The Yulin Merchant Alliance strikes

Xuantian Academy received a message from Emperor Kanli, and quickly sent 30,000 disciples, led by a god emperor, followed by several deacons of the god realm. Now Xuantian Academy does not have enough god emperors, so they had to send The deacon of the gods has come to make up the number.

This elder God Emperor is Elder Li Shi. We are all acquaintances. After meeting, we don’t have so many formalities. They directly send disciples into the secret realm, and a few of them guard these disciples outside.

“What? The Yulin Business League is going to attack our Xuantian Academy?” After Elder Li Shi sat down, Emperor Kanli told him about the three god emperors of the Yulin Business League who came here to attack and kill them.

“These three god emperors said it themselves. Maybe they also felt that they had a chance to win at the time, so they uttered wild words and exposed their news. However, they were all killed by brother Gu’s void strangle formation.” Emperor Kanli said again Tell him what happened.

“Then we have to report to the dean and make defensive preparations in advance, no! We should control their giant spaceship first, otherwise they can come over one or two million monks at a time.” Elder Li Shi also first thought of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce. The giant spaceship, as long as their giant spaceship is under control, it will not be so easy for the Yulin Chamber of Commerce to come here.

“I have already sent a message to the dean, and the dean has also sent the elders of the god emperor to destroy their giant spaceship. After we have searched this secret realm, we will return to the academy immediately and prepare to fight!” Emperor Kanli knew that the academy’s this time After heavy damage, there will definitely be alliances who will jump out and thinkReplacing Xuantian Academy, I didn’t expect Yulin Chamber of Commerce to be the first to jump out. It seems that the academy’s previous attack on these merchant alliances was too small. Once something happened to the academy, they would jump out.

A few deacons of deities stood aside, and when they heard Emperor Kanli say that the three god emperors of the Yulin Merchant League were killed by Gu Xiangfei’s Void Strangling Formation, they all admired him very much, and everyone was equally a deity As a monk, there is a reason why he can be the vice-principal.

Five days later, this small secret realm was raided. Gu Xiangfei and Emperor Kanli also followed Elder Li Shi and the others. The journey was also for their safety. After all, many forces are secretly trying to deal with Xuantian Academy.

It’s only two days’ journey from this small secret place to the academy, and Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness kept sweeping back and forth along the way. Once he found that a god emperor was attacking them, he would immediately set up a void strangulation formation to bombard the invading enemy.

Fortunately, the journey was relatively smooth. Gu Xiangfei didn’t feel relieved until he entered Xuantian College. They didn’t know that Dean Tiansen had sent more than a dozen god emperors to find the giant spaceship of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce. Now they smashed three A huge spaceship, the monks of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce and the spaceship were bombarded and killed, and there was no time to intercept and attack them.

The god emperor elders of Xuantian College smashed the three giant spaceships with lightning speed, and immediately evacuated the scene. When the god emperor of Yulin Business League came out to look for them, they were attacked and killed several God Emperor, the Yulin Merchant League suffered heavy losses this time, so they immediately retracted the monks of the Merchant League so as not to be defeated by them one by one.

The god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy, seeing that the Yulin Chamber of Commerce was heavily guarded and unable to sneak attack, immediately returned to the academy to avoid being surrounded by the Yulin Chamber of Commerce and suffering unnecessary losses.

Gu Xiangfei returned to Xuantian Academy, and was sent to strengthen the academy’s defensive formations, set up a boundary teleportation formation, a lot of things, he was so busy that he rarely went back to the cave every day.

The Yulin Merchant League suffered heavy losses this time, but their god emperors did not lose much. Now there are still forty-three god emperors, more than 200 monks in the god-level realm, and more than 500 monks in the god-king realm.

The headquarters of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce is in Yulin City in the east of the Xuantian Divine Realm, ten days away from Xuantian College.

When the Eastern God Territory and the Southern God Territory were destroyed by the ancestors of the Lian family, the business alliances ran very fast and did not send anyone to resist the ancestors of the Lian family, so their losses were so small that they could be ignored.

This time, the Yulin Merchant League was attacked by the god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy, so that they didn’t know how to leak the news. Xuantian Academy actually acted first and smashed three giant spaceships that were ready to go.

After the three god emperors who attacked Kanli Shenzhen Emperor never came back, they guessed that they might have leaked the news, and the leader Shao Qianyue was furious when he learned that they hadn’t come back. The guy who has revealed more than enough must have leaked the secret because he felt that he was sure to kill Kanli Shenzhen Emperor.

In the main hall of the Yulin Merchant League, sitting at the top is the leader Shao Qianyue. He is a late god emperor and has led the Yulin Merchant League for hundreds of thousands of years. He has the absolute right to speak in the merchant alliance.

“We were suddenly attacked by Xuantian Academy this time. Although there were some losses, fortunately, it was not a big one. Now our alliance still has three giant spaceships, and all the personnel are in place, so I decided to start the attack on Xuantian Academy and destroy Xuantian. Academy, snatch their secret realm, our Yulin Business Alliance will be the largest force in the Five Elements universe in the future, let’s go!” Shao Qianyue gave an order, 600,000 monks, 40 god emperors boarded a giant spaceship, and headed for Xuantian God Realm. The central location, Xuantian Academy came.

All the various formations in Xuantian Academy have been arranged, and the defensive formation of the academy has also been strengthened several times. Gu Xiangfei used the Houtian magic weapon Zhanyue Sword, which he snatched from the God Emperor of the Yulin Merchant League, as the center of the formation to form a large offensive and defensive formation. .

As soon as the Yulin Chamber of Commerce’s giant spaceship entered the area of ​​Xuantian College, it was discovered by Xuantian College’s monitoring formation. This time, the Yulin Chamber of Commerce attacked Xuantian College with great fanfare, and did not intend to hide the sneak attack. They planned to fight against Xuantian Academy. A head-to-head battle in the academy.

Shao Qianyue, the leader of the Yulin Merchant League, also knows the virtues of the monks of the Merchant League. These people can fight with the wind, but if they are allowed to do sneak attacks, they might hide aside or even flee the battlefield.

That’s why this time it was decided to let the monks of the alliance attack collectively, let these monks who only know how to enjoy themselves and don’t want to contribute, fight hard, and clean up a group of alliance moths by the way.

Three giant spaceships stand side by side outside Xuantian Academy, with six spirit stone cannons protruding from each spaceship, and the eighteen spirit stone cannons of the three giant spaceships. Dozens of monks of the stone cannon immediately filled the groove with the god stone, and only waited for the leader’s order to fire the cannon.

This kind of spirit stone cannon is suitable for bombarding fixed targets like defensive formations. After adding the god stone, it is very powerful. Basically, after a round of spirit stone cannon, these defensive formations will be bombarded, but it is not so easy to bombard monks. , The monks can dodge flexibly, and it is not easy to lock the target. This is why the Yulin Chamber of Commerce dared to attack Xuantian College.

After Gu Xiangfei saw the spirit stone cannon, he was startled. It seems that the Yulin Merchant League came prepared this time, and the spirit stone cannon was ready.

He hastily took out the formation flag again, continuously entered the defensive formation, and then entered the ground-lifting flame flag next to the Houtian magic weapon Zhanyuejian to increase the counterattack of Zhanyuejian.

The god emperor elders and disciples of Xuantian Academy were shocked when they saw the barrel-thick cannon aimed at the college gate. Some disciples were so frightened that they turned around and tried to escape.

“Boom!” The disciple who had just escaped was smashed to pieces by the God Emperor behind him, “Those who retreat without reason and flee will be killed.”

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