Planetary Change

Xiaoyu and Zhou Shanshan quickly became good friends. Chen Muqing and Yan Yixue chatted very happily, and they really wanted to see each other later.

Yan Yixue also found out the details of Chen Muqing. She is the daughter-in-law of Elder Zhou of the academy, Zhou Shanshan is his granddaughter, and Elder Zhou’s son Zhou Jiancheng is a seventh-level artifact king of the Qi Dao branch. The college is pretty good too.

Chen Muqing’s cultivation is at the Divine King Realm, which happens to be the same as Yan Yixue’s, but Yan Yixue will break through to the Divine King Realm soon.

Chen Muqing also found out that Gu Xiangfei was actually an elder of the academy, and this was an elder at the same level as her father-in-law. She couldn’t help being very surprised. She thought that Yan Yixue, like herself, was honored by her father-in-law. elders.When the two women and two children were having fun, Vice President Tiansen and several elders came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave.

“Sister and sister, isn’t Brother Gu here?” Vice President Tiansen saw Yan Yixue in the courtyard. He didn’t know Chen Muqing, but some of the elders who came with him knew Chen Muqing, and this person was Elder Zhou.

“The vice president is here. He’s gone to the Zhendao branch. I’ll call him.” Yan Yixue was about to take out the communication beads after finishing speaking.

“No need, let’s go to Kanli to find him!” Vice President Tiansen waved his hand, signaling that she doesn’t have to bother.

“Uncle Tiansen, Uncle Qiao Tian…” Xiao Yu shouted when he saw some of the elders he knew.

“Ah! Xiao Yu is so good. She has broken through to the Mahayana stage. Keep working hard. This is a gift from Uncle.” Seeing Xiao Yu and Zhou Shanshan playing together, several elders took out some delicious divine fruits and put them in the stone table.

“Thank you, Uncle.” Xiao Yu happily looked at a large pile of god fruit on the stone table, thanked her, and wanted to pull Zhou Shanshan to eat the fruit.

“Grandpa.” Zhou Shanshan saw that Elder Zhou was also there, and ran to Elder Zhou.

“Is Shanshan playing here too?” Elder Zhou was overjoyed when he saw that his granddaughter was here. He picked up Zhou Shanshan, and he and Gu Xiangfei went to set up a big formation in the realm before they knew each other. Shenshi, seeing how powerful Gu Xiangfei is, he also wants to make friends with Gu Xiangfei, but he and Gu Xiangfei have little contact, and there is no excuse. Now seeing his granddaughter playing with Xiao Yu, this is a bridge to make friends with Gu Xiangfei! Naturally, I was overjoyed, I didn’t expect that I would be honored by my granddaughter.

Chen Muqing saw that some elders at the same level as her father-in-law actually called Gu Xiangfei his younger brother, and Xiaoyu knew them all too. Judging by their attitudes towards Xiaoyu, she didn’t know that Gu Xiangfei must have a high status in the academy, so she was very upset. Shock.

Elder Zhou nodded to Chen Muqing, motioned her not to make a sound, put down Zhou Shanshan and said, “Let’s play with Xiaoyu here! Grandpa has something else to do.”

After Vice President Tiansen and the others left, Chen Muqing came back to her senses and said, “I didn’t expect Elder Gu to have such a high status in the college, and the Vice President came to look for him in person.”

“My husband is the elder of the Zhendao branch, and Vice President Tiansen also belongs to the Zhendao branch, so they are familiar with it, so it’s okay.” Yan Yixue explained to Chen Muqing very casually.

Vice President Tiansen and the others came to the main hall of the Zhendao branch, and saw Gu Xiangfei and Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, drinking and chatting with the spirit tea. The taste of the spirit tea made the sea of ​​consciousness much clearer after smelling it. .

“Brother Gu and Mr. Kanli had a great time talking. Let me take out the spirit tea first, and let the old man taste it.” Vice President Tiansen was not polite to them either, and wanted to drink tea after sitting down.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and a cup of divine tea appeared in front of each elder.

“Good tea, haha…” Vice President Tiansen and a few elders picked up their teacups, took a sip of the god tea made from clear purple bamboo leaves, and couldn’t stop praising them.

“Old man Tiansen, do you come here to drink tea?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen saw that they drank tea, so he wanted to drink less. Naturally, he was unhappy with them and spoke less politely.

“We’re here to find Brother Gu, that high-rule planet has added a few more rules since yesterday, and these extra rules have space rules, and there are a few other rules, so let Gu Xiangfei go over and have a look.” Vice President Tiansen’s words surprised Gu Xiangfei. Could there be hidden rules on this planet? Definitely going to check it out.

“There is still such a thing? If so, wouldn’t this high-rule planet be much more useful? This is a bit different from reality! Is there another secret?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen wanted to ask Gu Xiangfei He just said that this high-rule planet is useless, but now it has changed, so he is also a little confused.

“Since this is the case, let’s go and have a look. I don’t know if the old dean is still there?” Gu Xiangfei knew that after the planet was settled, the old dean has been studying on this planet, hoping to use this high-rule planet to break through. sanctuary.

“The old dean is still enlightening, and we didn’t bother him. Now go over and ask the old dean how he feels?” Vice-principal Tiansen drank the divine tea in one gulp, stood up and prepared to leave.

The other elders also drank the god tea, felt the purified sea of ​​consciousness, and then left the hall. Gu Xiangfei and Emperor Kanli Shenzhen saw that the elders had left and followed them.

This planet is placed above a corner of the academy, and almost half of the academy is occupied by this planet, which is only one-fifth of the planet, and the remaining four-fifths are all outside Xuantian Academy.

The planet was imprisoned by the formation, and a large defensive formation was set up, leaving an exit on the side of the academy. Only the people of the academy can enter and exit this planet. If other monks want to enter this planet, they must break the defensive formation. It can only be entered from the academy, and the monks outside probably don’t dare to break through the defense array of this planet.

Vice President Tiansen and his team came to the entrance of this planet, which is also the location of the exit. A small teleportation array is arranged at this location, which can be directly teleported to the central area of ​​the planet, and only in the central area of ​​the planet can one realize The rules of this planet.

Seeing a group of elders approaching, the guard disciple quickly bowed and opened the restriction to let them enter the teleportation array. A white light flashed, and Vice President Tiansen and his group were teleported to the center of the planet.

Gu XiangfeiAs soon as it landed, I felt that there were a few more rules here, such as space rules, the Dao Rhyme of Destruction, the Dao Rhyme of Thunder, and the Dao Rhyme of Time. It can be seen that this planet has experienced the battles of these people, and then left some Dao Rhymes.

“I’ll take a look around first.” Gu Xiangfei greeted Vice President Tiansen, then turned and walked in one direction.

Vice President Tiansen and the others just wanted to comprehend these kinds of rules, no matter where he went, they each found a place to sit cross-legged and comprehend.

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