President Tiansen added again, the news that Gu Xiangfei didn’t hear.

After listening to the explanations of the two of them, Gu Xiangfei also roughly understood the matter of the ancestor of the Lian family. He was targeted by people when he was in the Southern God Realm. The pursuit of the family.

“We are now dealing with the strong in the Holy Realm, and we are simply hitting the stone with an egg, so I decided to deploy a top-level defensive formation in the endless sea, first to block the ancestors of the Lian family, and as for the southern and eastern gods, we can ask for blessings! Our Xuantian Academy There is nothing you can do, everyoneIs there any good way? “The bald dean said his suggestion, then looked at the crowd below, waiting for someone to make a new suggestion.

“I agree with the dean’s approach. Now the main thing is to keep our Central God Realm, and then find a way to deal with the powerhouses in the Holy Realm. Otherwise, the ancestors of the Lian clan will definitely come to the Central God Realm after destroying the Southern God Realm and the Eastern God Realm. At that time It is a disaster for us.” Vice President Tiansen first agreed to the proposal of the president, and he also pointed out the serious relationship among them to the elders of the God Emperor sitting here.

Some god emperor elders come from the southern God Realm and the eastern God Realm, and they can’t deal with the strong in the holy realm now. Even if the god emperor elders of the academy go to besiege the strong in the holy realm, both sides will suffer in the end, and Xuantian Academy will end up with heavy losses. It will not do so until the time of life and death.

In the Five Elements Universe, there is no god emperor who can deal with the strong in the holy realm. Even the old dean’s semi-sacred realm cultivation base can only hold on for a few more breaths.

These god emperor elders from the Southern God Realm and the Eastern God Realm had no choice but to give up the rescue. The life and death of their own sect and family could only be decided by their own destiny. I hope they can escape this catastrophe.

To set up a top-level defensive formation requires an acquired magic weapon as the formation heart. Without the acquired magic weapon, even the most powerful defensive formation will be smashed, so the formation heart of the defensive formation is the most important part. With the acquired magic weapon As the heart of the battle, even the strong in the holy realm can only look at it and sigh.

What’s more, this ancestor of the Lian family is only a low-level holy-level powerhouse. With acquired magic weapons as the heart of the formation, he certainly cannot blast away the defensive formation.

“Fellow Daoist Kanli, I will leave it to your formation branch to be responsible for setting up the defensive formation this time. Take my jade card to the college’s treasure house and choose an acquired magic weapon as the heart of the formation!” Proposed, and immediately issued a task to Emperor Kanli Shenzhen.

“Brother Gu, come with me! You will be the main defensive formation this time, and we will assist you.” Emperor Kanli knew that Gu Xiangfei’s formation method could almost reach the level of a holy formation master. With the magic weapon as the center of the formation, maybe a holy formation can be arranged, so that the safety of the Central God Realm will be more guaranteed.

Gu Xiangfei knew that he couldn’t be careless about this matter, and he also wanted to see what good things were in the college’s treasure house, maybe he could pass along one.

After passing through the nine barriers and confirming with the elders of the third-level god emperor, they came to the gate of the treasure house. There were three elders with white hair and beards at the peak of the god emperor. When they saw them coming, they did not speak, and each took out a jade card , Pressing on the groove of the gate, the gate of the treasury opened silently, and the bright stone was installed on the top of the treasury, illuminating the entire treasure house as bright as day, and one can see everything at a glance.

This treasure house is hundreds of feet in size, and there are rows of shelves made of top-grade materials inside. Each floor is sealed with various top-level materials inside. Gu Xiangfei was shocked when he saw these top-level materials. He had heard of many Materials that have never been seen before are available here, and not just one piece, at least two or three pieces.

After passing the materials area and entering the Dao Fruit area, Gu Xiangfei found rows of jade boxes with the names of Dao Fruits marked on them. He saw Space Dao Fruits, Years Dao Fruits, Huang Zhongli Dao Fruits…

The more he looked at it, the more his eyes became hotter. He wished he could put all of them into his ring. With these Dao fruits, his several great supernatural powers would definitely be able to cultivate to the realm of Xiaocheng.

“Brother Gu, let’s see which magic weapon is suitable.” Gu Xiangfei was thinking about how to get rid of these Dao fruits when he was interrupted by the voice of Emperor Kanli. The elders of the peak god emperor guarded him, and if he made a move, he might be killed immediately, thanks to the god emperor Kanli who reminded him.

He hurriedly came to Emperor Kanli’s side. There were rows of acquired magic weapons here, all of which were under restraint. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t feel the breath of these acquired magic weapons, so he could only look at the names of the marks to see which one was suitable for the formation heart.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the names of these acquired magic weapons. He didn’t understand these things, and he couldn’t feel the breath of these acquired magic weapons. Finally, he chose a acquired magic weapon of Zhenshen Arrow. This Zhenshen Arrow can both defend and attack. , it might be able to injure that strong man in the Holy Realm if used as a battle center.

“That’s it!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t see any innate treasures in this treasury, and thought to himself, it seems that the innate treasures in Xuantian Academy are also scarce, and he was really lucky to get a few innate treasures.

After the two left the treasure house, they returned to the main hall of the college. The bald dean saw them coming back, “This time it’s all up to you to branch out, with Dean Kanli as the main and Elder Gu as the assistant, for your safety. Thinking about it, this time the academy will send twenty elders to assist you, including the elders of Pill Artifact Formation Talismans, these elders will be at your disposal, get ready to go tomorrow!”

After Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, he told his family about it. Hearing that it was so dangerous, the old lady regretted ascending to the God Realm, and said, “If I had known this, it would be better to practice slowly in the Immortal Realm, and there would be no danger. Feifei, send us back to the fairy world!”

“Confused! Do you think there will be a fairy world after the God Realm is gone? Life and death are life and death, and you have earned it after living for so long.” His father, Gu Fengchi, was very appreciative, and he was not worried at all.

The father-in-law, the great lord, even smiled freely, “My father-in-law is right, we have lived for so long, and even now we are dead, we still earn money.”

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