: Academy Disaster

When Emperor Kanli Shenzhen heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, he couldn’t help being very surprised. No wonder Gu Xiangfei didn’t have much sadness on his face. It turned out that his family didn’t lose a single one. He also thought that his family cared about Xiao Yu very much, so he definitely went to see her together. Crossing the catastrophe, and protecting her by the way, unexpectedly escaped the catastrophe.

“That’s good, that’s good, it’s really God’s blessing! But I’m afraid the old dean is in danger, the holy man chased the old dean into the void, I hope the old dean can escape this holy land The pursuit of the strong.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen told Gu Xiangfei what he saw at the time.

“Then why did the strong man in the holy realm kill the old dean? Did he not allow the old dean to enter the holy realm before he was killed?” Gu Xiangfei raised his own doubts.

“Well, I guess the old dean is about to step into the holy realm. His aura spread to the holy realm, and it happened that a strong man in the holy realm sensed it, so he wanted to destroy this monk who was about to step into the holy realm. In the future, there will be few people in the holy realm An opponent.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen expressed his conjecture.

“This holy world is too overbearing! Only they are allowed to become holy, and others are killed when they become holy. What kind of reason is this? His planet will also be smashed to pieces, so that they can also taste the taste of being destroyed.” Gu Xiangfei was furious and said indignantly.

“We can only endure the world of the weak and the strong for the time being. In the eyes of these powerful people in the holy realm, we are like ants. Who cares about our life and death. Only when we are strong can we protect our own planet.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen With a sigh, he dug out the damaged formation foundation, refined the formation foundation again, carved the formation pattern, and then drove it into the ground.

Gu Xiangfei also started to get busy. Fortunately, the news that Xuantian Academy was smashed has not yet spread. The main reason is that no one dares to stay within the tens of thousands of miles around Xuantian Academy. The surveillance array saw that none of the monks was willing to be watched by others, so naturally there would be no monks staying, otherwise there would definitely be monks coming to check now.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered the treasure house of the college. There are many good things there. I don’t know if they were smashed or not.

After sweeping his consciousness, he saw that the three peak elders guarding the treasury were all on the ground, apparently also injured by the aftermath. Since the college’s treasury was underground and protected by several top-level defensive formations, it was not affected. A trace of damage.

“Brother Kanli, you are busy first, I will save people.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei flashed to the location of the treasure house, and escaped into the underground treasure house.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming, the three elders at the top of the god emperor all showed serious expressions on their faces. Now their bones are broken, their meridians are broken, and their sea of ​​consciousness is severely damaged. If Gu Xiangfei wants to kill himLadies and gentlemen, don’t be too simple, that’s why when they saw Gu Xiangfei coming, they showed a dignified look. They didn’t know if Gu Xiangfei came here to snatch the treasure house, or if he had other purposes.

Gu Xiangfei smiled. He would not do something like taking advantage of the fire, not to mention that the academy treated him well. He took out a few pills and stuffed them into the mouths of the three god emperor elders, and said, “Hurry up and heal your wounds!”

The three god emperor elders glanced at him gratefully. Under such circumstances, someone came to rescue them, and Gu Xiangfei’s character was immediately raised to the highest level.

The elixir melted at the entrance, and the three god emperor elders found that their bones and meridians were recovering, and the sea of ​​consciousness injured by the aftermath was also recovering. The three of them were overjoyed that Gu Xiangfei actually had the elixir for repairing the sea of ​​consciousness. I have never seen it, and I have never heard of it in the God Realm. Someone can refine the elixir that repairs the sea of ​​consciousness. How heaven-defying this elixir is, they naturally understand its preciousness.

After a stick of incense, the injuries of the three god emperor elders were completely healed, and the severely damaged Sea of ​​Consciousness was restored as before, faintly stronger than before.

“Thank you fellow Taoist for saving your life.” The three god emperor elders bowed to Gu Xiangfei, thanking him for the elixir for restoring the sea of ​​consciousness.

“You three fellow Taoists are welcome. Now that you have recovered, let’s go out and help maintain the order of the college! There are not many people surviving outside, and it is the time when people are needed.” Gu Xiangfei bowed back and told them Case.

The three god emperor peak elders naturally understood that now that the academy has been hit hard, there must be some panic outside, and they immediately used escapism to come to the ground. Seeing the tragic scene of the academy, they also looked sad, and quickly devoted themselves to maintaining the academy , and by the way, search for the disciples and deacons who have not fallen.

Someone found out that Xuantian Academy was severely injured, and the news spread quickly. The god emperors of the four great gods of the five elements universe inquired about the news one after another. It was destroyed, and there was no way to teleport it.

Only in Chaotian City, which is the closest to Xuantian Academy, two god emperors came to check, but when they came, they found that the college’s defensive formation had been activated, and the guards at the entrance of the college turned out to be two god emperors, which scared them With a jump, it was obvious that Xuantian Academy had no disciples to guard after being severely injured, and those who survived must be elders in the realm of god emperors.

“What’s the matter with you two fellow Taoists?” When the two god emperor guards saw a monk coming, they naturally understood what they were here for.

“We heard that the academy was damaged, so we came here to check. Does it need to be built by hand?” After the two god emperors informed them of their visit, they waited for the two guard god emperors to reply to them.

“Thank you two friends for your kindness. Although our college has suffered some losses, we can still recover quickly. Please leave here, you two! By the way, tell the monks in Chaotian City not to come again, so as not to cause misunderstandings and be killed.” One of the guarding god emperors waved his hand to signal them to leave quickly.

The two god emperors of Chaotian City clasped their fists at the two guardian god emperors, turned and left. Since Xuantian Academy is guarded by god emperors, others must not be allowed to enter. They just guessed the situation of the academy and left with doubts.

After the Xuantian Academy’s defensive array was set up, there was no need to worry about foreign monks entering at will, and began to search for survivors. Eighteen god emperor elders kept searching with their spiritual senses, and soon found some disciples who were cultivating in the secret room and deacons.

Almost all of these people have suffered damage to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, their bones and meridians are all broken, and Gu Xiangfei doesn’t have so many Reconception Pills. Fortunately, he has a lot of healing elixir. The divine fruit of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then refining the elixir for repairing the sea of ​​consciousness, to cure them.

Of Xuantian Academy’s millions of disciples and deacons, stewards, and elders, only tens of thousands survived this time. These surviving disciples are almost all practicing in secret rooms, wandering outside, or performing missions The disciples, almost all of them were crushed by the terrifying pressure, turned into blood mist and exploded.

The children’s plaza of the academy was filled with blood mist. These children couldn’t bear the terrifying pressure, and their bodies were crushed immediately, and their bodies could not be found.

Elder Zhou didn’t find his own protective artifact in the Children’s Square. This protective artifact was specially refined for his granddaughter. There was an attack magic power left on it to prevent his granddaughter from being injured by thunder when he crossed the tribulation, and also to prevent someone from bombarding him. When killing the granddaughter, this attacking supernatural power can blast and kill the sneak attacker.

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