: The World of the Heaven Swallowing Sage

Each god emperor gets ten top-grade god spirit veins and one billion top-grade god stones. These things are just a drop in the bucket of the many resources of Swallowing Saint. Many god emperors get these things, and everyone is overjoyed. Although they know that Gu Xiangfei still has a lot of resources, But they are all satisfied with so many resources they can share.

“Thank you, brother Gu, haha…” Many god emperors clasped their fists to thank Gu Xiangfei, and then laughed excitedly. If other monks saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock. It is an unheard of thing through the ages.

Especially the seven god emperors who escaped from the Eastern God Realm, they did not expect to be able to share so many resources. Although the purpose of their action at the beginning was to avenge the monks in the Eastern God Realm, they did not think about allocating anything. Killing the Heaven Swallowing Saint is the best result.

Now, not only has he killed the Heaven Swallowing Saint, but he has also obtained many of his resources, and everyone is happy.

Some of the god emperors took out god tea, and everyone sat in the hall, drinking tea and chatting about the big formation in this realm.

“Then, is this large formation in the realm torn down now, or is it just set up like this?” A god emperor asked this question.

When everyone heard this, they all thought that now that the strong man in the holy realm had been bombarded and killed, this large formation in the realm was useless, and it should be dismantled.

“It can’t be dismantled. Since this big formation has been set up, let it stand here! Maybe it will be useful in the future, and now that the eastern and southern gods have disappeared, this big formation is equivalent to the Five Elements universe. A barrier, if monks from the outer universe want to enter the five-element universe in the future, they must pass through the boundary formation, so that we can manage foreign monks.” The words of Emperor Kanli made other god emperors nod their heads. Domain formations cannot be dismantled.

“What are fellow daoists talking about? I just heard that the Boundary Formation is going to be demolished? Why was it demolished just after it was set up?” Vice President Tiansen came into the main hall from outside.

“You came back at the right time. We just killed Patriarch Lian today. The biggest credit is the heart of the big formation in the realm. The god-shocking arrow arranged by Brother Gu blasted Patriarch Lian’s chest… …” Seeing him coming in, Emperor Nie Dan quickly told Vice President Tiansen what happened today.

“Okay! Don’t worry about it this time. Although the Eastern God Realm and the Southern God Realm are shattered, we can go to the Brahma Universe to grab a few planets and place them in the Southern God Realm and Eastern God Realm. Our Five Elements universe will not be missing. , otherwise without these two divine domains, the rules of heaven and earth in our five-element universe will not be perfect, and it will be very difficult for us to prove the holy realm.” Vice President Tiansen heard that the ancestor of the Lian family had been killed, and called He said yes, but he had more things to think about, and he soon thought of how to perfect the Five Elements Universe.

Here are the god emperors who escaped from the Eastern God Realm. When they heard what Vice President Tiansen said, they were all excited. Now that they have the top-grade divine veins in their hands, they can completely cultivate a few ordinary planets into cultivators. The fusion of planets and the Central God Realm is expected to soon allow the Eastern God Realm and the Southern God Realm to grow up, perfecting the heaven and earth rules of the Five Elements universe.”Vice President Tiansen has a long-term consideration, so let’s go to the Brahma Universe now and grab a few planets here, but now the Brahma Universe is occupied by monks from the Extreme Night Universe, and the territory we control is only a few in the Manji God Realm.” If you want to snatch the planet, you must go to war with them.” God Emperor He Tian of the Eastern God Realm looked very excited, he was more anxious than anyone else to restore the Eastern God Realm as soon as possible, even if he started a war with the monks of the Extreme Night Universe.

“In fact, there is no need to start a war. We can bring the monks from the polar night universe to the Eastern God Realm. They have nowhere to go now, and they practice the same wherever they are. Although the rules of the world are different, they can be converted after a long time. , Didn’t they not get used to it when they first went to the Brahma Universe? Now they are not practicing as usual.” Elder Li Shi has been to the Brahma Universe, and he knows it very well.

