: Flame Flag from the Ground

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and typed a few complicated moves. Lian Tingsheng watched helplessly as his world was torn apart, and watched as the things in his world were swept away, and then saw the other two god emperors of the family His world was torn apart, the contents inside were swept away, and then cremated to ashes by this cultivator of the Godly Realm of Xuantian College.

Even when Lian Tingsheng saw this, he was only amazed at Gu Xiangfei’s strength, and he didn’t have much fear in his heart. What he thought was that in the future, the children of the family would not be able to avenge them unless they cultivated to the holy state, because this monk in the divine state is too powerful.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know what he was thinking, and he didn’t care what he was thinking. He raised his hand and grabbed a drop of Lian Tingsheng’s heart blood. This drop of blood was suspended in mid-air.

“Ask to kill with a drop of blood? No! You can’t do this, or I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go.” Lian Tingsheng saw that Gu Xiangfei kept making complicated moves, which were all printed on the drop of blood, Suddenly remembered an ancient supernatural power, asking to kill with a drop of blood! As long as people who are related to him by blood, no matter how far away they are, they will be wiped out by the blood-dropping supernatural power.

“You can’t even be a ghost, let alone go to reincarnation. I avenge the murdered monks of the two gods. I have a clear conscience. Now let’s listen to the screams of your family’s children!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and clapped his hands. After shattering this drop of blood, Lian Tingsheng saw the blood in his heart turn into hundreds of red blood lights and disappeared into the void instantly. He vaguely heard the screams of his disciples before they died. It turned into blood mist and exploded, and the Lian family no longer existed in the God Realm.

The supernatural power of asking to kill by dripping blood is just a small supernatural power in the Great Transformation Technique. The supernatural power of the great transfiguration technique contains nine small supernatural powers, and asking to kill by dripping blood is just one of them. This supernatural power is most suitable for extinct families, like Gu Xiangfei Those who do not know how to use this supernatural power, now that the Lian family has successfully angered him, they simply wiped out the family.

Put away the brake gun, raised his hand and fired a flame that reduced the monks of the Lian family to ashes. Gu Xiangfei raised his leg and entered the big formation, and opened the big formation casually.

Deacon Liang saw that Gu Xiangfei used the void strangle formation to kill all the monks of the Lian family in less than a quarter of an hour. Among them, the worlds of three god emperors were also torn apart by him. He felt extremely sorry for Gu Xiangfei, the elder of the academy I admire him, no wonder he became an elder of the academy, it really is extraordinary.

“Okay, go get busy! Don’t bother me if you have nothing to do.” Gu Xiangfei sent Deacon Liang away, and went back to the cave mansion next to the City Lord’s Mansion. More than one hundred top-grade divine veins, more than three billion divine stones, hundreds of ninth-level divine fruits, nine jade boxes, and a pile of jade slips of exercises.

These things are no longer so exciting to Gu Xiangfei. After seeing the things in the world of Sage Swallowing Heaven, he no longer cares about the items of these god emperors, but is only interested in these jade boxes.

After opening the jade box, he saw a piece of Void Flame Essence, two unnamed Dao Fruits, some top-level materials, and one of the jade boxes contained an array flag. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed and exclaimed, “Flame flag from the ground!”

He has read the ancient legends of the earth that the chaotic green lotus could not bear the pressure of opening the sky, and after being broken, it turned into many innate treasures. , into ten innate treasures.

Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, Eastern Qinglian Baose Banner, Southern Lidiyan Banner, Western Plain Cloud Border Banner, Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner, Qiankun Ding, Twelve-Print Lotus Terrace, Hetu Luoshu, Qibao Miaoshu , life and death thin.

This off-the-ground flame flag is one of the ten innate treasures.

Although Gu Xiangfei doesn’t believe in these legends, some of the innate treasures he obtained are close to the items in the ancient legends of the earth. Now he sees a flame flag from the ground. He doesn’t care about the legends, and he will refine it first.

These innate treasures are all restricted by one hundred and eight restrictions. He has experience in refining innate treasures several times, and immediately entered the star bead. Attract other innate treasures to cast.

He spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the regular kung fu began to refine the Flame Banner. With the operation of the kung fu, he quickly found the first restriction on the Flame Banner and was easily refined by him .

After refining the first prohibition, Gu Xiangfei discovered that the Lian Tingsheng hadn’t refined the Flame Flag, and suddenly remembered that the Lian family had lost some treasures, and chased and killed others everywhere. , this treasure may be the Lidi Yanguang Flag. It is estimated that the ancestors of the Lian family did not expect it to be stolen by Lian Tingsheng. He sent someone to hunt down that monk.

But in the end, he took advantage of himself by running so far to the boundary formation to send him the Lidi Flame Flag, no! Is there any treasure in the ring of the ancestor of the Lian family? In other words, the ring of the ancestor of the Lian family is a treasure. Gu Xiangfei thought of these monks of the Lian family, why did they ask for the ring of their ancestor? No matter what, let’s refine this off-the-ground flame flag first.

Ten days later,Gu Xiangfei refined this flame flag from the ground, raised his hand and waved the flame flag from the ground, it turned into a ray of light and entered his purple mansion to warm up.

Lifted his legs out of the star bead, and came outside the cave. After the spiritual sense swept over, the whole Zhenshen City was very lively. The small city that could accommodate a million people now has 20 to 30 million monks. There are monks everywhere in the city, which seriously affects The functioning of the city was under control. Although there were deacons and stewards maintaining order in the city, from time to time monks would quarrel because of collisions, and then fight violently. For a while, Zhenshen City, which was originally small, was in chaos.

Deacon Liang, as the chief deacon of Zhenshen City, ordered the deacons and stewards under his command that once they found someone fighting, they would kill them on the spot, no matter who they were. Even so, some monks couldn’t help but strike.

When Gu Xiangfei saw this situation, he didn’t take any action. As long as there was no large-scale fighting, he would not take action. There are so many monks, collisions are inevitable, and it is normal for the two sides to fight.

His consciousness swept across the boundary formation again, and found that monks were boarding the huge spaceship of Qihe God Venerable, apparently to start flying across the endless sea. Now that there is a boundary transmission array, it is no longer A giant spaceship is needed to carry them, the elders of the academy, and the Qihe God Venerable will also go back to communicate.

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