High Rules Planet

A message talisman suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xiangfei, and he raised his hand to shatter the message talisman, “Nephew Gu, Yunjie has ascended to the God Realm, and now he is transforming his divine essence in the Holy Sword Sect.”

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard his uncle’s voice, Gu Yunjie had ascended, and he should ascend to the God Realm after some time, but he couldn’t pick him up yet, and he didn’t have a realm teleportation talisman, so he had to wait for Emperor Kanli and the others to come back. Bar!

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others came to the Brahma Universe. In the Manji God Realm, there are two resource-rich planets occupied by the Five Elements Universe. The other planets were plundered by them and they all gave up. Now they have been taken by the monks of the Extreme Night Universe. occupied.

More than 20 god emperor elders did not need to take action, just released the god emperor domain, these monks fled Manji God Realm in a hurry, Emperor Kanli God Formation and Vice President Tiansen imprisoned the three planets of Manji God Realm with formations , ready to be brought to the Five Elements Universe, and placed in the original locations of the Southern God Territory and Eastern God Territory.

After collecting the five planets, Emperor Kanli brought a group of god emperors to another God Realm in the Brahma Universe, the Luoxing God Realm.

This Fallen Star God Realm has many planets, consisting of eight planets. They plan to take away five planets, leaving three God Realms for the Fallen Star God Realm, and there are relatively few monks in this Fallen Star God Realm, mainly because the resources of this God Realm are scarce. The reason is that after being seized by the Manji God Realm, they were all searched, so few monks go to this God Realm now.

The domains of more than 20 god emperors were released, and many monks ran away after feeling the coercion of the huge aura along the way. Kanli Shenzhen Emperor’s artifact spaceship roared past, heading straight for Luoxing God’s Domain.

The speed of collecting planets is very fast, and there is almost no resistance. Some monks feel that their domains have been scared away. The Brahma universe is already in chaos. Once encountering monks with unpredictable cultivation bases, these monks still run for their lives. It’s important, no one will stay here, waiting to see who is coming.

After completing the matter of collecting planets, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others decided to send these planets back to the Five Elements Universe. It is no problem to install a planet in the world of a god emperor, otherwise they would not be so sure to come to Brahma Universe to collect planets.

The seven god emperors of the Eastern God Realm collected one planet each, and the remaining planets, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Vice President Tiansen, were going to collect them. These people have no problem collecting other planets, but only God Emperor Lanling of the Eastern God Realm discovered a problem when collecting a planet in the Luoxing God Realm.

This planet could not be received in his world. Several other god emperors also tried separately, and found that it was indeed an extraordinary planet. These god emperors were all interested in this planet.

Emperor Kanli first took out the formation flag to imprison the planet, and then these god emperors began to look for the reason why the planet could not be collected.

Vice President Tiansen looked at this planet and suddenly remembered that this is Luoxing God’s Domain. Could it be that this planet came from another world? Otherwise, why would this place be called Luoxing God’s Domain? Moreover, the rules of this planet are higher than those of the God Emperor’s world, which is why it cannot be accepted into the world.

Vice President Tiansen thought of this, and immediately took out the precious boundary communication talisman to inspire the old head of Xuantian Academy.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen saw that Vice President Tiansen sent the old dean a boundary communication talisman, and knew that this planet was unusual, so he said to Emperor Lanling, “Fellow Daoist Lanling, go find other planets.” Let’s talk about this planet after the old dean comes over to check it!”

Although God Emperor Lanling knew the mystery of this planet, they still couldn’t detect the secret of this planet with their current cultivation.

Now with the help of the old dean of Xuantian Academy, they should be able to find the secrets of this planet. They are useless here, so let’s collect the planet first!

The God Emperor of the Eastern God Realm collected the planet, and together with several elders from Xuantian Academy, brought the planet back to the Five Elements Universe for placement.

The old dean of Xuantian Academy is now half-step holy, and when he was practicing in seclusion, a messenger talisman stopped in front of him.

After smashing the communication talisman, the voice of Vice President Tiansen came from inside, “Old President, we found a planet in the Luoxing God Realm of the Brahma Universe. This planet has higher rules. It seems that it is not a planet in the God Realm. It is higher than the world of our God Emperor.”

After hearing the message of the communication talisman, the old dean immediately knew that this planet was rightIt was of great help for him to attack the holy land, and he immediately dodged to the teleportation array. When the deacon saw that it was the old dean who was going to ride the teleportation array, he immediately opened the teleportation array restriction and activated the teleportation array.

It took only three days for the old dean to arrive at the Luoxing God Realm in the Brahma Universe, which shows how fast the old dean is and how much he values ​​this planet.

“I’ve seen the old dean.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the elders of Xuantian Academy all bowed when they saw the old dean coming.

“Forget it! Why did you come here to collect the planets?” The old dean saw that the god emperor elders from more than a dozen colleges were here, and he was a little puzzled. Why did these people come here to collect the planets.

“It’s like this. Both the Eastern God Realm and the Southern God Realm of our Five Elements universe were smashed to pieces by a strong man in the holy realm…” Emperor Kanli explained the matter to the old dean in detail.

“There is such a thing? You still killed that strong man in the holy realm? Are there any losses for our people? Where is Elder Gu? Why didn’t you see him?” The old dean was shocked when he heard this, these people are too courageous No, twenty god emperors dare to fight against the strong in the holy realm, even if there is a large formation in the boundary area, it is dangerous enough.

“Elder Gu didn’t come, he was taking care of the big formation, and by the way, he handed over the big formation to the deacons I brought to get familiar with it, and then handed over the big formation to them.” Vice President Tiansen told the nursing home quickly Long, why didn’t Gu Xiangfei come here.

“Hurry up and send a message to Elder Gu. He can open the world of the strong in the holy realm. He must have a way to collect this planet. In the future, this planet will be placed in the void of our college. Everyone can feel the rules of the holy realm on this planet. I just felt the rules of this planet. It must be a planet in the holy world. It should be knocked down by those strong men in the holy world during the holy world war. It happened to land here. Now that we have discovered it, we must take it back. “The old dean has extensive knowledge and knowledge, and he can see the difference of this planet at a glance, but he has no way to take this planet away, so he decided to let Gu Xiang fly over.

The reason why the old dean let Gu Xiangfei come here is because he heard that Gu Xiangfei actually opened the world of the strong in the holy realm. If he can open the world of the strong in the holy realm, he must be familiar with the rules of heaven and earth. The strong man belongs to the ancestor of the Lian clan, but his world is still the world of the holy realm. Gu Xiangfei’s ability to open up his world proves that the exercises he cultivated may be related to the rules.

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