“Brother Gu, you don’t need to go this time. You need to take care of this large formation. By the way, hand over the large formation to the deacons I brought over. After they are familiar with how to use it, we will almost return. When the time comes, we will go back to the academy together.” Vice President Tiansen thought very carefully, Gu Xiangfei led the arrangement of this boundary formation, and as for how to maintain and use it, no one knows better than him.

Gu Xiangfei just needed time to integrate the Tuntian Pot, so he agreed immediately. After the other god emperor elders discussed it, so as not to have long nights and dreams, they decided to set off immediately.

After more than 20 god emperors left, Gu Xiangfei became the biggest person in power here in Zhenshen City. The deacons and stewards of more than 100 colleges brought by Vice President Tiansen all acted according to Gu Xiangfei’s instructions.

Gu Xiangfei first found an experienced deacon, Deacon Liang, among the group of deacons and stewards, and asked him to lead the other deacons and stewards to be responsible for the big and small affairs of Zhenshen City. Small matters are his own decisions, and major ones can be handled by himself. , I entered the star bead and merged with the swallowing pot.

The heart of the swallowing pot has been refined by him, he took out the swallowing pot and the heart, the heart of the swallowing pot, whoosh! It entered the inside of the Heaven Swallowing Pot with a single breath, and after a few breaths, countless colorful rays of light flashed, and a Swallowing Sky Pot the size of a palm floated in the air.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, and the Heaven-Tuning Pot fell into his hand in a flash. His consciousness scanned the inside of the Tian-Tian Pot, and found that there were two planets revolving inside. Every time it rotated, the two planets would shrink a little. Apparently, this is the Heaven-Tuning Pot melting the planets. It turns out that the Sage Tuntian just took away two planets, and the Tian-Tuning Pot can’t melt the planets without a heart.

Now that Gu Xiangfei has fused the Heaven-Swallowing Pot and the Heart of the Pot together, the Tian-Swallowing Pot and the Heart of the Pot form one body, the power of the innate treasure is revealed, and the planet inside the pot begins to melt.

He hastened to control the swallowing pot to stop melting the planets, and prepared to place these two planets in their original positions in the Southern God Realm, so that the Southern God Realm could be quickly established.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the Heaven-Tuning Pot turned into a white light and entered his Purple Mansion to warm up. Gu Xiangfei checked the location of the Tian-Tuning Pot, and found that it was side by side with Xinghe in the Purple Mansion and under the Qiankun Cauldron. Although it is also an innate treasure, it is obviously There is no higher level of Qiankun Ding.

After leaving the Star Orb, I found Deacon Liang, “Deacon Liang, come with me to the Boundary Array. I will tell you what needs to be paid attention to in this Boundary Array. From now on, you may be fully responsible here.”

Deacon Liang was overjoyed. Although this Zhenshen City is not big, there are many monks here, and the land of this Zhenshen City has been snatched up by these monks. They have started to build commercial buildings, other rest houses, pill pavilions, The Fulu Pavilion was built very quickly, and it could open to welcome guests within a day or two.

After Gu Xiangfei took him to familiarize himself with the use of the big array for a few days, he returned to the City Lord’s Mansion and gave the main hall to Deacon Liang to deal with the affairs of Zhenshen City. He found a cave behind the main hall and began to tidy up. Items in the world of Tiansage.

First put the top-grade divine veins into the star beads, and throw the top-grade divine veins in the original star beads into your own world. Several Dao fruit trees absorbed the divine energy emitted by the top-grade divine veins, and immediately began to grow continuously. The golden-winged roc sleeping on the Jianmu tree was awakened by Jianmu’s growth. It absorbed the breath of the top-grade divine vein, and even broke through several small realms one after another.

The Jianmu tree and several other Dao fruit trees have grown several feet taller. The Dao fruit on the Dao fruit tree is close to maturity, exuding an aura of early maturity. It is estimated that it will mature in a few years, and he can use these Dao fruits to comprehend Magical powers.

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