: Yulin Chamber of Commerce’s Plan

After a few breaths, three god emperors fell from the sky. The domain of the god emperors has not been restrained. It is obvious that the other party is very arrogant and does not take them seriously.

“What are you fellow daoists doing here? Xuantian Academy is here to do something, and if you have nothing to do, please leave.” Emperor Kanli saw the three god emperors on the other side, so he had no choice but to be polite before fighting, and to be patient for the time being. The god emperor elders were all busy and didn’t follow, otherwise he wouldn’t be so talkative.

“It turned out to be from Xuantian Academy. We heard that there is a secret realm here, so please leave and give us this secret realm. If you don’t let it go!” A middle-aged god emperor among the three god emperors asked for the secret realm. He didn’t take Xuantian Academy seriously at all.

When the other two god emperors landed, they had separated their positions and surrounded them faintly. It was obvious that they would not let them go even if the secret realm was given to them, and they were about to kill them to silence them.

“Haha… Old man Kanli, as a God Formation Emperor, has never been threatened by anyone. If you don’t allow the secret realm today, what can you do?” Hook, and at the same time his god emperor domain let go, blasting together with the three god emperor domains.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, the four divine emperor domains slammed together, and Emperor Kanli flew thousands of feet backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Obviously this time the domains clashed, and he suffered a dark loss.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and sacrificed the Heaven Swallowing Pot to block the aftermath of the bombardment from the God Emperor’s Domain. His void pattern has been drawn, and he can use the void strangle formation to bombard and kill the three God Emperors.

Now that his cultivation is only in the mid-stage of God Venerable, he naturally understands that he can’t beat the God Emperor, and he doesn’t want to take the risk to fight head-on. Even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory. Why risk his life to fight against them head-on!

The three god emperors were overjoyed when they saw that Kanli God Formation Emperor was blown away by the domain alone, with a relaxed expression on their faces, one God Formation Emperor and one God Venerable, this is simply meat on the chopping board, they can be slaughtered at will .

“Brother Gu, let’s go, I’ll stop them.” Emperor Kanli swallowed a elixir, said while urging the Hate Hook in his hand, rolled up tens of thousands of hooks and blasted at the three god emperors.

“Want to leave? Don’t even think about leaving today. Your Xuantian Academy is over. Now there are only more than 20 god emperors. Our Yulin Merchant League has more than 50 god emperors. Now our Yulin Merchant League will replace you Xuantian.” Academy, become the biggest force in the Five Elements universe, haha…” The three god emperors laughed at the same time, apparently already thinking that they had won the battle, and ignored them.

“Really? Then your Yulin Merchant League is waiting to be destroyed by our Xuantian College! But it’s a pity that you can’t see it, haha…” Gu Xiangfei laughed and activated the void strangle formation.

“Not good! This is a void strangle formation, quickly protect the vital points and wait for the opportunityBlast through this formation. “The three god emperors suddenly saw tens of thousands of void blades blasting towards them, and they were frightened. It turned out that a void strangling array had been set up here, but unfortunately they had never seen the void strangling array, otherwise they would not have been killed by the void strangling array. trapped.

“Haha…Brother Gu is really powerful. Let me see how you three will kill us this time.” Emperor Kanli was overjoyed when he saw that they were trapped by the void strangulation formation, and stood outside the strangulation formation, watching The void blade light continuously bombarded the three arrogant god emperors, laughing happily.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the God-braking Spear, pierced through the void, and blasted at the forehead of a god emperor. The God-Shark Spear nailed his primordial spirit, raised his hand and tore apart his world, taking away all the items in his world , and then burnt to ashes.

Then they did the same thing, tearing apart the remaining two god emperor worlds, taking away the items in their worlds, and turning them into ashes with another fire.

In less than half an hour, the three god emperors were killed by Gu Xiangfei.

Emperor Kanli stared blankly at Gu Xiangfei’s movements. Brother Gu is getting more and more proficient at tearing apart other people’s worlds. Is this also practice makes perfect?

“Brother Kanli, send a message to the college! Let them send some disciples to collect this secret realm! There are some mid-level god grass and mid-level ore in it, these things are useless to me.” Gu Xiangfei cleaned up three Yulin Chamber of Commerce The God Emperor, looking at Kanli who was still in a daze, called out to him.

“Brother Gu is mighty! My brother admires you. Although your cultivation is only in the state of God, but with the void strangle formation, beheading the god emperor is as easy as drinking water.” Emperor Kanli was awakened by Gu Xiangfei’s voice, repeatedly He praised him endlessly, and then took out the messenger talisman to trigger it.

Gu Xiangfei sat down cross-legged and checked the items of the three god emperors. He first took out three acquired magic weapons, and said to Emperor Kanli, “Brother Kanli, which one do you like? Choose whatever you want!”

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen looked at the three acquired magic weapons, and happily took them over for inspection.

Gu Xiangfei gathered the divine veins and divine stones of the three god emperors together, eleven high-grade divine veins, more than five billion divine stones, not many pills and ores, hundreds of divine fruits, several jade boxes containing several A dao fruit is obviously very valuable, but Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know these dao fruits, anyway, he can’t refine the dao pill now, so he throws it in a corner of the star bead.

“I want this!” Emperor Kanli held a simple and beautiful oil lamp, and threw the remaining two acquired magic weapons to him.

Gu Xiangfei put away the two Houtian magic weapons, one is a sword, and the other is a sky net. He doesn’t like these things, they are not easy to use, so he casually throws them into the ring.

After Emperor Kanli sent out the message, he sat down cross-legged to refine the oil lamp.

A messenger talisman suddenly appeared in front of Gu Xiangfei. Gu Xiangfei was taken aback, then raised his hand and shattered the message talisman, “Brother Gu, you have to be careful, the Yulin Chamber of Commerce has decided to attack your Xuantian Academy.”

God Venerable Qihe’s voice came from the summoning talisman. It sounded very anxious. He might have sent it out looking for an opportunity, and it ended in a few words.

Gu Xiangfei beheaded the three god emperors and already knew that their Yulin Business League was going to attack Xuantian College. Although it was a little late for the Qihe god to send a message, he was still very grateful to the Qihe god for being able to risk being discovered. He sent a message, explaining that the Qihe God was not optimistic about the Yulin Business League’s decision to attack Xuantian College this time, and he wanted to leave the Yulin Business League.

Now that we know the plan of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce, Xuantian College must take precautions. First of all, we must control the giant spaceship of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce. This giant spaceship can hold hundreds of thousands of monks at a time, and the Yulin Chamber of Commerce has six such ships. If the giant spaceship attacks Xuantian Academy, it can bring over one or two million monks at a time, which is several times more than the current disciples of Xuantian Academy. I also heard from the three god emperors that there are more than 50 god emperors in the Yulin Merchant League. Whether it is a high-level monk or a low-level monk, the Yulin Business League is now completely crushing Xuantian College, so they dare to attack Xuantian College. As long as Xuantian College is destroyed, their Yulin Business League will become the most powerful force in the Five Elements Universe.

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