: The Powerful Sky-Swallowing Pot

After Gu Xiangfei received the message from Master Wei Tianyun, he was overjoyed. He was thinking of going to the Northern God Realm to pick up Gu Yunjie after Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others came back. Another message talisman stopped in front of him. After crushing the talisman, the The voice of Vice President Tiansen came, “Brother Gu hastened to Luoxing God Realm in Brahma Universe. There is a planet with high rules here. The old president asked you to take this planet away.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, Brahma Universe actually has a planet with high rules? The old dean let him go, which means that the old dean is also there.

Without hesitation, he immediately sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel, a flash of light flashed, and the Heavenly Dao Wheel disappeared in Zhenshen City.

Three days later, the Heavenly Dao Wheel entered the Brahma Universe and came to the Luoxing God Realm. The speed was so fast that even the old dean looked sideways at it. The same old dean also took three days, but the old dean took the teleportation array to the Western God Realm , only entered the Brahma Universe, and Gu Xiangfei came to the Brahma Universe in three days with only the Heavenly Dao Wheel.

“I’ve met the old dean.” Gu Xiangfei still respects the old dean. Although he has never dealt with him, the old dean is a decisive person. Xuantian Academy first attacked and killed the six elders, and then beheaded thousands of monks they brought in privately without passing the examination.

“Excuse me, Elder Gu, can you see if you can take this planet away? If you can take this planet away, I plan to place it in the void of the academy, so that the elders who have advanced to the late stage of the god emperor can feel the holy spirit on this planet. I think it will be of great help to have the regular atmosphere of the environment.” The old dean raised his hand to stop Gu Xiang from flying, and did not say polite words to him, but directly told him what he was asked to do here.

“Yes, I’ll check it out first!” Gu Xiangfei was not polite. It’s important to deal with business now. He also knew that the old dean didn’t like to engage in these vain rituals, so he came to this planet in Luoxing God’s Domain in a flash.

This planet has been imprisoned by Emperor Kanli with the array flag. Gu Xiangfei runs the regular exercises and assimilates the regular aura of this planet, and finds that the regular aura here is really different from other planets, but it is slightly different from the rules of the Five Elements Universe. It’s just high, it doesn’t help much to realize the holy realm, it’s not as high as the big rock in his ring.

But since the old dean said it, he had no choice but to do so. If he didn’t explain to them now, when they realized that it was of little use, they would naturally find a way to get rid of this planet.

Raise your hand to sacrifice the Tianhu, and throw it into the air, the Tianhu becomes bigger instantly, the planet swishes, and is taken in by the Tianhu, raise your hand and put away the Tianhu, Yukong flew to the old dean Their side said, “Okay, let’s go!”

“What a magic weapon!” The old dean praised. They saw a big pot appearing in the sky, and the planet was taken in by the big pot. Obviously, this was the big pot of the strong man in the holy realm, and he had already taken it away for refining. When they were in the state of gods, where did they have such treasures? Even in the state of gods and emperors, they only possessed an acquired magic weapon. Gu Xiangfei, this big pot, was an innate magic weapon.

When everyone returned to the academy, the old dean personally chose a place, Gu Xiangfei settled the planet, and arranged a large confinement formation with Emperor Kanli and the others.Even if the planet settled in the academy.

Gu Xiangfei went back outside his cave, and when he heard Xiao Yu’s giggles coming from the courtyard, he walked quickly into the courtyard with a smile on his face.

“Father, you’re back, I miss you so much.” When Xiao Yu saw Gu Xiangfei, she ran over in a few steps. Gu Xiangfei squatted down, and Xiao Yu threw herself into his arms, acting coquettishly.

“Mother, are you okay here? It’s all right outside, don’t worry!” Seeing his old lady, Gu Xiangfei knew that she was still worried about that holy man, so he quickly told her to reassure her.

“That’s good, that’s good, I won’t worry about it.” Hearing what he said, my old lady immediately smiled and said yes repeatedly.

Seeing his old lady’s down-to-earth smile, Gu Xiangfei was also very relieved. Now that his parents were by his side, he was also very happy. He hugged Xiaoyu and played with her in the courtyard until dark. Yan Yixue came back to enter the cave.

“Mother, I’m going to practice. Now that Dad is back, I’m going to work hard.” Xiao Yu’s Qianyuan Exercise Art has already been cultivated to the level of the fairy world, and the thunder calamity in the cultivation world has no harm to her at all.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and struck out a restraint, and carried Yan Yixue to their bedroom. The two of them had been apart for so long, and naturally they missed each other very much. The sky thunder stirred the ground and it didn’t end until dawn.

After cleaning their bodies, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. Yan Yixue, who is usually a proud and cold fairy, only showed her feminine tenderness when she was with Gu Xiangfei. No one would have thought that she would be so crazy. Difficult movements will be displayed in front of Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei is very satisfied with the picture scroll given by his mother-in-law. Yan Yixue has mastered all the movements and postures in the picture scroll, and it is even more handy when he performs it without reservation.

“Father, I’m going to cross the robbery.” Xiao Yu’s cry interrupted the gaze of the two of them, and the two hurried out at the same time, and saw that Xiao Yu had arrived at the special location for the college’s crossing the robbery.

“Boom!” Nine thigh-thick thunderbolts landed in arcs and hit Xiaoyu’s young body. Yan Yixue felt nervous, and grabbed Gu Xiangfei’s hand with all her strength, watching Xiaoyu cross the calamity worriedly.

Gu Xiangfei patted Yan Yixue’s hand, signaling her not to worry, but as a mother, Yan Yixue was still very worried about Xiaoyu’s thunderous arc, she had never cared so much about her two sons, she thought boys were rough and thick , even if you are bombarded by thunder, it doesn’t matter.

She is different from Xiao Yu. This daughter who was conceived for hundreds of years is always partial in her heart, wishing to hold her in the palm of her hand every day, and unwilling to bear her being hurt even a little bit.

After Xiaoyu crossed the catastrophe and broke through to the Mahayana stage, before he had time to wash his body, he ran over and threw himself into Gu Xiangfei’s arms.

“Father, I have advanced to the Mahayana stage, and will soon break through to the Earth Immortal of the Immortal Realm.” Xiao Yu’s immature face showed a firm expression.

“Okay! My Xiaoyu is the best, and I believe you can do it.” Gu Xiangfei hugged Xiaoyu in comfort, and encouraged her, and Xiaoyu laughed happily.

“Come here, mother will wash your body.” Yan Yixue raised her hand and made a restraint, washed Xiao Yu’s body, combed her hair again, and changed her clothes.

“Mother, someone here just crossed the catastrophe.” A childish voice sounded.

Gu Xiangfei saw a spaceship fall, and a beautiful fairy came here with a beautiful little girl, apparently also to overcome the catastrophe, Gu Xiangfei did not have the consciousness to check, this would be a taboo in the cultivation world, not to mention that the other party was two girls Xiu, even though that little girl is about the same age as Xiao Yu, he doesn’t know how to use his spiritual sense to check. Those who can come here to overcome the tribulation are all disciples’ family members in Xuantian Academy.

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