Innate Treasure Swallowing Heaven Pot

Sage Swallowing Heaven did not directly bombard the formation, he first checked how the formation was arranged in this realm.

After a few breaths, Sage Swallowing Heaven was a little surprised. This was the top defensive formation he had seen in the God Realm, almost reaching the level of the holy formation, but he didn’t care, even the holy formation was not destroyed by him. However, it just takes a little more time.

When Sage Swallowing Heaven checked the big formation of the realm, many god emperors had already noticed his arrival, and immediately came to the great formation of the realm, ready to deal with his bombardment. Once he smashed the great formation of the realm, everyone was ready Give him a thunderous blow, and then escape here in a teleportation array.

Swallowing Saint circulated his whole body’s energy, raised his hand and punched towards the big formation in the boundary area, the surrounding space was impacted by his energy, and exploded inch by inch, countless cracks appeared in the void, boom! With a loud bang, a huge force blasted at the barrier of the big formation in the realm.

The formation pattern of the boundary formation suddenly flickered, and the flickering speed was several times faster than when the elders of the god emperor bombarded the formation. , shrinking a circle, it can be seen that the bombardment of the large formation in the realm requires a lot of spiritual energy to be replenished.

Boom! With a bang, after the big formation in the realm was bombarded, it aroused the God-shocking Arrow in the heart of the formation, and the arrow of the God-shocking Arrow blasted on the chest of the Swallowing Saint. Arrow Qi, a hole the size of a bowl, appeared in his chest, transparent from front to back, through the hole he could see the scenery behind him.

Ah… A shrill scream sounded, and the Sage Tuntian never thought that the heart of the big formation in this realm was actually an acquired magic weapon. If he was in his prime, he might still be able to resist it, but this body was taken away by him. The ancestor of the Shelian family is naturally not as strong as his own body.

Sage Tuntian raised his hand and grabbed a handful of elixir and stuffed it into his mouth. He turned around and was about to run away. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he saw Sage Tuntian was injured by the god-shocking arrow. He took advantage of your illness! kill you! Immediately took out a formation flag to open the big formation of the boundary, and dodged to the outside of the big formation, the brake gun in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of spear lights and blasted towards the sage who was about to escape.

“Boom!” There was another loud noise, and as soon as the Sage Swallowing Heaven turned around, he felt a huge blade light blasting towards the back of his head. He quickly flashed his head, and the Braking Spear hit his left shoulder, and an arm was instantly crushed. Boom shattered, half of the bones of his body were shattered, and the Sage Tuntian was shocked again, he felt that his soul was almost sucked out.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the blow was successful, and he raised his hand and punched the remaining half of the Tiantian Saint’s body. As soon as the fist was thrown out, the Tiantian Saint felt a huge destructive dao rhyme bombarding him, and he was shocked. This is the Dao Yun of the Great Destruction Technique. How could there be a sage of destruction here? At this time, he didn’t care that the Heaven-Tuning Pot would be taken away, so he raised his hand and grabbed the Tian-Tuning Pot to block his back.

Boom! The Heaven Swallowing Sage felt his bones were shattered, and opened his mouth to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Fortunately, the Swallowing Heaven Pot blocked the bombardment of the Dao Yun of the Great Destruction Technique and saved his life. Now there is only one thought in his mind, run away quickly, he raised his hand to grab Xiang Tun Tian Hu, but caught nothing. After sweeping with his spiritual sense, he saw that the Tun Tian Pot had been held by a young monk, and then the Tun Tian Pot disappeared in the young monk’s hands.

Not good, the Heaven Swallowing Saint was even more shocked, this young monk was able to take away his Tianshun Pot, that is, this young monk got the Tianshen Pot Heart, unfortunately now he is seriously injured, otherwise he would definitely kill this young monk , Grab the swallowing pot.

Although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to run for his life now. The young monk was holding the Godly Spear. If he didn’t run away, his soul might be swept away by the Godly Spear.

