Xiao Yu’s Friend

“Two fellow daoists are interrupting you.” The beautiful female cultivator also knew that the people who could survive the catastrophe here were all from Xuantian College. Seeing that the couple also brought a beautiful little girl with them, they started to associate with each other. I mean, so that my daughter will also have a childhood playmate in the future.

“Is this senior sister also taking this beautiful little fairy to cross the catastrophe?” Gu Xiangfei nodded as a greeting. Yan Yixue and she are both female cultivators and mothers, so it is much easier to talk.

“Yes, senior sister and senior brother are also taking the little fairy to cross the catastrophe?” The female cultivator saw that Yan Yixue took the initiative to call senior sister, so she stopped addressing fellow daoists and started addressing senior sister and senior brother.

Xiao Yu and the little girl came together early and started talking to each other. After a while, they became familiar with each other, and the little girl even forgot about crossing the catastrophe.

“My name is Yan Yixue. This is my husband, Gu Xiangfei. What’s your name, Senior Sister?” Yan Yixue first introduced herself to the two of them before asking the female cultivator’s name.

“My name is Chen Muqing, and my daughter’s name is Zhou Shanshan. She is going to cross the catastrophe and break through the void stage. Shanshan, go through the catastrophe! I will talk to Miss Sister later.” Chen Muqing saw her daughter Zhou Shanshan and Xiao Yu talking very happily, and she thought I am also very happy that my daughter will not be lonely if she has a playmate, but she just forgets about business.

Zhou Shanshan heard her mother calling her, and said a few words to Xiao Yu, and hurried to the special location for crossing the catastrophe, raised her hand to sacrifice the armor and shield, and started to use the exercises to welcome the thunder catastrophe.

“Boom!” Zhou Shanshan soon ushered in the thunder disaster. Nine arm-thick thunder arcs landed on Zhou Shanshan, blocked by her shield and armor. Gu Xiangfei saw that Zhou Shanshan was using high-grade defensive artifacts. It can also defend against the Thunder Tribulation Arc in the Void Refining Stage without refining.

An hour later, after Zhou Shanshan absorbed the colorful spirit cloud, she put away her shield and armor, bounced to Xiao Yu’s side, and talked to Xiao Yu again, which shows that she is usually aThe lonely little girl, now that she finally sees a little girl who is about her age, she is naturally reluctant to leave.

“Why don’t Sister Chen take Shanshan to our house to play! I see that Xiaoyu and Shanshan are having a good time, let them play together in the future!” Yan Yixue also wanted to find a companion with Xiaoyu, so she said to Chen Muqing It was the same idea, and I immediately agreed.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the top-grade artifact spaceship, and saw that they had all gone up, so he inspired the spaceship to go to the cave of the branch of Zhendao.

When Chen Muqing saw Gu Xiangfei’s super artifact spaceship, she knew that Gu Xiangfei was definitely not an ordinary college student. Gu Xiangfei wore a green robe at home, and she didn’t know Gu Xiangfei’s identity. She was too embarrassed to ask when they first met.

After a few breaths, the spaceship landed outside the cave mansion of the Zhendao branch. Gu Xiangfei put away the spaceship, and Yan Yixue invited Chen Muqing to the courtyard outside the cave mansion.

“Ouch! My little darling is back, hey! Who is this beautiful little girl?” The mother smiled happily when she saw Xiao Yu’s return. This precious granddaughter held a higher place in her heart than Gu Yunjie and the two brothers. It’s important, who made my mother like her granddaughter!

“Grandma, this is a good friend I just met. Her name is Zhou Shanshan.” Seeing grandma asking her, Xiao Yu quickly pointed to Zhou Shanshan and introduced her to her. She is a good friend since she just met, and she is a good friend.

“Hi, grandma. My name is Zhou Shanshan.” Zhou Shanshan was very sensible. When she heard Xiaoyu’s introduction, she quickly called grandma and said hello. It can be seen that Chen Muqing usually educates her very well.

“Okay, okay, okay! You are about the same age as Xiaoyu, and you just happen to play together, you guys eat the fruit! This is brought from the fairy world.” The old lady was very happy when Zhou Shanshan called her, and took out a jade plate full of fairy fruits , Put it on the stone table in the yard.

Xiao Yu picked up a fairy fruit and handed it to Zhou Shanshan and said, “This fruit is delicious, and it’s not easy to eat in the God Realm. My grandma brought it from the fairy world for me to eat.”

Zhou Shanshan was not too polite, took a bite of the fairy fruit, and it was really delicious. She ran to Chen Muqing with the fairy fruit and said, “Mother, the fruit Xiaoyu gave me is delicious, you should eat it too!”

“Shanshan is so good, mother won’t eat it, you can eat it!” Chen Muqing praised Zhou Shanshan, and only talked to Yan Yixue when she saw her turn around to play with Xiaoyu.

After Gu Xiangfei came back, he didn’t enter the courtyard, so he went directly to Emperor Kanli. The emperor Kanli has been practicing on the high-rule planet he got back these days. He wanted to ask Emperor Kanli if he had anything perception.

In the main hall of the Zhendao branch, there are several divine formation masters and several deacons of the Zhendao branch, who are reporting the affairs of the Zhendao branch to Emperor Kanli.

Kanli God Formation Emperor Kanli Gu Xiangfei came in, nodded to him, and motioned him to sit down and drink tea first, and continue to listen to their report.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about these trifles. He closed his six consciousnesses, concentrated on drinking the Jingkong Zizhuleaf tea he made, and purified his sea of ​​consciousness by the way.

“Brother Gu, brother Gu.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen called him twice, but before he answered, he knew that he had closed his six senses, so he sent a voice transmission to him.

Gu Xiangfei unlocked his six senses only after hearing the sound transmission from Emperor Kanli, and found that there were only the two of them left in the hall, and the master and deacon had already left.

“This tea is good, even better than the tea made from my pure lotus leaves.” Emperor Kanli admired Gu Xiangfei’s divine tea while drinking it.

“I don’t have much left now, I’ll give this jade box to you! I’ll give it to you after it’s refined.” Gu Xiangfei knew what he was thinking when he saw Emperor Kanli keep saying that his tea was good , without waiting for him to ask for it, took out a jade box and handed it to him.

Emperor Kanli took the jade box happily, and said, “It’s a joy to talk to smart people, haha…”

“Brother Kanli, how did you feel when you went to the high-rule planet these few days?” Gu Xiangfei wanted to confirm whether his guess was correct, and there might be accidents.

“How should I put it, in the first two days, I felt that the rules there were indeed higher than the rules of the Five Elements Universe. Go, wait a while and ask him if there is any change, anyway, I will not go.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen has a very clear understanding of the formation, he compared the formation with the high-rule planet, and felt that he If neither his cultivation base nor his formation skills improved, he lost confidence.

After listening to Emperor Kanli’s explanation, Gu Xiangfei knew that it might be similar to what he had guessed. When this high-rule planet first landed in the Brahma Universe, the rules must have been very high, but as time passed, the high-rule planet was being destroyed by Brahma. The rules of the universe are eroded and slowly eroded through, and the high-rule planet loses its function and evolves into an ordinary planet in the Brahma universe.

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