Rebuilding the Academy

The two guarding god emperor elders saw five giant spaceships flying in the distance. After scanning with their spiritual sense, they saw that the giant spaceship belonged to Xuantian Academy, and there were six god emperor elders leading the team on the spaceship.

Five giant spaceships landed on the dilapidated square outside Xuantian Academy. Six god emperors got off the spaceship first. Seeing that the academy square was turned into ruins, they were shocked. Who would dare to bombard Xuantian Academy? ? You must know that Xuantian Academy is the number one force in the Five Elements Universe, who is so bold as to dare to fight here.

“Hey! You two, is this… Elder Li… Elder Li Shi, Elder Qiao Tian! How come…” The God Emperor who got off the spaceship saw that the academy square was shattered, and all his attention was on checking the square , didn’t pay attention to the guarding disciple, and asked casually, but immediately saw that the guarding disciple turned out to be two god emperor elders, he was shocked, did something big happen to the academy? Why are the guards replaced by god emperors?

“You guys came back just in time, hurry up and help! The college was attacked by a strong man in the Holy Realm, and there are no disciples and deacons inside. By the way, I sent a few disciples to guard the gate, and we are going in to help.” Elder Li Shi looked to schoolThere are still hundreds of thousands of disciples in the academy, and I am overjoyed. These disciples have entered the secret realm for several years to search for resources. Now that the resources in the secret realm have been searched, they only come back, which can be regarded as inadvertently preserving the strength of the academy.

After these god emperor elders entered the academy, they were even more shocked when they saw the damage inside the academy was more serious. The destructive power of this holy man was too great, so they quickly assigned disciples and deacons to start rebuilding the academy.

Chen Muqing and Elder Zhou’s son, Zhou Zhengshan and his wife, brought their daughter Zhou Shanshan to cross the catastrophe. Seeing that there were monks crossing the catastrophe, Chen Muqing wanted to go outside to cross the catastrophe, so she took Zhou Shanshan to play outside.

Since Chen Muqing got acquainted with Yan Yixue and returned to her cave, she told Zhou Zhengshan that Gu Xiangfei took his daughter Xiaoyu and often went out to play, and complained that he didn’t care about his daughter. Zhou Zhengshan was complained by Chen Muqing for a while, so he decided to Taking her daughter Zhou Shanshan to play, Zhou Shanshan jumped up and down happily, she saw Xiao Yu often acting like a baby in Gu Xiangfei’s arms, she was very envious of Xiao Yu having a good father, her own father practiced every day, and never took her out to play , Now that I heard my father make a promise, I am naturally very happy.

After Zhou Shanshan crossed the catastrophe and broke through to the Dao stage, the family of three sacrificed the spaceship to play. Zhou Shanshan was very happy along the way, and she was able to have her father with her like Xiao Yu.

Elder Zhou didn’t find the protective artifact he gave to his granddaughter, and he scanned the entire Xuantian Academy with his divine sense, but he didn’t find any fragments of his own protective artifact. Inside the Sky Academy.

Of course he hoped so in his heart, and he searched carefully with his spiritual sense, but he still didn’t find his protective artifact, not even the fragments. You must know that the bombardment of the strong in the holy realm, even if his protective artifact can’t stop the holy The bombardment of the powerful people in the realm will also produce artifact fragments after being bombarded. Now that even the artifact fragments have not been found, he has more hopes.

The three god emperor peak elders have a high status in the academy, and even the old dean respects them very much. As soon as they appeared in the academy, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Vice President Tiansen bowed to them, Fortunately, these three god emperor elders were not smashed to pieces. With the three of them, Xuantian Academy is like having a sea-fixing needle, and no force dares to challenge the bottom line of Xuantian Academy.

The disciples and deacons who were rescued from the ruins recovered quickly after taking the elixir, but the damage to the sea of ​​consciousness cannot be recovered in a year or two, unless there is a divine fruit and elixir to restore the sea of ​​consciousness .

After the disciples who went to search for the secret realm came back, the construction progress in the academy was much faster, but within ten days, the entire Xuantian Academy took on a new look, and everything returned to its original state, but there were a lot fewer disciples and deacons in the academy, and some familiar faces Never to be seen again.

The principal hall of Xuantian Academy was also rebuilt. There are now twenty-four god emperors in the hall, and the three god emperor peak elders sitting at the top are the three god emperor elders who guard the treasure house.

“The college cannot be left alone for a day. After our discussion, we decided to let Tiansen be the dean, Gu Xiangfei be the deputy dean, and the deans of the four major branches of the Pill Artifact Array are fortunately still there. The rest of the fellow Taoists will all be promoted to elders. Level, according to the rules of the college, elders can promote some disciples to be deacons, stewards, and assist in the management of the college’s affairs, and I will leave it to you here, and we will go back to protect it.” One of the elders of the three great god emperor peak elders said After that, the three got up and left, walking out of the hall.

Everyone bowed and saluted each other off, and invited Tiansen to sit as the dean, Gu Xiangfei to sit at the bottom, and everyone sat down separately.

“The academy suffered such a catastrophe. We lost many relatives, friends, and outstanding disciples. For the sake of the academy’s development and strength, I decided to recruit disciples in five years. Do you have any opinions?” Dean Tiansen sat down , put forward a plan to recruit disciples.

Due to the heavy loss of the academy, everyone also wanted to increase the strength of the academy quickly. Naturally, they had no objection and agreed to start recruiting disciples. After discussion, everyone promoted some deacons and stewards.

“I suggest that the alchemy branch can refine more star emperor pills. There are more than a dozen monks at the peak of the gods in the college. If these gods are allowed to break through to the gods, the strength of our college will be greatly improved. Promote.” Elder Li Shi suggested.

“Okay, I’ll trouble Brother Gu for help with this matter.” Dean Tiansen thinks Elder Li Shi’s proposal is good. After all, the more monks in the academy, the better. Originally, there were nearly a hundred god emperors, but now there are less than three left. Ten, almost three quarters lost.

The bald dean was dealing with college affairs in the dean’s hall at the time. Together with the several elders and deacons in the hall, they were also overwhelmed by the terrifying and coercive aura at the same time, and they didn’t even have time to run.

Gu Xiangfei and Emperor Nie Dan came to the main hall of the Alchemy Branch. Now there are only the two of them in the Alchemy Branch. Emperor Nie Dan has not had time to promote the deacon, and now he is the only one left in the Alchemy Branch.

“Brother Gu, this time I was able to survive this catastrophe, thanks to Brother Gu’s life-saving grace! The refinement of Star Emperor Pill will trouble Brother Gu.” Emperor Nie Dan said and took out a ring and handed it to him. They are all kinds of nine-level divine fruit for refining Star Emperor Pill.

“Brother Nie, don’t be polite anymore. We are old friends. Can I just ignore this? Don’t mention this matter again.” Gu Xiangfei took the ring and casually stopped Emperor Nie from thanking him again.

“Haha, the few of us were also lucky. We went to find brother Gu that day, and then went to that planet. Thanks to the old dean who tried his best to protect us, and brother Gu’s elixir to save us, we were able to grow up.Hard to die. “Emperor Nie Dan didn’t listen to Gu Xiangfei at all, he still said what he wanted to say, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable in his heart.

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