: Attack of the Giant Palm

After Gu Xiangfei gave the ring to his uncle, he didn’t stay here either. He took Gu Yunjie and uncle Wei Tianyun to say goodbye, and returned to Xuantian Academy in the teleportation array.

Gu Yunjie went to greet the four old people first, and then met with his mother Yan Yixue. The whole family happily drank toasts and ate spirit fruits together.

Suddenly, a huge terrifying coercion descended from the sky, and a huge palm was slapped, and it was about to be slapped on the planet of Xuantian Academy. The monks below will be crushed.

Gu Xiangfei was shocked, he quickly raised his hand and put all his family members into the star bead, and then entered the star bead himself, turning the star bead into a grain of sand, his consciousness swept outside through the star bead, and saw The monks in Xuantian Academy exploded to death one after another, turning into blood mist.

“How courageous!” With a loud roar, Gu Xiangfei heard that the voice came from the old dean’s mouth. Seeing the old dean leaping up with his spiritual sense, he also raised his hand and stretched out a giant palm. Booming together, he suddenly felt a pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, quickly withdrew his consciousness, and let the star beads keep rolling, not knowing where they fell.

“Feifei, what happened just now? I was scared to death.” The old lady was suppressed by the terrifying and coercive atmosphere just now and couldn’t move. After Gu Xiangfei received the star beads, she regained her freedom.

“I don’t know, I guess it might be that the strong man in the holy realm wants to kill the old dean, and he doesn’t want him to advance to the holy realm!” Gu Xiangfei also roughly guessed, otherwise, how could there be a giant palm suddenly falling from the sky.

The star bead didn’t know where it was going to go, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t dare to use his consciousness to check it again. The two giant palms clashed just now, and his consciousness was broken at once. Thanks to his strong sea of ​​consciousness, although he was not injured, but It’s also uncomfortable, if other monks, the aftermath of the heavy blow just now, probably the sea of ​​consciousness will collapse.

The spirit energy in the star bead is very strong. Except for Xiaoyu who couldn’t absorb the cultivation, everyone else found a place and sat cross-legged to practice.

Xiaoyu went to play with the golden-winged roc again, and after everyone left, Gu Xiangfei spit out a mouthful of black blood, took out the re-knowledge pill and swallowed it, and used the kung fu to repair the damaged sea of ​​consciousness, his sea of ​​consciousness was still a little damaged , It’s just that he doesn’t want his family to worry.

After a few weeks of operation, the Fushi Pill repaired the damaged sea of ​​consciousness. Gu Xiangfei felt a cool breath coming from the sea of ​​consciousness. He groaned comfortably and opened his eyes.

He used his spiritual sense to look through the star bead again, and cautiously stretched out a trace of his divine sense to detect that the star bead had stopped, but the surroundings were dark, and he knew that the star bead was buried underground. have no idea.

Slowly let go of the spiritual consciousness, stretched out, and saw the scene on the ground, Xuantian Academy is now horrible, the huge Xuantian Academy is now less than one-fifth of the original, and the rest of the place is a piece of land. The mess, the cave, and the main hall were almost shattered by the aftermath, and Gu Xiangfei’s cave was the one that suffered the heaviest loss.

The caves and halls here are almost all razed to the ground, and there are deep ravines everywhere. Some god fruit trees have also been reduced to debris, and the high-order planet above has disappeared.

Gu Xiangfei used an escape technique to escape from the ground several feet deep. The family members should stay inside the star beads for the time being, as the outside is not suitable for them now.

He let go of his spiritual sense and scanned the entire Xuantian Academy, and found that out of the millions of disciples here, there are almost only a few thousand left, and these people are bleeding from all seven orifices, and they are obviously injured. Gu Xiangfei guessed that it might be because of the distance between these disciples. Those who were far away were injured by the aftermath, and those at close range were almost crushed, and even some elders could not be seen.

After slowly sweeping through his consciousness, he saw that the bodies of a dozen or so elders who had been cultivating on the high-rule planet were all smashed to pieces by the aftermath. With one heavy blow, they were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, and the damage to their bodies would soon recover, but if they were not treated now, their souls might have to leave their bodies.

Gu Xiang Fei ShanGoing to the side of Emperor Kanli, he took out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth, then went to treat Vice President Tiansen, and then gave the remaining thirteen god emperors all the pills, Gu Xiangfei’s healing The elixirs are special elixirs, and these god emperors mainly suffered severe damage to their sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise they would not be unconscious.

After taking Fushi Pill and Healing Pill, these god emperors woke up within a few breaths. Seeing their damaged bodies, they immediately took out the treasures of heaven and earth from their own world and swallowed them. The body was quickly repaired, and the arms and thighs grew back. The skin was still tender at first, but soon it was exactly the same as the original skin. People who didn’t know it couldn’t tell that these were the regrown limbs.

“Brother Gu, thank you very much, Elder Gu, thank you for saving your life.” After the dozen or so god emperors recovered, they all stood up and bowed to Gu Xiangfei to thank him for saving their lives.

“Brothers, let’s set up the big array of the academy now! Otherwise, we won’t be able to defend ourselves against some youngsters taking advantage of the chaos to enter the academy and rob us.” Gu Xiangfei watched the entire Xuantian Academy being destroyed like a pile of ruins , This is a very difficult thing to sort out.

After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and everyone were stunned by the scene before them. They knew that the academy must have suffered a lot this time, but they didn’t expect it to be so serious. Almost the entire Xuantian Academy was destroyed. Destroyed, Elder Zhou let out a mournful cry, and disappeared in a flash. Everyone saw that the direction in which he disappeared was exactly the location of his cave.

Vice President Tiansen sighed and said, “Brother Kanli, let’s maintain the academy’s defensive array first! If we are here for a day, the academy cannot be destroyed.”

Emperor Kanli also had a sad expression on his face at this time, and said to Gu Xiangfei, “Brother Gu, let’s go! Now there are only two of us in the Zhendao branch, alas…”

More than a dozen god emperor elders survived, thanks to the old dean desperately blocking the terrifying giant palm, otherwise the entire Xuantian God Realm would have been smashed, and they would have been smashed to pieces. Now they don’t know that the old dean was injured Where did he escape to, but the giant palm was not photographed, otherwise the Five Elements Universe would be over.

Gu Xiangfei and Emperor Kanli came to the defensive formation of the academy. After scanning with their spiritual sense, they found that the damage to the base of the formation was not serious, but it was affected by the terror pressure. Play a role.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei checking the base of the array, Emperor Kanli asked, “Brother Gu, is Xiaoyu okay?” Seeing that there was not much sadness on Gu Xiangfei’s face, he guessed that Xiaoyu might be protected by him, otherwise he wouldn’t Ask, so as not to cause Gu Xiangfei’s sadness.

“It’s okay, originally Xiaoyu was going to cross the robbery, but someone was crossing the robbery at the location of the crossing robbery, so we went outside to cross the robbery, the family members were worried about her, so they all followed. I didn’t expect to escape the catastrophe. “

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