Gu Xiangfei put away the Heaven-Tuning Pot, and naturally he would not let him go. The Brahma Spear in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights and blasted at the Sage Tuntian.

Emperor Kanli saw that Gu Xiangfei had seriously injured the Heaven-Tuning Saint, and he was overjoyed. He immediately rushed out of the boundary formation with more than twenty god emperors, and all the magic weapons in their hands were blasted at the Heaven-Tuning Saint.

“Boom… ah…” There was another shrill scream, and Saint Tuntian was bombarded by more than 20 acquired magic weapons of god emperors, coupled with Gu Xiangfei’s brake gun, directly smashed his body, Yuan Yuan Just as Shenli’s body was about to fly away, puff! With a bang, the brake spear nailed his soul.

The Sage Swallowing Heaven felt that his soul was being sucked away by the Brahman Spear little by little, and his primordial spirit was getting weaker and weaker. If other magic weapons pinned his primordial spirit, he could still escape with the magic weapon. The nail-headed seven-arrow book is an innate magic weapon designed to destroy the soul, and there is no way to escape it. Gu Xiangfei’s brake spear nailed the soul of the sage who swallowed the sky, and he raised his hands and continuously typed complicated hand formulas.

God emperors who knew his details, such as Emperor Kanli and Vice President Tiansen, saw that Gu Xiangfei wanted to open the world of Swallowing Saints, and they all had some expectations in their eyes. God emperors who didn’t know him all looked at him blankly , Elder Gu, what is this going to do?After a few breaths, I heard, click! With a soft sound, the Sage Swallowing Heaven only cared about protecting his primordial spirit, and wanted to find a chance to escape. As long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, there are many top-level Dao fruits in his world to restore the primordial spirit, and there are also a lot of cultivation resources, which cannot be used After several million years, he could cultivate to the holy realm again.

At this time, he suddenly felt a familiar breath coming, which was clearly his own breath, and then saw his own world, which was actually opened by this young monk. At this moment, he suddenly lost all thoughts, his own world They were all opened up, and all hope was shattered.

“Oh my God, what did I see? Brother Gu actually opened up a world of holy people? Is it true?”

“What? Opened the world of the strong in the Holy Realm?”

“It really opened up the world of the strong in the Holy Realm!”

Those god emperor elders only now understand what Gu Xiangfei is doing, good guy, he actually opened up the world of the strong in the holy realm. It takes a heaven-defying cultivation and a deep and clear understanding of the rules of heaven and earth to open the holy realm The world of the strong.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and swiped away the things in the world of the Tuntian Saint. He saw countless top-grade divine veins, thousands of Dao fruit trees, countless jade boxes, and mountains of sacred stones. Let’s talk about the Sage Swallowing Heaven.

He raised his hand to sacrifice the galaxy, and turned the soul of Sage Swallowing Heaven into nothingness. From then on, there was no Sage Swallowing Sage in the Sacred Realm who was a strong man in the holy realm.

“Thank you for your help, there are many good things in the world of Sage Tuntian, let’s find a place to check it!” Gu Xiangfei put away the brake gun, raised his hand and moved Xinghe into his purple mansion, and cleaned up Tuntian Saint, he was overjoyed, and got another innate treasure.

All the gods and emperors saw that he had opened up a world of the powerful in the holy realm, and heard that Gu Xiangfei meant to share the resources of the powerful in the holy realm with them. Everyone was overjoyed. There must be a lot of good things in the world of the powerful in the holy realm , Although they didn’t see anything in the world of the strong in the holy realm, they could also imagine how there were so few good things.

Going back to the main hall of Zhenshen City Lord’s Mansion, there are twenty-seven god emperors here. Gu Xiangfei has already seen the world of Sage Swallowing Heaven. There are more than 18,000 top-grade divine veins, more than 3,000 Dao fruit trees, and countless top-grade god stones. There are hundreds of billions, not to mention hundreds of jade boxes, which have not been opened yet. I don’t know how many planets this Swallowing Saint has searched to get so many resources.

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